DHYG 265 Dental Materials - [Characteristics of Dental Materials]

what kinds of bonds are there?

Primary (strongest)
-Covalent (strongest)

Primary bonds

Strongest, involve exchange of electrons.
Three types:
Ionic bonds: give e-'s to another atom.
Covalent bonds: when two atoms share e-'s. (strong)
Metallic bonds: shared lattice of positive e-'s.

Secondary bonds

Weak, Often leads to deformation or fracture.
No sharing of electrons


How long a dental material can last. Can be...
Permanent restoration, (many years)
Temporary/provisional restoration, (several months-year)
Intermediate restoration. (several years)

Direct Restorative materials

Constructed directly in the mouth.

Indirect Restorative Materials

Made indirectly on a replica of the patient's oral tissues.
Ex: partials, dentures, crown


Responsible for speed at which reaction occurs.
Often liquid component


Main/supporting ingredient for material


Can be physical or chemical.
Can also be Chemical set, Light-activated, Dual set.

Chemical reaction

The formation of new primary bonds

Physical reaction

Rearrangement, doesn't change what the chemical is.

Mixing time

Length of time to bring components to a homogenous mix

Working time

time permitted to manipulation material in the mouth

Initial set time

Begins when material no longer can be manipulated in mouth

Final set time

occurs when material has reached its ultimate state


Any push or pull on matter


Internal force, which resists applied force.


Change produced within material that occurs as the result of stress.

Biting force

Measure of strength of muscles of mastication during normal chewing.
Normal masticatory forces on the occlusal surface of molar teeth:
Average 90 to 200 pounds per square inch.
Can increase as much as 28,000 pounds per square in on a cusp tip.
Denture wea

Flexural/bending stress

Bending caused by a combination of tension and compression.

Fatigue failure

Fracture resulting from repeated stresses that produce microscopic flaws that grow.

Ultimate strength

Maximum amount of stress a material can withstand without breaking.

Tensile stress

Pulling apart (like when chewing food)

Compressive force

Pushing together (like when you crunch down on something hard)

Shear force

Grinding side to side

Proportional limit

the greatest stress a structure can withstand without permanent deformation.


ability of a material to absorb energy without permanent deformation


ability of a material to resist fracture


Ability of a material to recover shape completely after deformation from applied force


Amount of dimensional change a material can withstand without breaking


Ability to be compressed and formed into something else without breaking.


Measure of the resistance of a metal to indentation, scratching, or abrasion.


Materials resistance to deformation.
Measured by Young's elastic modulus - Stiffer materials have a higher modulus.

Thermal Change

Change in temperature in oral cavity resulting from hot or cold product.
Major concern:
-Contraction and expansion.
-Need to protect pulp from thermal shock from extreme temperature differences.

Contraction and Expansion

Ideal material --> contracts and expands at rate similar to tooth

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)

Measure of expansion of material per degree in temperature change when compared to material's original size.


Leakage of fluid and bacteria caused by microscopic gaps occurring at the interface of the tooth and restoration margins.


Movement of fluid within microscopic gap of restoration margin.
Result of differences in expansion and contraction rates of tooth and restoration with temperature changes associated with ingestion of cold or hot fluids/food.

Thermal Conductivity

Rate that heat flows through a material over time.


Phenomenon of electric current being transmitted between two dissimilar metals

Galvanic shock

current resulting in the stimulation of the pulp. Example: metal fork touching a metal restoration


Deterioration or dissolution of the metal to a chemical attack (acid) or electrochemical reaction with other metals due to the moisture and acid present in the oral environment.


phenomenon. Thin layer of corrosion forming over metals as outermost layer undergoes chemical reaction.
Often appears dull, gray, or black coating over metal


Degree to which a substance will dissolve in given amount of another substance
Ideal for oral cavity? Does not dissolve easily


Strength that causes unlike materials to adhere to each other
Without, microleakage can occur and restoration can come out
Affected by Wetting, Viscosity, Surface irregularities, Film thickness

Application Properties

Techniques used in application help determine the properties of that application.
Properties affecting application properties:
-Adhesion including wetting and viscosity


Dominant color of that wavelength


Intensity or strength of a color


How light or dark a color is


Ability to flow over a surface.
Consideration in wetting: hydrophilic or hydrophobic material?


Material's ability to flow.


Ability to maintain position without displacement under stress.
May be:
1) Mechanical retention -> places undercuts in preparation
2) Chemical retention -> works through adhesion and bonding
3) Combo


Not see through, all the light is absorbed.
White on a radiograph


See through, Light passes through.
Black on a radiograph.


Colors look different under different light sources.
Standardized measure of color needed.

Detection of Restorative Materials

Tactile evaluation
Visual evaluation
Radiographic evaluation


Partially see-through.
Light is only partially absorbed.
Between opaque and transparent