Present Tense "e to i" Stem-changing verbs (Boot verbs)


to serve

yo sirvo

I serve

t� sirves

you (informal) serve

Ud. sirve

you (formal) serve

�l sirve

he serves

ella sirve

she serves

nosotros(as) servimos

we serve

vosotros(as) serv�s

all of you (Spain) serve

Uds. sirven

all of you serve

ellos/ellas sirven

they serve


to ask for, to order

yo pido

I ask for, I order

t� pides

you (informal) ask for, you order

Ud. pide

you (formal) ask for, you order

�l pide

he asks for, he orders

ella pide

she asks for, she orders

nosotros(as) pedimos

we ask for, we order

vosotros(as) ped�s

all of you (Spain) ask for, order

Uds. piden

all of you ask for, order

ellos/ellas piden

they ask for, order

decir (e:i)(-Go verb)

to say, to tell

yo digo

I say/tell

t� dices

you (informal) say, tell

Ud. dice

you (formal) say, tell

�l dice

he says/tells

ella dice

she says/tells

nosotros(as) decimos

we say/tell

vosotros(as) dec�s

all of you (Spain) say, tell

Uds. dicen

all of you say, tell

ellos/ellas dicen

they say/tell


to compete

yo compito

I compete

t� compites

you (informal) compete

Ud. compite

you (formal) compete

�l compite

he competes

ella compite

she competes

nosotros(as) competimos

we compete

vosotros(as) compet�s

all of you (Spain) compete

Uds. compiten

all of you compete

ellos/ellas compiten

they compete


to repeat

yo repito

I repeat

t� repites

you (informal) repeat

Ud. repite

you (formal) repeat

�l repite

he repeats

ella repite

she repeats

nosotros(as) repetimos

we repeat

vosotros(as) repet�s

all of you (Spain) repeat

Uds. repiten

all of you repeat

ellos/ellas repiten

they repeat


to follow

yo sigo

I follow

t� sigues

you (informal) follow

Ud. sigue

you (formal) follow

�l sigue

he follows

ella sigue

she follows

nosotros(as) seguimos

we follow

vosotros(as) segu�s

all of you (Spain) follow

Uds. siguen

all of you follow

ellos/ellas siguen

they follow


to obtain, to get, to find

yo consigo

I obtain, get, find

t� consigues

you (informal) obtain, get, find

Ud. consigue

you (formal) obtain, get, find

�l consigue

he obtains, gets, finds

ella consigue

she obtains, gets, finds

nosotros(as) conseguimos

we obtain, get, find

vosotros(as) consegu�s

all of you (Spain) obtain, get, find

Uds. consiguen

all of you obtain, get, find

ellos/ellas consiguen

all of you obtain, get, find