Science Section 2 & 3

How are organisms classified into domains or kingdoms?

Organisms are classified into domains and kingdoms based on their cell type, their ability to make food, and the number of cells in their bodies.

What are the 3 domains of life?

1. Bacteria
2. Archaea
3. Eukarya

What are 2 domains of Bacteria?

Autotrophs and hetertroph

What is an autotroph?

an organism that can make its own food. Ability to make food.
auto- self

What is a heteotroph?

An organism that cannot make its own food.

What are bacteria?

Cell type and how many cells

What is a prokaryotes?

a unicellular organisms whose cells lack a nucleus.

What is in the Domain Archaea? Why is it unique?

the organisms in this domain live in conditions where other organisms would die, such as salty water, gaseous conditions, and very hot water.

What are some Archaea?

autotrophs and heterotrophs


they are unicellular prokaryotes

In the domain Eukarya?

all eukarya are eukaryotes

What are eukaryotes?

organisms with cells that contain a nucleus.

What are the 4 kingdoms in the domain Eukarya?

1. protists
2. fungi
3. plants
4. animals

What are protists?

any eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as a fungus, plant, or animal
"odds+ends" kingdom
Example: seaweed

What is fungi?

multicellular eukaryotic organisms, except yeast which is unicellular.

What are plants?

great variety of organisms including giant red wood trees to small mosses.

What are animals?

great variety of organisms.

What is classification?

putting things in groups by similarities

What is taxonomy?

the scientific study of how organisms are classified.

Why do biologists classify organisms?

Biologists use classification or organize living things into groups so that the organisms are easier to study.

What is binomial nomenclature?

the naming system for organisms. It is a two part naming system. The 2 parts are called genus and species.

What is genus?

A classification grouping of closely related organisms. It is the first part of an organisms scientific name.

What is species?

A group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce off spring that can also mate and reproduce.

What is an example of Species?

Felis domesticus
/ \
genus species

What is binomial nomenclature format?

-first letter of the first word should be a capital
ex. Felis domesticus

What are the levels of classification?

Species Did KIng Phillip come over for good spaghetti

What are the characteristics of living organisms that are classified as Domain Bacteria?

1.Can be autotrophs or heterotrophs
2. must be prokaryotes
3. are unicellular

What are the characteristics of living organisms that are classified as Domain Archaea?

1. Can be autotrophs or hetereotrophs
2. must be prokaryotes
3. are unicellular

What are the characteristics of living organisms that are classified as Domain Eukarya?

1. Can be autotrophs or heterotrophs
2. must be eukaryotes
3. are multicellular

How are organisms classified into domains or kingdoms?

Organisms are classified into domains and kingdoms based on their cell type, their ability to make food, and the number of cells in their bodies.

What are the 3 domains of life?

1. Bacteria
2. Archaea
3. Eukarya

What are 2 domains of Bacteria?

Autotrophs and hetertroph

What is an autotroph?

an organism that can make its own food. Ability to make food.
auto- self

What is a heteotroph?

An organism that cannot make its own food.

What are bacteria?

Cell type and how many cells

What is a prokaryotes?

a unicellular organisms whose cells lack a nucleus.

What is in the Domain Archaea? Why is it unique?

the organisms in this domain live in conditions where other organisms would die, such as salty water, gaseous conditions, and very hot water.

What are some Archaea?

autotrophs and heterotrophs


they are unicellular prokaryotes

In the domain Eukarya?

all eukarya are eukaryotes

What are eukaryotes?

organisms with cells that contain a nucleus.

What are the 4 kingdoms in the domain Eukarya?

1. protists
2. fungi
3. plants
4. animals

What are protists?

any eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as a fungus, plant, or animal
"odds+ends" kingdom
Example: seaweed

What is fungi?

multicellular eukaryotic organisms, except yeast which is unicellular.

What are plants?

great variety of organisms including giant red wood trees to small mosses.

What are animals?

great variety of organisms.

What is classification?

putting things in groups by similarities

What is taxonomy?

the scientific study of how organisms are classified.

Why do biologists classify organisms?

Biologists use classification or organize living things into groups so that the organisms are easier to study.

What is binomial nomenclature?

the naming system for organisms. It is a two part naming system. The 2 parts are called genus and species.

What is genus?

A classification grouping of closely related organisms. It is the first part of an organisms scientific name.

What is species?

A group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce off spring that can also mate and reproduce.

What is an example of Species?

Felis domesticus
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genus species

What is binomial nomenclature format?


What are the levels of classification?

Species Did KIng Phillip come over for good spaghetti

What are the characteristics of living organisms that are classified as Domain Bacteria?

1.Can be autotrophs or heterotrophs
2. must be prokaryotes
3. are unicellular

What are the characteristics of living organisms that are classified as Domain Archaea?

1. Can be autotrophs or hetereotrophs
2. must be prokaryotes
3. are unicellular

What are the characteristics of living organisms that are classified as Domain Eukarya?

1. Can be autotrophs or heterotrophs
2. must be eukaryotes
3. are multicellular