Q3 test 1 vocab


The basic unit of structure and function in living things


living thing


Made of one cell


Consisting of many cells


Any change or signal in the environment that can make an organism react in someway


an action or change in behavior based on stimulus


is the process of change that occurs during an organisms life to produce a more complex organism


the combination of chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials

asexual reproduction

A reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that is identical to the parent

sexual reproduction

A reproductive process that involves two parents that combines their genetic material to produce a new organism which differs from both parents

spontaneous generation

the mistaken idea that living things could come from non living things

controlled experiment

An experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time


An organism that is able to capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and use it to produce its own food


An organism that cannot make its own food and get food by consuming other living things


The condition in which an organism's internal environment is kept stable in spite of changes in the external environment


the process of grouping things based on their similarities


The scientific study of how living things are classified

binomial nomenclature

The classification system in which each organism is given a unique, two-part scientific name indicating its genus and species


a classification grouping that consists of a number of similar, closely related species.


a group of similar organism that can mate with each other and produce offspring that can also mate and reproduce


unicellular organism whose cells lack a nucleus and some other cell structures


In cells, a large oval organelle that contains the cells genetic material in the form of DNA and controls many of the cells activities


Organism whose cells contain a nucleus


Change over time; the process by which modern organisms how descended from ancient organisms

shared derived characteristic

a characteristic or trait, such as fur, that the common ancestor of a group had and passed on to its descendants

convergent evolution

the process by which unrelated organisms evolve similar characteristics


a tiny, nonliving particle that enters and then reproduces inside a living cell


an organism that benefits by living with, on, or in a host in a parasitism interaction

Branching tree diagram

A diagram that shows probable evolutionary relationships among organisms and the order in which specific characteristics may have evolved


An organism that a parasite lives with, in, or on, and provides a source of energy or suitable environment for the parasite to live


A substance used in a vaccination that consists of pathogens that have been weakened or killed but can still trigger the body to produce chemicals that destroy the pathogens


Single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus; prokaryotes


The thick fluid region of a cell located inside the cell membrane (in prokaryotes) or between the cell membrane and nucleus (in eukaryotes)


A small grain-shaped organelle in the cytoplasm of a cell that produces proteins


A long, whiplike structure that helps a cell to move

Cellular respiration

The process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen

Binary fission

A form of asexual reproduction in which one cell divides, forming two identical cells


A form of sexual reproduction in which a unicellular organisms transfers some of its genetic material to another unicellular organism


A structure produced by prokaryotes, such as bacteria, and unfavorable conditions; a thick wall encloses the DNA and some of the cytoplasm


A process of heating food to a temperature that is high enough to kill most harmful bacteria without changing the taste of the food


An organism that gets energy by breaking down waste and dead organisms, and returns raw materials to the soil and water


A eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as an animal, plant, or fungus


A unicellular, animal-like protist


A "false foot" or temporary bulge of cytoplasm used for feeding and movement in some protozoana

Contractile vacuole

The cell structure that collects extra water from the cytoplasm and then expels it from the cell


Tiny, hair-like projections on the outside of cells that move in a wavelike manner


Plantlike protists


1. A colored chemical compound that absorbs light 2. A colored substance used to color other materials


In bacteria, protests, and fungi, a thick-walled, tiny cell capable of surviving unfavorable conditions and then growing into a new organism


A eukaryotic organism that has cell walls, uses spores to reproduce, and is a heterotroph that feeds by absorbing its food


The branching, threadlike tubes that make up the bodies of multicellular fungi

Fruiting body

The reproductive structure of a fungus that contains many hyphae and produces spores


A form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism grows out of the body of a parent


The combination of a fungus and either an alga or an autotrophic bacterium that live together in a relationship that benefits both organisms