Dental Hygiene III - Chapter 56 - The Patient with a Sensory Disability

Physical or mental impairment: visual/hearing

The Americans With Disabilities Act covers individual with a __?

legal term

Legal blindness is a __?

1. leading cause is diabetic retinopathy,
2. age-related macular degeneration,
3. senile cataracts,
4. glaucoma,
5. vascular dx,
6. trauma,
7. infections.
1. most common pre-natal,
2. injuries,
3. neoplasms,
4. retinopathy of premat

Some causes of blindness are __?

1. Use a clipboard for written messages
2. Ask patient if tap on hand or arm is ok
3. Plan signal if patient needs you to stop or is uncomfortable
4. Teach by demonstation
5. Always give patient written appt or notes
6. Use TRS to call a deaf person
7. Us

General Suggestions for patients with a hearing disability include:

Telecommunication Relay Service

What is TRS?

means of communication: if you don't know sign language and patient cant read lips due to mask writing may be alternative method.

The first thing to determine when treating a patient with a hearing disability is:

1. be careful not to touch,
2. have patient turn off when using powerdriven instrument

When working with a patient with a hearing aid it is best to:

1. Speak clearly and distinctly,
2. look at patient when speaking
3. don't have a lot of background noise.

When working with a patient with a partial hearing ability:

it is helpful if hygieniest is familiar with some signing

When working with a patient with a patient that uses sign language:

1. be sure patient is looking,
2. speak normal tone,
3. when patient cant understand use alternative method,
4. stay calm,

When working with a patient that speechreads:

1. Consider each patient differently
2. Look at the Patient hx: may need assistance
3. Children: learning ability may vary from other children
4. Adult: has made adjustments to being blind and gain dependence

Personal factors to consider for patients with a visual impairment are:

1. Patients can grasp instructions if told in detail, may use other senses
2. DO clear pathway,
3. DO lower the dental chair,
4. DO allow patient to use your arm,
5. DO allow patient to use their own protective eyewear (their may be darker shades)
6. DO N

How do you provide Dental Hygiene care for the totally blind?

1. Patient position: adjust for comfort
2. Light: avoid glare in patients eyes...may be sensitive to light
3. When giving patient instruction: position patient for best vision and give good details.

How do you provide Dental Hygiene care for the partially blind?


When hearing is impaired to the extent that it has no practical value for the purpose of spoken communication, a person is considered __?

hard of hearing" or "a person with hearing loss

When hearing is defective but functional its known as __?

1. May be associated with outer, middle or inner ear mechanisms
2. Heredity,
3. prenatal infection
4. Chronic inner ear infections,
5. infectious dx,
6. trauma,
7. toxic effects of drugs

Some causes of hearing impairment are:

Newborn Screenings

What is used now to determine if a baby is hearing impaired?

Conductive hearing loss:
outer or middle ear involvement of the conduction pathways to the inner ear
Sensorineural hearing loss:
damage to sensory hair cells of the inner ear
Mixed hearing loss:
combo of conductive and sensorineural
Central he

The types of hearing loss are:


This hearing loss is when there is outer or middle ear involvement of the conduction pathways to the inner ear


This hearing loss is when there is damage to sensory hair cells of the inner ear


This hearing loss is when there is a combinatrion of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss together


This hearing loss is when there is damage of the nerves or nuclei of the CNS in the brain

1. Lack of attention: fails to respond
2. Intentness; strained facial expression, stares
3. Turns head to one side, hearing maybe better
4. Gives unexpected answers
5. Frequently asking to repeat what was said
6. Unusual speech quality

Common characteristics suggesting hearing loss are:

Hearing aid

This is an electronic device that amplifies and shapes soundwaves

In-the-ear model

This hearing aid is practically invisible and lightweight

Canal aid

This hearing aid type fit entirely within the ear canal.

Cochlear implants

This is a small device that helps with someone who is profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing. One part is behind ear and other is surgically placed under the skin.

1. speaking,
2. speech reading,
3. hand-writing,
4. manual (sign language)
5. combination of any of the above.

Modes of communication for patients with a hearing disability are:

signing" or finger spelling.

Manual communication includes __.

which means of communication they prefer.

Always ask the hearing impaired patient __.

American Sign Language

This is a visual/gestural language with a unique and grammar and syntax.

have their own

Although a universal sign language has not been recognized, many countries __?


Signing "in the air" is an example of what type of hearing impaired communication?


Typically in the hearing impaired patient, they may give their name in what way?


This is process by which hearing impaired patients communicate by recognizing lips, face, and gestures


This method for the hearing impaired is used when other methods are not working.