Ch 14 Research in Dental Hygiene

Established norms of conduct in performing research that distinguish between morally acceptable and unacceptable behavior


Question that is developed to be answered by a study


Ethical consideration that requires educating a subject in a research study to be educated about the study's purpose, duration, experimental procedures, alternatives, risks, and benefits

informed consent

Entity charged with reviewing the ethical implications of every research study

institutional review board (IRB)

Examination of all pertinent reports and studies to determine what is currently known about a specific topic or issue

literature review

Initial negative statement of belief about the value of a population parameter, for example, that two groups do not differ on as to a variable

null hypothesis

Protocol or detailed plan for a study

research proposal

Technique used when selecting a sample from a population to study

sampling techniques

Body of techniques using observation, reason, and experimentation to gather evidence that is empirical and measurable

scientific method

3 main components that make up the research proposal

research question, literature review, research study design

Every possible subject is selected independently and has an equal chance of being selected for the project

random sample

Samples every nth subject, which can be determined by dividing the total population size by the desired sampling size

systematic technique

Size of sample that is the most accurate representation of the population


Composed of individuals who are most readily available to be selected for the study

convenience sample

An intact group is a _____ of subjects that is already together, such as children in a classroom

convenient group

A clinician who understands a study's purpose and uses personal judgement to select patients to represent typical patients creates ___

selection bias

Effective for action research, which in relation to health care involve the reflective evaluation of current community programs designed to improve health practices and behaviors by changing them

judgmental samples

The research project may have been conducted entirely by one researcher called the

principal investigator

Research should ideally represent a cross-section of the population with regard to....

gender, race, age, ethnicity

2 types of samples that can result in selection bias

judgmental, convenience

IRB has 2 responsibilities. 1st to ensure rights/safety of subjects protected. What is the 2nd?

to protect institution/researchers from lawsuits & ensure research not flawed because study was unethically unsound

IRB holds researchers accountable to the ..


Evidence-based decisions come from research, practice, and ...

patient preferences

T/F Informed consent is an ongoing process that is initially obtained at the first step of the research process. It should be discussed in a group setting

1st = true 2nd = false

Type of sample that involves choosing every subject independently and all subjects have an equal chance of being selected


No statistically significant difference exists between Brand X and Brand Y toothpaste in the reduction of tooth decay: is an example of a ...

null hypothesis

Data analysis involves ...

analyzing the data

____ a sample provides additional data from studies by breaking the sample into population


A body of techniques that uses observation, reason, and experimentation to gather evidence that is empirical and measurable is termed

scientific methods

Evidence-based treatment takes into account research, clinical practice, and:

patient preferences

Waiting to professionally apply fluoride until after a prophy was provided was based upon which of the following types of evidence


Which type of disinfectant removes the most pathogens is an example of a(n):

positive hypothesis

Brand X significantly reduces halitosis is an example of a(n):

positive hypothesis

Brand X does not significantly reduce halitosis is an example of a(n):

null hypothesis

Does brand X toothpaste really reduce dentinal hypersensitivity is an example of a(n):

research question

A detailed plan for the study is called a(n):

research proposal

A review of all relevant reports and findings, which is conducted before the research study, is called a(n):

literature review

The head researcher who is responsible for the entire research project is called a

principal investigator

What is done to break samples into populations?


A sample is used when conducting research to study a:


Sampling every 'nth' subject is called:


A sample of individuals that is most readily available is referred to as which type of sampling?


No single research study can be applied beyond the _____ that was studied?


The field of bioethics has its origins with which physician?


The entity charged with reviewing research proposals for purposes of ethics is called a(n):

Institutional review board

The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) helps ensure:

patient confidentiality

Which government entity has a primary role in oral health research?


All dental hygienists should be cognizant about

research design

5 components of a research study

hypothesis, research proposal, sampling techniques, data analysis & interpretation, research conclusions & publication

Type of sample that provides the most external validity and prevents the possibility of selection bias by the researcher

random sample

Purposive sampling where the researcher selects who they want in the study. Has a great deal of bias

judgmental sampling

Includes plagiarism, copyright or patent infringement, falsifying or fabricating data, misrepresenting data, and conflict of interest

research misconduct

The one exception to obtaining informed consent is _____

when using surveys or questionnaires