Dental Hygiene


Winglike tip of the outer side of each nostril; plural, alae.

Angle of the mandible

the sharp angle of the lower jaw inferior to the ear's lobule

Buccal region

composed of the soft tissues of the cheek

Coronoid Notch


Coronoid Process


Articulating surface of the Condyle


Mandible Condyle


External nose


Frontal region


Golden Proportions

...set of guidelines for functional and aesthetic purposes that measures the vertical dimension of the face

Hyoid bone

...bone suspended in the anterior midline of the neck that has many muscle attachemnts

Infraorbital region


Labial commissure




lymph nodes




mandibular symphysis


masseter muscle


mental region




Nasal region


nasal septum


Apex of the nose


root of the nose


oral region




orbital region


parathyroid glands


parotid salivary gland






regions of the face


regions of the neck


Sternocleidomastoid muscle


Sublingual salivary gland


Submandibular salivary gland


Temporomandibular joint


thyroid cartilage, gland


tubercle of the upper lip


vermilion border


vermilion zone


vertical dimension of the face


zygomatic arch


zygomatic region


Alveolar mucosa


alveolar processes



...Socket of the tooth



anterior faucial pillar


anterior teeth




buccal fat pad

...Pad of underlying adipose connective tissue at the posterior portion of each vestibule.

canine eminence





...outermost layer of the root of a tooth

circumvallate lingual papillae


dental arch




Parotid ducts


sublingual ducts


submandibular ducts







...normal variation in bone growths noted usually on the facial surface of the alveolar process of the maxilla bone.





filiform lingual papillae


foliate lingual papillae


Fordyce's spots


foramen cecum


fungiform lingual pappillae


incisive papilla


attached gingiva


interdental gingiva


marginal gingiva


gingival sulcus




labial frenum




linea alba


lingual papillae


lingual tonsil


lingual frenum




mandibular teeth


mandbular torus, tori (plural)






maxillary sinuses


maxillary teeth


maxillary tuberosity


median lingual sulcus


median palatine raphe


melanin pigmentation

...localized macules of pigmentation caused bo the presence of melanin.



mucobuccal fold


mucogingival junction


mucosa, buccal, labial, oral




oral cavity proper






palate, hard, soft


palatine tonsils


palatine rugae


parotid papilla


parotid salivary gland


periodontal ligament

...(PDL) ligament surrounding the teeth that supports and attaches the teeth to the bony surface of the alveoli.

permanent teeth


plica fimbriate


posterior teeth and faucial pillar




primary teeth


pterygomandibular fold



...Soft innermost connective tissue in both the crown and root of the tooth

retromolar pad


submandibular salivary glands


sublingual salivary glands


sublingual fold


sulcus terminalis


taste buds


tongue, apex, base, body, dorsal, lateral, ventral


uvula of the palate

...midline muscular structure that hangs down from the posterior margin o fthe soft palate.

vestibular fornix





..., A technique of prenatal diagnosis in which amniotic fluid, obtained by aspiration from a needle inserted into the uterus, is analyzed to detect certain genetic and congenital defects in the fetus

amniotic cavity

...fluid filled cavity that faces the epiblast layer

bilaminar embryonic disc

...Second week of prenatal development the start of the embryonic period. The bilaminar embryonic disk is eventually developed from the blastocyst. This bilaminar disc has a superior epiblast layer and an inferior hypblast layer. The superior epiblast lay

bilateral symmetry

...The primitave streak causes the disc to divide into a right and left half, so that each half mirrors the other half of the embryo.


...Structure during prenatal development consiting of trophoblast cells and an inner mass of cells that develop into the embryo. After initial cleavage, the solid ball of cells is known as a morula. Because of the ongoing process of mitosis and secretion

caudal end

..., tail

cephalic end

..., head

central nervous system

...later part of 3 weeks the CNS begins to develop. Many steps occur during this week to form the beginnings of the spinal cord and brain.


...Mitosis, or individual cell division, or cleavage.

cloacal membrane

...Week 3-at the caudal end, the cloacal membrane forms. This is the location of the future anus, the terminal end of the digestive tract. Similar to the oropharyngeal membrane, the cloacal membrane consists of only two embryonci layers, without any mesod

congenital malformations

...birth defects that are developmental problems evident at birth.


...Development of different cell types.


...change in the embryonic cells, which are genetically identical but become quite distinct structurally and functionally.

down syndrome

...Developmental defect, also called trisomy 21, in which an extra copy of chromosome no. 21 is present.


