Chapter 13 (Dental Caries)


Another name for tooth decay


The loss of minerals from the tooth


The replacement of minerals in a the tooth

Mutans Streptococci

Type of bacteria primarily responsible for caries


Type of bacteria that produces lactic acid from carbohydrates


colorless sticky mass of microorganisms that adheres to tooth surfaces


Formation of a cavity or hole

Incipient Caries

Tooth decay that is beginning to form

Rampant Caries

Decay that develops rapidly and is widespread throughout the mouth


Dryness of the mouth caused by abnormal reduction in the amount of saliva


The thin coating of salivary materials that are deposited on tooth surfaces

Fermentable Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates such as sucrose, fructose, lactose, and glucose


Managing dental caries by risk assessment

What bacterium causes dental caries?

Mutans Streptococci

What mineral in the enamel makes the crystal easier to dissolve?

Carbonated Apatite

The three factors necessary for the formation of dental caries are bacteria, fermentable carbohydrates, and....

A Susceptible tooth

What is the term for the dissolving of calcium and phosphate from a tooth


A patient with rapid and extensive formation of caries is given a diagnosis of ....

Rampant Caries

Dental caries that occurs under or adjacent to existing dental restorations is termed....

Recurrent Caries

How does saliva protect the teeth from dental caries?

by physical actions, chemical actions, and antibacterial actions