
What color are male parasitic wasps?


What problem do stubby wings make for a male parasitic wasp?

They can't fly

Where are eyes located on a male parasitic wasp?


What color is a female parasitic wasp?


How many wings does a female parasitic wasp have?


How many eggs can a female parasitic wasp lay up to at once?

800 eggs

What are the 7 levels in the animal kingdom?

kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species

What are the two words Carolus Linnaeus to be for the two name system?

Genus and species

Which word is written first and which word is written second?

Genus is written first and species is written second

Which word is capitalized and which word is written lowercase?

Genus is capitalized and species is lowercase

Scientific names are _________ is typed and _____________ when handwritten.

Italicized and underlined

Which word in melittobia digitata is capitalized and which word is lowercase.

Melittobia is capitalized and digitata is lowercase.

Where is a Lumbriculus variegatus habitat?

Shallow water, edges of ponds or marshes in US

What do Lumbriculus variegatus breath through?

Their skin

What kind of motion does a Lumbriculus variegatus swim in?

A corkscrew motion