...layer in the trilaminar embryonic disk derived from the epiblast layer and lining the stomodeum.

ectodermal dysplasia

...Syndrome involving abnormal development of one or more ectodermal structures, including anodontia.

ectopic pregnancy

Implantation occurring outside the uterus...


structure derived from the implated blastocyst....

embryoblast layer

small inner mass of embryonic cells int eh blastocyst....


study of prenatal development...

embryoblast layer

small inner mass of embryonic cells in the blastocyst....

embryonic cell layers, folding, period of prenatal development



...With three layers presnt, the bilaminar disc has become thickened into a trilaminar embryonic dis. thus the trilaminar disc has three embryonic layers, or germ layers--hypoblast layer is now considered endoderm.

epiblast layer

Is composed of high columnar cells and located in the bilamminar disc toward the amniotic cavity


At the beginning of the first week, a woman's ovum is penetrated by and united with a man's sperm during fertilization. This union subsequently forms a fertilized egg, or zygote....

fetal alcohol syndrome

Is an example fo the result of a teratogenic drug effect during the embryonic period. Ethanol ingested by a prgnant woman easily rosses the placenta and can result in prenatal and postnatal growth fdeficiency, mental retardation, and other anomalies. An a

fetal period of prenatal development

...Week 9 through the ninth month. Embryo to fetus. Maturation of existing structures.


...Structure of the fetal period of prenatal developemnt derived from the enlarged embryo.


...After folding of the disc, the endoderm lies inside the ectoderm, with mesoderm filling in the areas between these two layers. This forms one long, hollow tube lined by endoderm from the cephalic end to the caudal end of the embryo specifically, from t


During prenatal development, the joining of embryonic tissues of two separate surfaces, the elimination of a groove between two adjacent swellings, or a dental developmental disturbance in which two adjacent tooth germs unite to form a large tooth...

appositional growth

...Layered formation of a firm or hard tissue such as cartilage, bone, enamel, dentin, and cementum.

interstitial growth

Growth that occurs from ddep within a tissue or organ...


Posterior portion of the future digestive tract...


development of different tissues

hypoblast layer



process by which the action of one group of cells on another leads to the establishment of the developmental pathway in the responding tissue...


photographic analysis of a person's chromosomes....


...attainment of the correct adult size as well as the correct adult form and function, such as that which occurs with the hard dental tissues when they are fully calcified or when the embryo becomes a fetus.


process of reproductive cell production that ensures the correct number of chromosomes for the future embryo.


embryonic connective tissue


embryonic layer located between the ectoderm and endoderm...


middle portion of the futref digestive tract...


Portion of cell division that occurs in phases and results in two daughter cells that are identical...Accurs after fertilizaition


Development of the differing form that will create a specfic structure.


Process of development of specific tissue morphology...


...Form of a structure

neural crest cells

Specialized group of cells developed from neuroectoderm that migrate from the crests of the neural folds and disperse to specific sites within the mesenchyme. They also influence a specal type of mesenchyme, the ectomesenchyme, to form dental tissues.

neural folds

Raised ridges in the neural plate that surround the deepening neural groove.

neural groove

Groove resulting from further growth and thickening of the neural plate.

neural plate

Centralized band of cells that extends the length of the embryo.

neural tube

Tube formed when the neural folds meet and fuse superior to the neural groove.


Specialized group of cells that differentiates from the ectoderm

oropharyngeal membrane

Membrane at the cephalic end of the embryo that is the location of the future primitive mouth.


Female reproductive cell or egg, which can be fertilized.


Temporary prenatal organ that provides nutrition and axygen to the develping embryo, rmoves wastes, and produces the hormones related to pregnancy.

preimplantation period of prenatal development

The first 7 days after fertilization. Period of the unattached conceptus that takes place during the first week of prenatal develpment.

prenatal development

Processesthat occur from the start of pregnancy to birth of the child.

primitive streak

Furrowed, rod-shaped thickening in the middle fo the embryonic disc.


Earliest indication of a part or an organ during prenatal development


controlled cellular growth.


Paired cupodal aggregates of cells differentiated from the mesoderm.


Cell containing the male contribution of chromosomal info that fertilizes the female ovum during the preimplatation period

syphilis spirochete

Treponema pallidum, which is an infective teratogen for an embryo because it produces defects int eh incisors and molars, as well as other generalized defects.

rubella virus

Infective teratogen transmitted by way of the placenta to the embryo from the pregnant woman.


