dental radiology Ch 3 & 8

Rule 1 shadow casting

xrays should be emitted from the smallest source of radiation as possible

Rule 2 shadow casting

the xray source (focal spot or target) to the object (oral structure) distance should be as long as possible

Rule 3 shadow casting

The object (tooth) to film distance should be as short as possible

Rule 4 for shadow casting

The film andlong axis of the object (oral structure) should be parallel.

Rule 5 for shadow casting

the xray beam should be placed perpendicular to film

geometric characteristics (factors) is also called?

shadow casting

which of the following factors effect contrast?

development time
development tempature

Decrease mA causes

increase exposure time
decrease intensity
decrease density (lighter)
decrease quantity

Increase mA causes

decrease exposure time
increase intensity
increase density (darker)
increase quantity (amount, #)
increase temp. of cathode

Increase KVP causes


Decrease KVP causes

decrease density
decrease intensity
less energy
long wavelength
high contrast
short scale

In dental radiography, the term ___ is used to describe the energy, power, or penetrating ability of the xray beam


Xrays with longer wavelengths have ___ penetrating power.


Xrays with longer wavelengths are _____ likely to be absorbed by matter.


When the voltage is increased:

electrons move from the cathode to the anode with more speed.

dental xray equipment requires the use of less than __ kilovolts.



the overall drakness or blackness of a film

When the kilovolt peak is increased hile other exposure factors remin constant, the resultant film exhibits a decreased density and appears?


Quantity of the xrays produced is controlled by:


Amperage regulates the ____ of electrons produced at the cathode filament.

quantity, number

20 mA with an exposure time of 2 seconds would result in 40 mAs. If the milliamperage is decreased to 10, th time must be increased to ___ seconds to maintain the same density of tge exposed radiograph.


If a dental hygienist makes a radiograph with an 8 inch PID at 5 for the exposure time, but she moves to another room and uses the 16 inch PID, what would her new exposures times need to be?


If the exposure was 20 impulses at 8 inches and we use a 16 inch BID. what will the new impulses be?


10 mA for .6 = 15 mA for ___s?


one impulse occurs every 1/60th of a second. 60 impulses equal one second
1/10 second = ___ impulses
1/20 second = ___ impulses
1/30 second = ___ impulses


If you used an exposure of 20 impulses with the 16in, what is the new exposure time with 8in PID?


A dentist is using the exposure at 15mA and 2 seconds, then decides to change to 10mA, the new time required is?


Decrease focal spot size = _____ sharpness


Increase crystal size = _____ sharpness


Decrease crystal size = ____ sharpness


Decrease movement = ____ sharpness


Increase movement = _____ sharpness


Increase target-receptor distance = _____magnifcation


Increase object-receptor distance = ____magnifcation


Decrease object-receptor distance = ____magnifcation


Object and receptor are parallel = ___ distortion


Beam perpendicular to object and receptor = ___ distortion


Beam not perpendicular to object and receptor = ___ distortion


The capability of the receptor to reproduce distinct outlines of an object is called?


The unsharpness or blurred edges seen on a radiographic image is


The geometric characteristic that refers to a radiographic image that appears larger than its acual size is called?


A variation in the true size and shape of the object being radiographed is called?


To minimize dimensional distortion, the xray beam must be directed ____ to the tooth and the receptor.


To create a sharp image the dental radiographer uses?

- smallest focal spot
- film smallest crystal emulison
- limits movement of patient, tubehead,& receptors

To limit image magnification the ___ and ____ are used.

longest target-receptor distance
shortest object-receptor distance

To limit image distortion the receptors and tooth are positioned _____ to each other, and xray beam is directed ____ to the tooth and receptor.


A decrease in object-receptor distance results in a _____ in magnification.


A increase in object-receptor distance results in an ___ in image magnification.


A longer PID and target receptor distance results in ____ image magnification.


The target receptor distance is determined by the?

the length of the PID

Magnification or enlargement of a xray results from ____?

divergent paths of xray beam

xrays travel in diverging straight lines as they radiate from?

focal spot

target-receptor distance is also known as?

source to receptor distance

The sharpness of an image is influenced by the following 3 factors?

focal spot size
film composition

focal spot is?

small area converts bombarding electrons into xray photons

The size of the focal spot is determined by the ______?

manufacturer of the xray equipment.

The smaller the focal spot area the ____ image appears.


The larger the focal spot the ____ is the loss of image sharpness.


The half-value layer is the amount of?

aluminum needed to reduce xray beam intensity by half

The length of the PID is changed from 16 to 8in. The resultant intensity of the beam will be?

four times as intense

When you increase the intensity of the xray beam you increase what 3 items?

exposure time

To increase the penetrabililly of xrays, thier wavelengths should be?

shortened by increasing the KVP

When you increase film density you what?

increase the mA
increase the KVP
increase the time
decrease the distance

Contrast is primarily a funcion of ?


The "mean" penetrablility of xray beam is not related to ____?


Exposure factors are:

whatever you can adjust when you are taking a xray

Examples of exposure factors are?

