Ch. 35 Lymphatics and spread of dental infection

T/F the lymphatic system is part of the immune system.

TRUE. Fights off infection. Yellow clusters.

Where does the lumphatic system empty?

Into the carotid and subclavian.

Where will the lymph system ultimately drain to?

The heart. (They will go into the vena cava after traveling down the carotid.)

What are the 3 signs of infection?

2- Lymphadenopathy (swollen nodes)
3- Fever

The lymphatic system is the ___ defense in your own immune system.

Best. This should be used as a rule. If the infection is in your nodes, it'll usually be taken care of. The further along it goes to the point of being systemic is when you need to help them with antibiotics.

When is the only time you'd break the rule of not giving antibiotics if the infection is only in the lymph system?

-Pedes patient (not a complex immune system yet)

The lymph system empties into the _____ ______.

Venous system

Where does the lymph system empty into the venous system?

At the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian veins, then travels back to the heart.

The lymph system acts as what?

A filter.

What does it produce to combat infection?


Which tissues have lymph vessels in them?

Most tissues, including pulp.

Where does the retropharyngeal node drain?

The upper deep cervical node.

What are the retropharyngeal nodes?

Behind the throat wall and involved in throat infections. Drains into the upper deep cervical lymph nodes.

What are the 4 nodes to know for drainage?

1-Submental nodes
2-Submandibular nodes
3-Upper deep cervical
4- Lower deep cervical

What do the submental nodes drain?

The mandibular incisors, the tip of the tongue, and the midline of lower lip and chin.

Where do the submental nodes drain into?

The submandibular nodes.

What does the submandibular nodes drain?

Drains the most.
All maxillary teeth and maxillary sinuses except for max. third molars.
Mandibular canines, preolars, molars, except for wisdom teeth. Drains every mandibular tooth except man. incisors and third molars.
Drains floor of the mouth and most

What does the submandibular node drain to

The upper deep cervical nodes

What do the upper deep cervical nodes drain?

The third molars and base of the tongue, and the tonsils. Soft palate, posterior nasal cavity region.

Where do the upper deep cervical nodes drain?

The lower deep cervical nodes.

After they get to the lower deep cervical nodes, where does it drain?

To the blood.

How do you decide what the primary, secondary, or tertiary nodes are?

Depending on what was drained. If it started in the mandibular incisors, it was the submental. If it started in the maxillary arch, the primary would be the submandibular, etc.

Who has better prognosis, one who has cancer in the tip of their tongue, or the base of the tongue?

Tip of the tongue, because the submental is further from the blood stream and there are more nodes to innervate. Base of tongue is only one node away from the cancer getting in to the blood stream.

What is a fascial space infection?

Spaces between muscles and tissue that are infected. Muscle spreads faster so these are dangerous. Infection breaks out of bone and into the muscle instead of going through lymph system.

How common is a fascial space infection?

Not common, but displays much more dramatic clinical symptoms.

What fascial space infection will cause swelling of the submental space?

mandibular molar.

What fascial space infection will cause swelling of the sublingual space?

The mandibular premolar and anterior teeth.

What leads to ludwig's angina?

Multiple in fascial space. Swelling beneath the chin into the submental space.

If the infection does not open into the maxillary bucca vestibule or onto the palate it will spread to one of what 3 areas?

1-Swelling below the eye (anterior tooth) or Swelling of the cheek (posterior tooth)
3- Nasal cavity
4-maxillary sinus spread is rare.

What are the different ways the fascial space infection will swell?

Buccal or lingual.