Enviromental agents or factors such as infections, drugs, and radiation that can cause malformations

tetracycline staining

intrinsic staining of the teeth resulting ffom ingestion of the antibiotic tetracycline during the time of enamel and dentin development

trilaminar embryonic disk

embryonic disc with 3 distinct layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.

trophoblast layer

layer of peripheral cells of the blastocyst.

yolk sac

Fluid-filled cavity that faces the hypoblast layer.


The fertilized egg resulting from the union of ovum and sperm.


lingual frenum that is abnormally short, extends to the tongue apex, and possibly restricts tongue movement.

branchial arches

6 stacked bilateral swellings of tissue that appear inferior to the stomodeum and include the mandibular arch.

cleft palate

Developmental disturbance owiing to faiure of fusion of hte palatal shelves with the primary palate or with each other.

cleft uvula

Mildest form of cleft palate


Pair of posterior swellings formed from the third and fourth branchial arches, which overgrow the second arches to form the base of the tongue.

epiglottic swelling

posterior swelling that develops from the 4th branchial arches and marks the development of the future epiglottis.

foramen cecum

Small pitlike depression located where the sulcus terminalis points backward toward the pharynx.

intermaxillary segment

Fused internal and inferior growth from the paired medial nasal processes on the inside of the stomodeum of the embryo.

lateral lingual swellings

Portions of the developing tongue that form on each side of the tuberculum impar.

palatal shelves

two processes derived from the maxillary processes during prenatal development

primary palate

Anterior portion o fhte final palate derived from the intermaxillary segment during prenatal development

secondary palate

Posterior portion of the final palate formed by the fusion of the two palatal shelves.

sulcus terminalis

V-shaped groove located posteriorly on the dorsal surface of the tongue.

tuberculum impar

Primitive tongue (initial portions fo the developing tongue.

Accessory roots

Extra root or roots on a tooth.

active eruption

actual vertical movement of the tooth.

alveolar bone

portion of the maxilla or mandible that supports the teeth.


cells that differentiate from preameloblasts and that will form enamel during amelogenesis.

amelogenesis imperfecta

Hereditary type of enamel dysplasia in which the teeth have absent or thin enamel.


Absence of a single tooth or multiple teeth owing to lack of initiation.


layered formation of a firm or hard tissue such as cartilage, bone, ename., dentin , and cementum.

basement membrane

extracellular material consisting of a basal and reticular lamina produced by the epthelium and connective tissue, respectively.

bell stage

4th stage of odontogenesis, in which differentiation occurs to its ruthest extent and the enamel organ assumes a bell shape.

bud stage

2nd stage of tooth development with the growth of the dental lamina or buds into the ectomesenchyme.

cap stage

3rd stage of tooth development, inwhich the tooth bud of dental lamina grows into a cap shape.

cells of the dental papilla: inner, central, outer

inner mass of ectomesenchyme of the tooth germ that produces the dentin and pulp tissue.


cells that form cementoid and are differentiated from the dental sac.


cementoblasts entrapped by the cementum they produce.


apposition of cementum in the rooth area.


cementum matrix laid down by cementoblasts

cervical loop

Most cervical portion of the enamel organ that is responsible for root develpment.


Union of the root structure of two or more teeth through the cementum only

dens in dente

Developmental disturbance caused by invagination of enamel organ into dental papilla

dental lamina

Growth from the oral epithelium that gives rise to the tooth buds.

dental papilla

Inner mass of ectomesenchyme of the tooth germ that produces the dentin and pulp tissue.

dental sac

Portion of the tooth germ consisting of ectomesenchyme surrounding the outside of the enamel organ, which produces the periodontium of a tooth.

dentigerous cyst

Odontogenic cyst that forms from the reduced enamel epithelium.

dentin dysplasia

faulty development of dentin

dentinal tubule

long tubes in the dentin

dentinocemental junction

junction between the dentin and cementum during the formation of the root of the tooth

dentinoenamel junction

DEJ junction between the dentin and enamel formed by the mineralization of the disintegrating basemenbt membrane

dentinogenesis imperfecta

apposition of predentin by the odontoblasts.**Hereditary disorder of dentin formation; opalescent dentin. Enamel is structurally normal but fractures easily due to poor dentinal support


natural teeth in the jawbones, consisting of primary and permanent.

