SPN 1 - Stem-changing verbs chapter 5


to start/to begin


to think


to lose


to want


to prefer


to understand


to be able to


to return


to return (an item)


to sleep


to play

yo empiezo/comienzo

I start/begin

t� empiezas

you start

�l/ella empieza

he/she starts

nosotros empezamos

we start

ellos(as)/uds. empiezan

they/you all start

yo pienso

I think

t� piensas

you think

�l/ella piensa

he/she thinks

nosotros pensamos

we think

ellos(as)/uds. piensan

they/you all think

yo pierdo

I lose

t� pierdes

you lose

�l/ella pierde

he/she lose

nosotros perdemos

we lose

ellos(as)/Uds. pierden

they/ you all lose

yo quiero

I want

t� quieres

you want

�l/ella quiere

he/she wants

nosotros queremos

we want

ellos(as)/Uds. quieren

they/you all want

yo prefiero

I prefer

t� prefieres

you prefer

�l/ella prefiere

he/she prefers

nosostros preferimos

we prefer

ellos(as)/Uds. prefieren

they/you all prefer

yo entiendo

I understand

t� entiendes

you understand

�l/ella entiende

he/she understands

nosotros entedemos

we understand

ellos(as)/uds. entienden

they/you all understand

yo puedo

I can (I'm able to)

t� puedes

you can (you're able to)

�l/ella puede

he/she can (he/she is able to)

nosotros podemos

we can (we are able to)

ellos(as)/uds. pueden

they/you all can (they/you all are able to)

yo vuelvo

I return

t� vuelves

you return

�l/ella vuelve

he/she returns

nosotros volvemos

we return

ellos(as)/ Uds. vuelven

they/you all return

yo devuelvo

I return (an item)

t� devuelves

you return (an item)

�l/ella devuelve

he/she returns (an item)

nosotros devolvemos

we return (an item)

ellos(as)/uds. devuelven

they/you all return (item)

yo duermo

I sleep

t� duermes

you sleep

�l/ella duerme

he/she sleeps

nosotros dormimos

we sleep

ellos(as)/uds. duermen

they/you all sleep

yo juego

I play

t� juegas

you play

�l/ella juega

he/she plays

nosotros jugamos

we play

ellos(as)/uds. juegan

they/you all play