Exposure time
target to film distance

Kilovoltage is

a measurement of force and energy


a measurement of the number of electrons flowing through the cathode filament

The total energy contained in xray beam in a specific area at a given time is?


Increasing miliiamperage alone results in an image with _____?

increased density

A radiograph with high contrast was produced with ___?

low milliamperage

A radiograph that has many light and dark areas with few shades of gray is said to have?

high contrast

Identify the term that describes how dark and light areas are differentiated on an image:


If kilovoltage is decrease with no other variations in exposure factors, the resultant image will:

appear lighter

The overall blackness or darkness of an image


Identify the milliamerage range for dental radiography?

7 to 15 mA

Increasing milliamperage results in an increase in 2 things:

temp of filament
number of xrays produced

In dental radiography, the quantity of radiation produced is controlled by 2 things?

millliamperage and exposure time

Radiaion produced with high KVP results in?

short wavelengths

Identify the unit of measurement used to describe the AMOUNT of electric current flowing through the xray tube?


A higher KVP produces xrays with?

greater energy levels
shorter wavelengths
more penetrating ability

Identify the KVP range for the most dental xray machines?

65 to 100

In dental radiography, the quality of the xray beam is controlled by?


Source to receptor distance means

if you go from 8in to 16in PID

Wavelengths determines what?

energy and penetrating power of radiation

Shorter wavelengths have ___ power.


Longer wavelengths have ___ power.



describes the mean energy or penetrating ability of xray beam

Voltage is

measurement of force that refers to the potential difference b/w 2 electrical charges

Voltage determines the ____ of electrons that travel from cathode to anode


Volt is

unit of measurement used to describe the potential that drives an electrical current through a circuit

A ___ KVP should be used when the area to be examined is dense or thick.


The use of 85 to 100 KvP produces ___ penetrating dental xrays with ___ energy and ____ wavelengths


The use of 65 to 75 Kvp produces ___ penetrating dental xrays with ___ energy and ____ wavelengths.



the maximum or peak voltage that is used during an xray exposure

polychromatic xray beam

many different wavelengts of varying intensities is produced.

high contrast is

has many black areas and many white areas

low contrast is

has many shades of gray instead of black and white

An image of high contrast is useful for the detection and progession of ____?

dental carries

An image with low contrast is useful for the detection of ____ or ____?

periodontal and periapical diease

Exposure time refers to?

the interval time during which xrays are produced

Exposure time is measured in _____?



increase in the number of electrons available to travel from the cathode to the anode

quantity is

to the number of xrays produced in dental xray unit

ampere (A)

unit of measure used to describe the number of electrons current flowing through the cathode filament

The number of amperes needed to operate a dental xray unit is _____.


one milliampere is equal to ____ of an ampere.


Quality and quantity are both described together as _____?


target-surface distance

the distance from the source of radiation to the patients skin

target- object distance

the distance from the source of radiation of the tooth

target receptor distance

the distance from the source of radiation to the receptor

receptor is

film or digital sensor

The xray beam from an 8in PID is ____ intense than a 16in PID


inverse square law

intensity of radiation is inversley proportional to the square of the distance from the source of radiation.

Inversely proportional means

one variable increases while the other decreases

If the source to receptor distance is doubed. According to the inverse square law, the result beam is ____ intense.


If the source to receptor distance is reduced by half. According to result beam is ____ as intense.

4 times

Aluminum filters are used to remove the ___ , _____ and ____ of xrays.

low energy
less penetrating
long wavelengths

Aluminum filters are placed in the path of the beam to ______.

reduce intensity

Mesuring the half-valaue lyer determines the ________ of the beam,

penetrating quality

The portion of processed radiograph that appears dark or black is?


THe portion of a processed radiograpgh that appears light or white is?


What appears most radiolucent on denta radiograph?

air space

Examples of radiopaque stuctures seen on dentak xrays are?

bone, enamel,dentin

Increasing the milliamperage will cause?

increase in density & image appears darker

Increasing the KVP will cause?

increase in density & image appears darker

Increasing the exposure time will cause _____?

increase in density & image darker

A dental patient has thick soft tissues and dense bones. To compensate for this increase in subject thickness and provide image of good density. What way is the LEAST harmful?

increase KVP

When viewed on a light source, a dental radiograph that demonstrates many shades of gray is said to have?

low contrast

When viewed on a light source, a dental radiograph that demonstrates very dark areass and very light areas is?

high contrast

The type of contrast preferred on a dental radiograpgh is?

a compromise b/w short-scale and long-scale contrast

Contrast is

difference in the degrees of blackness b/w adjacent areas on dental xray

Is film processing under control of the dental radiographer?


Development time of the temperature of the developer solution affects the contrast of a denal xray known as?

generic factor of film

Subject contrast determined by

the thickness, density and composition of the subject

Scale of contrast is?

the range of useful densities seen on a dental radiograph

Short-scale contrast

only shows 2 densities = black & white
have lower kvp, high contrast

long-scale contrast has

many densities, many shades of gray
have higher kvp, low contrast


device to demostrate short and long scale
monitor quality control of film
demonstrates densities
uniformed layered thickness