Lesson 13

holocaust n.

a great or complete destruction of life

embroil v.

to draw into a conflict or fight

anachronism n.

something or someone existing outside of its proper time

denigrate v.

to attack the reputation of; to speak ill of
ant: praise; promote

humane adj.

kind; compassionate
ant: inhumane; cruel

effusive adj.

emotionally excessive; overly demonstrative
ant: reserved; restrained

defunct adj.

no longer in existence

lackey n.

a slavish follower

envisage v.

to form a mental picture

lament v.

to mourn
ant: rejoice

gape v.

to stare with open mouth

impertinent adj.

rude and disrespectful
ant: polite; courteous

haughty adj.

arrogant; proud
ant: humble; shy

nemesis n.

someone or something a person cannot conquer or achieve; a hated enemy
ant: collaborator; friend

lethal adj.

deadly; fatal
ant: harmless