E- ie stem changing verbs

To prefer


I prefer

yo prefiero

you prefer

t� prefieres

he, she, you (formal) prefers

�l, ella, usted prefiere

we prefer

nosotros, nosotras preferimos

They prefer

ellos, ellas, ustedes prefieren

To want


I want

yo quiero

You want

t� quieres

he, she, you (formal) wants

�l, ella, usted quiere

we want

nosotros, nosotras queremos

they want

ellos, ellas, ustedes quieren

To close


I close

yo cierro

you close

t� cierras

he, she, you (formal) closes

�l, ella, usted cierra

We close

nosotros, nosotras cerramos

they close

ellos, ellas, ustedes cierran

to start


I start

yo empiezo

you start

t� empiezas

he, she, you (formal) starts

�l, ella, usted empieza

we start

nosotros, nosotras empezamos

They start

ellos, ellas, ustedes empiezan

To understand


I understand

yo entiendo

you understand

t� entiendes

he, she, you (formal) understands

�l, ella, usted entiende

we understand

nosotros, nosotras entendemos

they understand

ellos, ellas, ustedes entienden

To think


I think

yo pienso

you think

t� piensas

he, she, you (formal) thinks

�l, ella, usted piensa

we think

nosotros, nosotras pensamos

they think

ellos, ellas, ustedes piensan