Dental Hygiene II - Chapter 34 - Sealants


This is a resin that flows into the pit or fissures and bonds to the enamel surface acting as a physical barrier


T/F A sealant bonds to dentin


T/F Unfilled sealants are less wear resistant than filled sealants


The sealant bonds to the ___ surface of the tooth so that plaque bacteria cannot colonize within the pits and fissures of the occlusal surface thereby preventing cavities.

Seal out decay or seal off a pit or fissure

The purpose of a sealant is to __?

bonding strength

Filled sealants increase ___?


____ sealants are 2x more wear resistant than unfilled sealants


___ can be added to sealants to time release for added caries protection for the patient.

Preventitive sealant

This type of sealant is placed in caries free teeth in an effort to prevent dental caries.

Therapeutic sealant

This kind of sealant is one placed in teeth with incipient carious lesions in an effort to stop the decay process.

1. Radiographic evidence
2. Caries activity level
3. Caries pattern

Some contraindications for doing a sealant would be __?

Seal out decay or "seal off" a pit or fissure

The action of a sealant is to __?

Purpose of acid etch

____ is to produce irregularities in the enamel which allows the resin to penetrate into those irregularities and cause proper retention for the sealant

1. Self cured (autopolymerized)
2. Visable -Light Cured ( Photpolymerized)

What are the two types of sealants?

1. A universal liquid monomer
2. Catalyst

What are the parts of a self-cured style sealant?

When the catalyst is mixed with the monomer the two harden within 60-90 seconds.

How does a self-cured sealant work?

It hardens when exposed to a special curing light which takes about 20-60 seconds

How does a visible light cured sealant work?


Another name for a Self-Cured sealant is ___?


Another name for a Light-Cured sealant is ___?

Ad: no special equipt needed
DisAd: Limited working time, has to be mixed

What are the advantages and disadvantages to using a self-cured sealant?

1. No mixing time is required
2. The clinicial controls the polymerization time
1. More costly
2. Must disinfect light
3. Required protective shield (ultraviolet light)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a visible light cured sealant?

Visible Light-Cured

Which type of sealant is used in our WCC clinic?

1. If a patient's is at a greater risk for dental caries
2. Xerostomia
3. Ortho
4. Incipient caries
5. Newly erupted teeth
6. Occlusal contour issues
7. History of caries

What are some reasons to do sealants?


Radiographic evidence of proximal caries is a ___ for doing a sealant.


If pit & fissures are well coalesced and self-cleansing, the patient is at ___ caries risk & sealants would be contraindicated.

bitewing xrays

Always take ___ prior to placing sealants.

1. Treat one quadrant at a time
2. Use a 4-handed method when possible
3. Follow manufacturers directions
4.Retention depends on precision and maintaining a dry area during etching and placing the sealant

What are some of the general rules for doing sealants?


When doing sealants always treat __ quadrant(s) at a time.

1. PREPARE the tooth - remove all debris with pumice & prophy brush
2. ISOLATION: Keep tooth clean and dry, use dri-angles & cotton rolls
3. DRY the tooth: use clean air, dry tooth for at least 10 seconds
4. ACID ETCH: 15-60 seconds - dab to keep the surf

What are the steps for placing a sealant?


When cleaning the surface of a tooth that is being prepped for a sealant, one would use __?

phosphoric acid

Another name for acid etch is __?


Sealants can last for __?

1. Precision of placement
2. Moisture during procedure

What are some factors to sealant retention?


When doing a sealant you keep the acid etch on for how many seconds?


When curing a sealant you keep the curing light on for how many seconds?