permanent dentition

the second dentition

dentition periods

3 periods that occur throughout a lifetime, primary, mixed, and permanent dentition periods

primary dentition

1st dentition of teeth present, also called the deciduous period.

mixed dentition

dentition period that occurs between 6 and 12 years of age and has both primary and permanet teeth present.


change in the embryonic cells which are genetically identical but become quite distinct structurally and functionally


crown or roots showing angular distortion


layer int eh trilaminar embryonic disc derived rom the epiblast layer and lining the stomodeum.

ectodermal dysplasia

syndrome invoving abnormal development of one or more ectodermal structures, including anodontia.


a type of mesenchyme from the ectoderm, which is influenced by neural crest cells that have migrated to the area.

Inner enamel epithelium (IEE)

innermost cells of the enamel organ which form ameloblasts.

outer enamel epithelium (OEE)

Outer cells of the enamel organ that serve as a protective barrier during enamel production.

enamel organ

Cap or bell shaped portion of the tooth germ that produces enamel.

enamel dysplasia

faulty development of enamel resulting from many factors.

enamel pearls

small spherical enamel projections on the tooth surface

epithelial rests of Malassez

groups fo epithelial cells in the periodontal ligament after the disintegration of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath that can become cystic.


develpmental disturbance that occurs because the single toothgerm tries unsuccessfully to divide, resulting in a large single-rooted tooth.

Hertwig's epithelial root sheath

Portion of the cervical loop that functions to shape the roots and induce dentin formation in the root areas.

initiation stage

first stages of development


abnormally large teeth.


substance in connective tissue composed of intercellular substance and fibers or extracellular substance that is partially calcified and serves as a framework for later calcification.


abnormally small teeth

Nasmyth's membrane

residue on newly erupted teeth that may become extrinsically staned


permanent teeth without primary predecessors, namely the molars.


cells that produce dentin and differentiate from the outer cells of the dental papilla


cells that produce dentin and differentiate from the outer cells fo the dental papilla.

odontoblastic process

attaced cellular extension of the odontoblast within the dentinal tublue through the entire wiedth of the dentin.


tooth development

oral epithelium

embryonic lining of the oral cavity derived from ectoderm, which along with underlying tissues gives rise to teh teeth and associated tissues.

periodontal ligament

PDL ligamenht surrounding the teeth that supports and attaches the teeth to the bony surface of the alveoli.


cells formed from the inner enamel epithelium of the enamel organ that differentiate into ameloblasts.


dentinmatrix laid down by apposition by the odontoblasts.

reduced enamel epithelium

layers of flattened cells overlying the enamel surface resulting from a compression of teh enamel organ.


Process that occurs in a cell in which the nucleus moves away from the center to a position farthest away from the basement membrane.


removal of a hard tissue such as bone, enamel, dentin, or cementum.

root trunk

portion of the root of multirooted teeth where the root originates from the crown..

stellate reticulum

One of the two layers between teh outer and inner enamel epithelium of the enamel organ; consists of star-shaped cells.

stratum intermedium

one of the two layers between teh outer and inner enamel epithelium of the enamel organ, consisting of a compressed layer of lat to cuboidal cells....


Permanent teeth with primary predecessors; include the anterior teeth and premolars

successional dental lamina

Extension of the dental lamina into the ectomesenchyme lingual to the developing primary tooth germs that will form the succedaneous permanent teeth.

supernumerary teeth

.developmental disturbance characterized by one or more extra teeth.

Tome's process

secretory surface of each ameloblast

tooth fairy

mythological reature who at night takes children's shed primary teeth from under their pillows and leaves a sum of cash...

tooth germ

primordium of the tooth, which consists of the enamel organ, dental papilla, and dental sac.


accessory cusps on teh cingulum of certain anterior teeth or occulusa tables of permanent molars...


Embedding of a blastocyst in the endometrium


process by which the action of one group of cells on another leads to the establishment of the developmental pathway in the responding tissue.

spina bifida

Neural tube defect affecting the bertebral arches and causing varying degrees of diability

Cleft lip

Developmental disturbance of the upper lip owing to failure of fusion of the maxillary processes with the medial nasal process.


apposition of enamel matrix by amelolasts

passive eruption

eruption that takes place that occurs as we age, when the gingiva recedes and no actual tooth movement takes place.


basic tissue type that covers and lines the external and internal body surfaces:


Winglike tip of the outer side of each nostril; plural, alae.

