How to understand the mind - part 1 - functions

The function of our mind is to

perceive or understand objects

One of the main functions of our mind is

imputing things

From the point of view of its function, the mind

can be divided into primary minds and mental factors

The function of the primary mind is to

apprehend the mere entity of the object

The function of mental factors is to

apprehend particular attributes of the object

The general function of feeling is

to experience the effects of previous actions, or karma

More specifically, the function of contaminated feelings

is to act as the basis for the three poisons

The function of a person

(is) to perform actions and experience their results

The function of discrimination is to

distiguish an object from other objects and to identify the object as 'this' and not 'that'

Discrimination associated with conceptual minds also functions to

impute, label or name objects

The principal function of intention is

to create karma

Besides percieving objects as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, contact also

functions to give rise to feelings

Attention has four functions

To focus the mind on a particular object
To fix the mind on that object
To prevent the mind from moving from the object
To serve as a basis for mindfulness and concentration

The main function of aspiration

is to induce effort

The main function of firm apprehension

is to make its primary mind apprehend its object firmly and thereby to realize that object

The function of mindfulness is

to prevent distractions

The main function of virtuous concentration is

to make the mind peaceful

In general, wisdom functions to

eliminate doubts and misunderstandings and in particular it functions to dispel ignorance

The special function of faith is to

induce virtuous aspirations

The function of sense of shame is to

serve as the foundation of moral discipline, particularly the moral discipline of restraint

The main function of consideration is

the same as that of sense of shame - to serve as the foundation of the moral discipline of restraint

Non-attachment is

the gateway to liberation

Non-hatred has many functions

It overcomes irritation and frustration and enables us to respond to adverse conditions with a calm and positive mind
It frees us from the inner pain of hatred, and makes our mind smooth and comfortable at all times
It is the basis for generating affectio

The function of non-ignorance is to

enable us to understand emptiness, the ultimate nature of all phenomena

The function of effort is to

instigate virtue
protect virtue from degenerating
facilitate the increase of virtuous qualities
and bring virtuous practices to completion

Mental suppleness

removes the inflexibility, slowness and heaviness of the mind, and makes it light and easy to use in virtuous actions

The main function of conscientiousness is to

enable us to keep pure moral disicipline and to improve our concentration

The function of equanimity is to

keep the mind in a balanced state - tranquil, clear and undisturbed by mental sinking or mental excitement

The main function of non-harmfulness or compassion is to

prevent us from harming sentient beings

Delusions function

only to cause us harm