Common stem changing verbs


to close

yo cierro

I close

t� cierras

you close

�l/ella/ustd. cierra

he/she closes

ellos/ellas/ustdes. cierran

they/you all close

nosotros cerramos

we all close


to understand

yo entiendo

I understand

t� entiendes

you understand

�l/ella/ustd. entiende

he/she understands

ellos/ellas/ustdes. entienden

they/you all understand

nosotros entendemos

we all understand


to think

yo pienso

I think

t� piensas

you think

�l/ella/ustd. piensa

he/she thinks

ellos/ellas/ustdes. piensan

they/ you all think

nosotros pensamos

we all think


to lose; to miss

yo pierdo

I lose; miss

t� pierdes

you lose; miss

�l/ella/ustd. pierde

he/she loses; misses

ellos/ellas/ustdes. pierden

they/ you all lose; miss

nosotros perdemos

we all lose; miss


to have lunch

yo almuerzo

I have lunch

t� almuerzas

you have lunch

�l/ella/ustd. almuerza

he/she has lunch

ellos/ellas/ustdes. almuerzan

they/ you all have lunch

nosotros almorzamos

we all have lunch


to count; to tell

yo cuento

I count; tell

t� cuentas

you count; tell

�l/ella/ustd. cuenta

he/she counts; tells

ellos/ellas/ustdes. cuentan

they/ you all count; tell

nosotros contamos

we all count; tell


to sleep

yo duermo

I sleep

t� duermes

you sleep

�l/ella/ustd. duerme

he/she sleeps

ellos/ellas/ustdes. duermen

they/you all sleep

nosotros dormimos

we all sleep


to find

yo encuentro

I find

t� encuentras

you find

�l/ella/ustd. encuentra

he/she finds

ellos/ellas/ustdes. encuentran

they/ you all find

nosotros encontramos

we all find


to show

yo muenstro

I show

t� muenstras

you show

�l/ella/ustd. muenstra

she/he shows

ellos/ellas/ustdes. muenstran

they/ you all show

nosotros mostramos

we all show


to remember

yo recuerdo

I remember

t� recuerdas

you remember

�l/ella/ustd. recuerda

he/she remembers

ellos/ellas/ustdes. recuerdan

they/you all remember

nosotros recordamos

we all remember


to return

yo vuelvo

I return

t� vuelves

you return

�l/ella/ustd. vuelve

he/she returns

ellos/ellas/ustdes. vuelven

they/ you all return

nosotros volvemos

we all return

comenzar (a + inf.)

to begin

yo comienzo

I begin

t� comienzas

you begin

�l/ella/ustd. comienza

he/she begins

ellos/ellas/ustdes. comienzan

they/ you all begin

nosotros comenzamos

we all begin

empezar (a + inf.)

to begin

yo empiezo

I begin

t� empiezas

you begin

�l/ella/ustd. empieza

he/she begins

ellos/ellas/ustdes. empiezan

they/ you all begin

nosotros empezamos

we all begin

preferir (+ inf.)

to prefer

yo prefiero

I prefer

t� prefieres

you prefer

�l/ella/ustd. prefiere

he/she prefers

ellos/ellas/ustdes. prefieren

they/you all prefer

nosotros preferimos

we all prefer

querer (+ inf.)

to want; to love

yo quiero

I want; love

t� quieres

you want; love

�l/ella/ustd. quiere

he/she wants; loves

ellos/ellas/ustdes. quieren

they/ you all want; love

nosotros queremos

we all want; love


to be able to; can

yo puedo

I am able to; can

t� puedes

you are able to; can

�l/ella/ustd. puede

he/she is able to; can

ellos/ellas/ustdes. pueden

they/ you all are able to; can

nosotros podemos

we all are able to; can


to do, to make


to put


to leave, to go out


to suppose


to bring


to see


to hear