Angle of the mandible

the sharp angle of the lower jaw inferior to the ear's lobule

Buccal region

composed of the soft tissues of the cheek

Coronoid Notch


Coronoid Process


Articulating surface of the Condyle


Mandible Condyle


External nose


Frontal region


Golden Proportions

...set of guidelines for functional and aesthetic purposes that measures the vertical dimension of the face

Hyoid bone

...bone suspended in the anterior midline of the neck that has many muscle attachemnts

Infraorbital region


Labial commissure




lymph nodes




mandibular symphysis


masseter muscle


mental region




Nasal region


nasal septum


Apex of the nose


root of the nose


oral region




orbital region


parathyroid glands


parotid salivary gland






regions of the face


regions of the neck


Sternocleidomastoid muscle


Sublingual salivary gland


Submandibular salivary gland


Temporomandibular joint


thyroid cartilage, gland


tubercle of the upper lip


vermilion border


vermilion zone


vertical dimension of the face


zygomatic arch


zygomatic region


Alveolar mucosa


alveolar processes



...Socket of the tooth



anterior faucial pillar


anterior teeth




buccal fat pad

...Pad of underlying adipose connective tissue at the posterior portion of each vestibule.

canine eminence





...outermost layer of the root of a tooth

circumvallate lingual papillae


dental arch




Parotid ducts


sublingual ducts


submandibular ducts







...normal variation in bone growths noted usually on the facial surface of the alveolar process of the maxilla bone.





filiform lingual papillae


foliate lingual papillae


Fordyce's spots


foramen cecum


fungiform lingual pappillae


incisive papilla


attached gingiva


interdental gingiva


marginal gingiva


gingival sulcus




labial frenum




linea alba


lingual papillae


lingual tonsil


lingual frenum




mandibular teeth


mandbular torus, tori (plural)






maxillary sinuses


maxillary teeth


maxillary tuberosity


median lingual sulcus


median palatine raphe


melanin pigmentation

...localized macules of pigmentation caused bo the presence of melanin.



mucobuccal fold


mucogingival junction


mucosa, buccal, labial, oral




oral cavity proper






palate, hard, soft


palatine tonsils


palatine rugae


parotid papilla


parotid salivary gland


periodontal ligament

...(PDL) ligament surrounding the teeth that supports and attaches the teeth to the bony surface of the alveoli.

permanent teeth


plica fimbriate


posterior teeth and faucial pillar




primary teeth


pterygomandibular fold



...Soft innermost connective tissue in both the crown and root of the tooth

retromolar pad


submandibular salivary glands


sublingual salivary glands


sublingual fold


sulcus terminalis


taste buds


tongue, apex, base, body, dorsal, lateral, ventral


uvula of the palate

...midline muscular structure that hangs down from the posterior margin o fthe soft palate.

vestibular fornix





..., A technique of prenatal diagnosis in which amniotic fluid, obtained by aspiration from a needle inserted into the uterus, is analyzed to detect certain genetic and congenital defects in the fetus

amniotic cavity

...fluid filled cavity that faces the epiblast layer

bilaminar embryonic disc

...Second week of prenatal development the start of the embryonic period. The bilaminar embryonic disk is eventually developed from the blastocyst. This bilaminar disc has a superior epiblast layer and an inferior hypblast layer. The superior epiblast lay

bilateral symmetry

...The primitave streak causes the disc to divide into a right and left half, so that each half mirrors the other half of the embryo.


...Structure during prenatal development consiting of trophoblast cells and an inner mass of cells that develop into the embryo. After initial cleavage, the solid ball of cells is known as a morula. Because of the ongoing process of mitosis and secretion

caudal end

..., tail

cephalic end

..., head

central nervous system

...later part of 3 weeks the CNS begins to develop. Many steps occur during this week to form the beginnings of the spinal cord and brain.


...Mitosis, or individual cell division, or cleavage.

cloacal membrane

...Week 3-at the caudal end, the cloacal membrane forms. This is the location of the future anus, the terminal end of the digestive tract. Similar to the oropharyngeal membrane, the cloacal membrane consists of only two embryonci layers, without any mesod

congenital malformations

...birth defects that are developmental problems evident at birth.


...Development of different cell types.


...change in the embryonic cells, which are genetically identical but become quite distinct structurally and functionally.

down syndrome

...Developmental defect, also called trisomy 21, in which an extra copy of chromosome no. 21 is present.


