Dental Radiograph appears as a

BLACK & WHITE image that includes shades of GREY


- Portion of the radiograph that is DARK. BLACK
- LACKS Density
- PERMITS the Passage of the X-ray beam w/ little or No resistance
Ex. Air Space


- Portion of the Radiograph that is WHITE/ LIGHT
- Structures are DENSE
- Absorb or RESIST the passage of the X-ray beam
Ex. Enamel, Dentin, Bone, Metal Restorations

Diagnostic Radiograph

- Provides a great deal of INFO
- The images exhibit proper DENSITY & CONTRAST
- SHARP Outlines
- SAME shape & size as the object radiographed

2 Visual Characteristics of Radio graphic image are

- Density & Contrast
-which directly influence the Diagnostic quality of a dental radiograph


- Overall BLACKNESS/ DARKNESS of a dental Radiograph
- Darker areas in radiograph represent Heavier deposits of Black silver particles
- Degree of Silver Blackening

Exposure Factors

- Control the Density of a dental radiograph
- Milliamperage (mA)
- Operating Kilovoltage Peak (kVp)
- Exposure Time


The DIFFERENCE in the DEGREES of BLACKNESS (densities) between adjacent areas on a dental radiograph

High Contrast

The radiograph that has very DARK areas & very LIGHTareas

Low Contrast

- The radiograph that does NOT have very dark or light areas
- Many shades of GREY

The prefered Dental radiograph image is

a radiograph between lOW contrast & HIGH contrast

Film Contrast

- Inherent qualities of FILM & film PROCESSING
- qualities of the SENSOR

Subject Contrast

- Characteristics of the SUBJECT that influence radiographic contrast
- Determined by the Thickness, Density, Composition

Increasing the Kilovoltage affects Contrast by

-INCREASING the average ENERGY of the X-rays & by producing Higher energy X-rays
- Higher KV produces an image w/ DECREASED or LOW contrast w/ many shades of GREY (very dark)

Scale of Contrast

The RANGE of useful DENSITIES seen on a dental radiograph

Short- Scale Contrast

- Radiograph that shows areas of BLACK & WHITE
- Has LOW Kilovoltage

Long- Scale Contrast

- Radiograph that exhibits many shades of GREY
- Has HIGH Kilovoltage


- Can be used to demonstrate SHORT & LONG scale Contrast
- Constructed of ALUMINUM

3 Geometric Characteristics of Radiographic image are

- Sharpness
- Magnification
- Distortion
Influence the DIAGNOSTIC QUALITY of a radiograph


(Detail, Resolution, Definition)
- The capability of the Receptor to reproduce the DISTINCT OUTLINES of an object


The LACK of image sharpness, BLURRING of edges

Sharpness of an image influenced by

- Focal spot size
- FIlm Composition
- Movement

Focal Spot Size

- Is the small area of the Tungesten Target of the ANODE
- The SMALLER he focal spot area the SHARPER the image appears

Film Composition

The COMPOSITION of the Film EMULSION influences the SHARPNESS

The emulsion of Faster film contains

LARGER crystals that produce LESS sharpness


Influences Image SHARPNESS

Image Magnification

image that appears LARGER than the actual size of the object it represents

Image magnification factors of a radiograph are

- Target- receptor distance
- Object- receptor distance

Target Receptor distance

The distance b/w the SOURCE of X-rays & image receptor

A longer PID & Target receptor distance result in

LESS image Magnification

A SHorter PID & target receptor distance result in

MORE image magnification

Object Receptor Distance

- Distance b/w the OBJECT being radiographed & the image receptor
- Tooth & receptor should always be placed as CLOSE together as possible

The Closer the Tooth is to the Receptor

The LESS the Enlargement of the Image

Dimensional Distortion of image

-Is a VARIATION in the true SIZE & SHAPE of the object being radiographed
- Results from IMPROPER RECEPTOR ALIGNMENT of beam angulation

Influencing factors of Dimensional Distortion

- Object receptor alignment
- X-ray beam angulation

Object Film alignment

- The object & receptor must be PARALLEL to eachother
- if the object (tooth) & receptor are not parallel an angular relationship results

X-ray beam Angulation

X-ray beam must be directed PERPENDICULAR to the tooth & receptor

Visual Characterisitcs

- Increase Ma = Increase Density
- Increase KVp = Increase Density
- Increase Time = Increase Density