Exam 1: Illness, disease, and malady

Disease definition

dis-ease, uncomfortable condition of the body that is a departure of state of health with a structural change


Physician and father of english medicine during enlightenment era (practical medicine)

Enlightenment era classification of diseases

-17th century
-observations of patients signs and symptoms of diseases
-nosolgies: discovered in nature and classified
-People were different but the symptoms were the same

18th century classification of diseases

-Same as classifying plants and animals (taxonomy genus and species)
-easily identifiable symptoms

Sauvage classification of diseases

(classification genus and species of diseases)
-injuries, fevers, convulsive, respiratory, debilitation/weaknesses, painful, excess bodily fluids, physically wasting or deprivation

CPT classification of diseases

Coding diseases, new code is a new diseases, a new CPT code has financial implications which makes it super important in the world of medicine (commercial pressure for CPT coding from drug companies to influence diagnoses and treatment)

ICD classification

international classification of diseases; incredible level of detail

Malady (Clouser)

A person has a malady if he has a condition where he is suffering or has increased risk of suffering
-Difference between external and internal; is it due to something else that has the power to make it stop or does it come from within


soundness of body, functions are duly and efficiently discharged (WHO: state of complete physical mental social well being nOT JUST the absence of disease or infirmary)


individual presentation of a malady (nosology of disease: signs and symptoms that a patient might seek help for), doctors see one case/patient at a time = one illness
-unique event, restricted period of time, won't happen again in the same way


the entity is an underlying unifying illectual construct (might not have a close relationship with the thing ausing the symptoms of the illness/particular patient)
-diseases are abstractions and not dealt with individually

Illness vs disease

-thinking only in terms of disease: disease is not reality, cook book medicine (given certain information should spit out a label)
-thinking only about illness error: ignorance of disease doesn't make sense
-diseases used to explain instances of illness (

Diagnosis and prognosis

-Diagnosis: cause of anything (cause and effect), medically the cause of an illness, pin a specific disease term to it
-Prognosis: predicting the likely outcome of an illness, accurate when applied to large statistical populations

Presuppositions (3)

Vary between systems of medicine but basically what the presuppositions are for outcomes and treatments
1. metaphysical (reality), what is the nature of the reality, different cultures look different
2. epistemological (knowledge): how you gain knowledge

Biostatistically theory of disease (boorse)

Diseases are value neutral, the difference between normal and abnormal is an arbitrary statistical problem (cutoffs on normal curve), there is this notion that you want to avoid disease (dis-ease)

Medicalization of society

more and more things are being related to disease or require medical attention

Four kinds of values for any diseased state

1. functional values: what ideas of activity a functioning immune system is characteristic of an organism
2. aesthetic: the way you look
3. instrumental values: classification and rules for treatment, sick role (minimize harm maximize benefit)
4. ethical

Morbidity indicators

(different types of concerns) From themselves, others, and doctors
-the 'sick role' your social status or position changed because you assume this role, exempt from normal obligations