cannon daily words 11

Forestall (forestallment)[permit]

v. To prevent or obstruct by taking action ahead of time

Formidable (formidableness)[hearten]

adj. Inspiring fear or respect by being impressively large or powerful

Fractious (fractiousness)[contended]

adj. Cross and quarrelsome

Frugal (frugally)[prodigal]

adj. Sparing with money or food

Furtive (furtiveness)[unveiled]

adj. Stealthy; secret

Incessant (incessantly)[periodically]

adj. Uninterrupted; continual

Incisive (incisiveness)[pliable]

adj. Having the quality of cutting in

Incoherent (incoherence)[conglutinate]

adj. Not coherent; rambling

Incongruous (incongruously)[concordant]

adj. Inconsistent; out of keeping

Indifferent (indifference)[engrossing]

adj. Without importance; uninteresting

Laudable (laudableness)[irreverent]

adj. Praiseworthy

Lethargic (lethargy)[animated]

adj. Unnaturally sleepy

Levity [pensiveness]

n. Lightness of temper or conduct

Listless (listlessness)[cognizant]

adj. Uninterested; languid

Lofty (loft)[ignoble]

adj. Very high in position or manner

Pathetic (pathetically)[gloomy]

adj. Affecting the emotion of pity

Patronize (patronizer)[antagonize]

v. To give encouragement to

Paucity [sufficiency]

n. Fewness; smallness of quantity

Perfunctory (perfunctorily)[meticulous]

adj. Done merely as a duty

Peripheral (peripherally)[paramount]

adj. Not of primary importance; auxiliary

Prolific (prolifically)[barren]

adj. Present in large numbers plentiful

Propriety [deceitful]

n. The state of conforming to accepted morals

Prosaic (prosaically)[amarous]

ad. Commonplace; unromantic

Protracted (protract)[abbreviated]

adj. Lasting for a long time or longer than expected

Provincial (provincially)[extensive]

adj. Of or concerning a province of a country or empire

Respite (respited)[continuation]

v. To postpone

Restrained (restrain)[communicative]

adj. Kept under control

Retaliate (retaliation)[abandon]

v. To make an attack in return for a similar attack

Reticent (reticence)[sanguine]

adj. Not readily revealing one's thoughts or feelings

Retract (retractable)[concede]

v. To draw or be draw back