...layer in the trilaminar embryonic disk derived from the epiblast layer and lining the stomodeum.

ectodermal dysplasia

...Syndrome involving abnormal development of one or more ectodermal structures, including anodontia.

ectopic pregnancy

Implantation occurring outside the uterus...


structure derived from the implated blastocyst....

embryoblast layer

small inner mass of embryonic cells int eh blastocyst....


study of prenatal development...

embryoblast layer

small inner mass of embryonic cells in the blastocyst....

embryonic cell layers, folding, period of prenatal development



...With three layers presnt, the bilaminar disc has become thickened into a trilaminar embryonic dis. thus the trilaminar disc has three embryonic layers, or germ layers--hypoblast layer is now considered endoderm.

epiblast layer

Is composed of high columnar cells and located in the bilamminar disc toward the amniotic cavity


At the beginning of the first week, a woman's ovum is penetrated by and united with a man's sperm during fertilization. This union subsequently forms a fertilized egg, or zygote....

fetal alcohol syndrome

Is an example fo the result of a teratogenic drug effect during the embryonic period. Ethanol ingested by a prgnant woman easily rosses the placenta and can result in prenatal and postnatal growth fdeficiency, mental retardation, and other anomalies. An a

fetal period of prenatal development

...Week 9 through the ninth month. Embryo to fetus. Maturation of existing structures.


...Structure of the fetal period of prenatal developemnt derived from the enlarged embryo.


...After folding of the disc, the endoderm lies inside the ectoderm, with mesoderm filling in the areas between these two layers. This forms one long, hollow tube lined by endoderm from the cephalic end to the caudal end of the embryo specifically, from t


During prenatal development, the joining of embryonic tissues of two separate surfaces, the elimination of a groove between two adjacent swellings, or a dental developmental disturbance in which two adjacent tooth germs unite to form a large tooth...

appositional growth

...Layered formation of a firm or hard tissue such as cartilage, bone, enamel, dentin, and cementum.

interstitial growth

Growth that occurs from ddep within a tissue or organ...


Posterior portion of the future digestive tract...


development of different tissues

hypoblast layer



process by which the action of one group of cells on another leads to the establishment of the developmental pathway in the responding tissue...


photographic analysis of a person's chromosomes....


...attainment of the correct adult size as well as the correct adult form and function, such as that which occurs with the hard dental tissues when they are fully calcified or when the embryo becomes a fetus.


process of reproductive cell production that ensures the correct number of chromosomes for the future embryo.


embryonic connective tissue


embryonic layer located between the ectoderm and endoderm...


middle portion of the futref digestive tract...


Portion of cell division that occurs in phases and results in two daughter cells that are identical...Accurs after fertilizaition


Development of the differing form that will create a specfic structure.


Process of development of specific tissue morphology...


...Form of a structure

neural crest cells

Specialized group of cells developed from neuroectoderm that migrate from the crests of the neural folds and disperse to specific sites within the mesenchyme. They also influence a specal type of mesenchyme, the ectomesenchyme, to form dental tissues.

neural folds

Raised ridges in the neural plate that surround the deepening neural groove.

neural groove

Groove resulting from further growth and thickening of the neural plate.

neural plate

Centralized band of cells that extends the length of the embryo.

neural tube

Tube formed when the neural folds meet and fuse superior to the neural groove.


Specialized group of cells that differentiates from the ectoderm

oropharyngeal membrane

Membrane at the cephalic end of the embryo that is the location of the future primitive mouth.


Female reproductive cell or egg, which can be fertilized.


Temporary prenatal organ that provides nutrition and axygen to the develping embryo, rmoves wastes, and produces the hormones related to pregnancy.

preimplantation period of prenatal development

The first 7 days after fertilization. Period of the unattached conceptus that takes place during the first week of prenatal develpment.

prenatal development

Processesthat occur from the start of pregnancy to birth of the child.

primitive streak

Furrowed, rod-shaped thickening in the middle fo the embryonic disc.


Earliest indication of a part or an organ during prenatal development


controlled cellular growth.


Paired cupodal aggregates of cells differentiated from the mesoderm.


Cell containing the male contribution of chromosomal info that fertilizes the female ovum during the preimplatation period

syphilis spirochete

Treponema pallidum, which is an infective teratogen for an embryo because it produces defects int eh incisors and molars, as well as other generalized defects.

rubella virus

Infective teratogen transmitted by way of the placenta to the embryo from the pregnant woman.


