Dental Anatomy - Soft Tissues of the Mouth

mucous membrane

the lining of various body cavities, including the nose, ears, and mouth.

lingual frenum

structure that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth

taste bud

sensory papillae

parotid gland

salivary gland within the cheek, just anterior to the ear

submandibular gland

salivary gland located under the jaw

sublingual gland

smallest salivary gland (situated under the tongue)

orbicularis oris

the sphincter muscle around the mouth

orbicularis oculi

a muscle that closes the eyelids


the principle muscle of the cheek which compresses the cheeks


not easily penetrable by x-rays or other forms of radiant energy.


permitting the passage of x-rays

trigeminal nerve

the fifth cranial nerve which is responsible for sensation in the face