Bio 102 chapter 19

Anatomical features of species may not always be useful for determining species relationships because of __________.

convergent evolution

Which among the following is the highest level of classification for organisms?


Pretend that you could put all of the taxonomic categories into a funnel. Which taxonomic categories, representing individual organisms, would trickle out of the bottom of the funnel, one at a time?

genera and species

Which of the following evolutionary lineages comprises eukaryotic organisms that are multicellular?


Which of the following habitats has been shown to have the greatest number of species?

the tropical rain forest

An organism is described to you as a multicellular organism whose cells contain nuclei. In which of the following taxonomic groups would you place it?

It could be either Plantae or Animalia

Which taxonomic group comprises eukaryotic organisms that are typically unicellular?


The more taxonomic categories two organisms share, the more closely related those organisms are in an evolutionary sense. Which scientist's work led to this insight?


Classification categories are arranged into a __________, where each successive category is increasingly narrow and specifies a group whose common ancestor is increasingly recent.


Humans belong to the domain __________.


Do taxonomic classifications change?

Yes, as new information is discovered classifications may change.

Which of the following pairs is the most distantly related?

Archaea and bacteria

This evolutionary tree supports the idea that HIV originated in __________.

apes and monkeys

Which of these scientific names of species is correctly written?

Crotalus horridus (the timber rattlesnake)

The scientific name of an organism is composed of two classification categories, the __________.

genus and species

What is the most inclusive of the major taxonomic categories?


Which of the following criteria could not be used to determine how closely related two types of organisms are?

occurrence of both organisms in the same habitat

A domain is __________.

the broadest taxonomic category, of which there are three

The science of reconstructing evolutionary history is called __________.


How does molecular genetics help us to distinguish and evaluate the degree of evolutionary relatedness among species?

Molecular genetics allows us to compare nucleotide sequences of DNA from the same chromosomal regions from different species.

The phylogenetic species concept stresses __________ as the criterion for assigning individuals to the same species.

recent common ancestry

It is possible to imagine the various levels of taxonomic classification as a kind of "family tree" for an organism. If the kingdom is analogous to the trunk of the tree, which taxonomic category would be analogous to the large limbs coming off that trunk


What is the least inclusive of the major taxonomic categories?


In the following sequence, what is missing from the hierarchy of major taxonomic categories? Please list in order: species, __________, family, __________, class.

genus; order

The correct sequence of the taxonomic hierarchy is __________.

domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species