Enviromental agents or factors such as infections, drugs, and radiation that can cause malformations

tetracycline staining

intrinsic staining of the teeth resulting ffom ingestion of the antibiotic tetracycline during the time of enamel and dentin development

trilaminar embryonic disk

embryonic disc with 3 distinct layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.

trophoblast layer

layer of peripheral cells of the blastocyst.

yolk sac

Fluid-filled cavity that faces the hypoblast layer.


The fertilized egg resulting from the union of ovum and sperm.


lingual frenum that is abnormally short, extends to the tongue apex, and possibly restricts tongue movement.

branchial arches

6 stacked bilateral swellings of tissue that appear inferior to the stomodeum and include the mandibular arch.

cleft palate

Developmental disturbance owiing to faiure of fusion of hte palatal shelves with the primary palate or with each other.

cleft uvula

Mildest form of cleft palate


Pair of posterior swellings formed from the third and fourth branchial arches, which overgrow the second arches to form the base of the tongue.

epiglottic swelling

posterior swelling that develops from the 4th branchial arches and marks the development of the future epiglottis.

foramen cecum

Small pitlike depression located where the sulcus terminalis points backward toward the pharynx.

intermaxillary segment

Fused internal and inferior growth from the paired medial nasal processes on the inside of the stomodeum of the embryo.

lateral lingual swellings

Portions of the developing tongue that form on each side of the tuberculum impar.

palatal shelves

two processes derived from the maxillary processes during prenatal development

primary palate

Anterior portion o fhte final palate derived from the intermaxillary segment during prenatal development

secondary palate

Posterior portion of the final palate formed by the fusion of the two palatal shelves.

sulcus terminalis

V-shaped groove located posteriorly on the dorsal surface of the tongue.

tuberculum impar

Primitive tongue (initial portions fo the developing tongue.

Accessory roots

Extra root or roots on a tooth.

active eruption

actual vertical movement of the tooth.

alveolar bone

portion of the maxilla or mandible that supports the teeth.


cells that differentiate from preameloblasts and that will form enamel during amelogenesis.

amelogenesis imperfecta

Hereditary type of enamel dysplasia in which the teeth have absent or thin enamel.


Absence of a single tooth or multiple teeth owing to lack of initiation.


layered formation of a firm or hard tissue such as cartilage, bone, ename., dentin , and cementum.

basement membrane

extracellular material consisting of a basal and reticular lamina produced by the epthelium and connective tissue, respectively.

bell stage

4th stage of odontogenesis, in which differentiation occurs to its ruthest extent and the enamel organ assumes a bell shape.

bud stage

2nd stage of tooth development with the growth of the dental lamina or buds into the ectomesenchyme.

cap stage

3rd stage of tooth development, inwhich the tooth bud of dental lamina grows into a cap shape.

cells of the dental papilla: inner, central, outer

inner mass of ectomesenchyme of the tooth germ that produces the dentin and pulp tissue.


cells that form cementoid and are differentiated from the dental sac.


cementoblasts entrapped by the cementum they produce.


apposition of cementum in the rooth area.


cementum matrix laid down by cementoblasts

cervical loop

Most cervical portion of the enamel organ that is responsible for root develpment.


Union of the root structure of two or more teeth through the cementum only

dens in dente

Developmental disturbance caused by invagination of enamel organ into dental papilla

dental lamina

Growth from the oral epithelium that gives rise to the tooth buds.

dental papilla

Inner mass of ectomesenchyme of the tooth germ that produces the dentin and pulp tissue.

dental sac

Portion of the tooth germ consisting of ectomesenchyme surrounding the outside of the enamel organ, which produces the periodontium of a tooth.

dentigerous cyst

Odontogenic cyst that forms from the reduced enamel epithelium.

dentin dysplasia

faulty development of dentin

dentinal tubule

long tubes in the dentin

dentinocemental junction

junction between the dentin and cementum during the formation of the root of the tooth

dentinoenamel junction

DEJ junction between the dentin and enamel formed by the mineralization of the disintegrating basemenbt membrane

dentinogenesis imperfecta

apposition of predentin by the odontoblasts.**Hereditary disorder of dentin formation; opalescent dentin. Enamel is structurally normal but fractures easily due to poor dentinal support


natural teeth in the jawbones, consisting of primary and permanent.

