Poetry& Vocab - Midterm & Quiz 3/30/2012


an arrangement of words in verse (with rhythm). It sometimes rhymes, and expresses facts, emotions, or ideas in a style more concentrated, imaginative and powerful than that of ordinary writing (prose).


the repetition of beginning consonant sounds in writing.
For example:
creamy and crunchy
The "cr" consonant sound is found at the beginning of two words.


the repetition of vowel sounds anywhere with words in writing.
For example:
Till the shining scythes went far and wide
And cut it down to dry
The "i" vowel sound is found in several of the above words.

end rhyme

the rhyming of words at the end of several or more lines of poetry, as in the following lines from "Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake

internal rhyme

the rhyming of words within one line of poetry, as in the following lines from "The Ring Spell" by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Three rings for the Elven Kings
The words, "rings" and "kings" rhyme in the above line of poetry.


the repeating of a word or phrase to add rhythm or to focus on an idea


the use of a word whose sound makes you think of its meaning like buzz, tick-tock, swish, pop, or zip.


a division in a poem named for the number of lines it contains.


to stop; to come or bring to an end


advantage / anything that brings helpl, advantage, or profit / money provided by the government to the people / fund-raising public entertainment


A general idea or thought about something.


having substance or material existence / concerned with material things


a condition that accompanies or influences some event or activity / information that should be kept in mind when making a decision


the repetition of consonant sounds anywhere within words not just at the beginning.
For example:
The sailor sings of ropes and things
In ships upon the sea.
The "s" consonantl sound is found in several of the above words.


the arrangement of spoken words alternating stressed and unstressed elements / words arranged in a "beat