Vocab 8

Garrulous (adj.)

very talkative, gabby

Verbose/ Loquacious (adj.)

wordy; long-winded

Succinct (adj.)

concise; short and to-the-point

Laconic (adj.)

describing a person who uses few words, esp. mysteriously, bluntly, or rudely

Taciturn (adj.)

describing a person who is silent by nature

Reticent (adj.)

shy; reluctant to speak or act; reserved

Impetuous/ Impulsive/ Rash (adj.)

acting upon one's immediate feelings without regards to consequences

Impromptu (adj.)

unrehearsed; spontaneous; quickly improvised

Respite (n.)

a rest from a task or an ordeal

Hiatus (n.)

literally, a physical gap or break in continuity; often used as a synonym for a "sabbatical" -- a break from one's usual occupation

Moratorium (n.)

a delay or stoppage, often legally authorized

Adjourn (v.)

to end a meeting

Enervated (adj.)

completely exhausted; awfully tired; truly pooped

Vindicate/ Exonerate/ Exculpate/ Absolve (v.)

to prove someone innocent or correct; to free from blame or responsibility, esp. from wrongdoing

Vindictive (adj.)

spiteful; vengeful

Wan (adj.)

pale; anemic; having a pallid complexion

Ephemeral/ Transient/Evanescent/ Fleeting (adj.)

quickly vanishing; temporary; not long-lasting; quickly fading

Addendum/ Post script (n.)

something added to the end of a document

Epilogue (n.)

an afterword; a conclusion to a literary work that usually clarifies events occurring after the action in the work has ended

Coda (n.)

in music or literature, a concluding portion, distinguishable from the main body, serving to summarize or round off composition

Abhorrent/ Despicable (adj.)

ghastly and hateful

Languid (adj.)

weak; listless; slow; lacking energy

Foreboding/ Premonition (n.)

an ominous hint, warning, or sensation

Apprehensive (adj.)