permanent dentition

the second dentition

dentition periods

3 periods that occur throughout a lifetime, primary, mixed, and permanent dentition periods

primary dentition

1st dentition of teeth present, also called the deciduous period.

mixed dentition

dentition period that occurs between 6 and 12 years of age and has both primary and permanet teeth present.


change in the embryonic cells which are genetically identical but become quite distinct structurally and functionally


crown or roots showing angular distortion


layer int eh trilaminar embryonic disc derived rom the epiblast layer and lining the stomodeum.

ectodermal dysplasia

syndrome invoving abnormal development of one or more ectodermal structures, including anodontia.


a type of mesenchyme from the ectoderm, which is influenced by neural crest cells that have migrated to the area.

Inner enamel epithelium (IEE)

innermost cells of the enamel organ which form ameloblasts.

outer enamel epithelium (OEE)

Outer cells of the enamel organ that serve as a protective barrier during enamel production.

enamel organ

Cap or bell shaped portion of the tooth germ that produces enamel.

enamel dysplasia

faulty development of enamel resulting from many factors.

enamel pearls

small spherical enamel projections on the tooth surface

epithelial rests of Malassez

groups fo epithelial cells in the periodontal ligament after the disintegration of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath that can become cystic.


develpmental disturbance that occurs because the single toothgerm tries unsuccessfully to divide, resulting in a large single-rooted tooth.

Hertwig's epithelial root sheath

Portion of the cervical loop that functions to shape the roots and induce dentin formation in the root areas.

initiation stage

first stages of development


abnormally large teeth.


substance in connective tissue composed of intercellular substance and fibers or extracellular substance that is partially calcified and serves as a framework for later calcification.


abnormally small teeth

Nasmyth's membrane

residue on newly erupted teeth that may become extrinsically staned


permanent teeth without primary predecessors, namely the molars.


cells that produce dentin and differentiate from the outer cells of the dental papilla


cells that produce dentin and differentiate from the outer cells fo the dental papilla.

odontoblastic process

attaced cellular extension of the odontoblast within the dentinal tublue through the entire wiedth of the dentin.


tooth development

oral epithelium

embryonic lining of the oral cavity derived from ectoderm, which along with underlying tissues gives rise to teh teeth and associated tissues.

periodontal ligament

PDL ligamenht surrounding the teeth that supports and attaches the teeth to the bony surface of the alveoli.


cells formed from the inner enamel epithelium of the enamel organ that differentiate into ameloblasts.


dentinmatrix laid down by apposition by the odontoblasts.

reduced enamel epithelium

layers of flattened cells overlying the enamel surface resulting from a compression of teh enamel organ.


Process that occurs in a cell in which the nucleus moves away from the center to a position farthest away from the basement membrane.


removal of a hard tissue such as bone, enamel, dentin, or cementum.

root trunk

portion of the root of multirooted teeth where the root originates from the crown..

stellate reticulum

One of the two layers between teh outer and inner enamel epithelium of the enamel organ; consists of star-shaped cells.

stratum intermedium

one of the two layers between teh outer and inner enamel epithelium of the enamel organ, consisting of a compressed layer of lat to cuboidal cells....


Permanent teeth with primary predecessors; include the anterior teeth and premolars

successional dental lamina

Extension of the dental lamina into the ectomesenchyme lingual to the developing primary tooth germs that will form the succedaneous permanent teeth.

supernumerary teeth

.developmental disturbance characterized by one or more extra teeth.

Tome's process

secretory surface of each ameloblast

tooth fairy

mythological reature who at night takes children's shed primary teeth from under their pillows and leaves a sum of cash...

tooth germ

primordium of the tooth, which consists of the enamel organ, dental papilla, and dental sac.


accessory cusps on teh cingulum of certain anterior teeth or occulusa tables of permanent molars...


Embedding of a blastocyst in the endometrium


process by which the action of one group of cells on another leads to the establishment of the developmental pathway in the responding tissue.

spina bifida

Neural tube defect affecting the bertebral arches and causing varying degrees of diability

Cleft lip

Developmental disturbance of the upper lip owing to failure of fusion of the maxillary processes with the medial nasal process.


apposition of enamel matrix by amelolasts

passive eruption

eruption that takes place that occurs as we age, when the gingiva recedes and no actual tooth movement takes place.


basic tissue type that covers and lines the external and internal body surfaces: