apothecary (n)

person who prepares and sells medicine

eccentric (adj)

tending to act in strange or unusual ways; must describe a person

malevolent (adj)

having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person

sufficiently (adv)

done in a way that provides as much as is needed

cordially (adv)

done in a pleasant and friendly way

tranquility (n)

peacefulness; calmness

contentious (adj)

likely to cause disagreement or argument

amiable (adj)

friendly and pleasant

tyranny (n)

cruel and unfair treatment of people with power over others (like in english 9)

transparent (adj)

able to be seen through; easy to notice or understand

benign (adj)

not causing harm or damage

primitive (adj)

of, or seeming to come from an early time in the very ancient past

cautiously (adv)

done in a careful way, avoiding danger or risk

desolate (adj)

very sad and lonely; devoid of warmth, comfort, or hope

perpetual (adj)

continuing forever; happening all the time

unfathomable (adj)

impossible to understand

quelled (v)

ended or stopped, usually by using force

innate (adj)

existing in a person or animal from birth

erratically (adv)

done in an inconsistent, changing, or irregular way

vehemently (adv)

done in a way showing strong and often angry feelings

melancholy (adj or noun)

feeling or showing sadness OR a sad mood

tranquil (adj)

quiet and peaceful

altercation (n)

a noisy or angry argument

tentative (adj)

not definite; still able to be changed

inaudible (adj)

not able to be heard

oblivious (adj)

not conscious or aware of someone or something

subtle (adj)

hard to notice or see; not obvious

litigants (n)

people involved in a lawsuit

scrutiny (n)

the act of carefully examining something

arid (adj)

very dry; having very little rain or whatever

reluctantly (adv)

done in a way that shows doubt or unwillingness

discreet (adj)

not likely to be seen or noticed by many people

remorse (n)

a feeling of being sorry for doing something wrong in the past

fretfully (adv)

done in a worried way

wallow (v)

to spend time experiencing or enjoying something without making any effort to change your situation, feelings, etc...

fret (v)

to become vexed or worried

obscure (adj)

not well-known; difficult to understand

acquittal (n)

the act of deciding that a person is not guilty of a crime

squalid (adj)

very dirty and unpleasant

humility (n)

the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people

scowling (v)

looking at something in a way that shows anger or disapproval

veneer (n)

a way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a false idea of your true feelings or situation; a thin layer of material attached to a surface to make it look better

recluse (n)

a person who lives a secluded or solitary life

persecute (v)

to treat someone cruelly or unfairly especially because of race or religious or political beliefs

ambled (v)

walked in a leisurely way

illicitly (adv)

done in an unlawful way

procured (v)

gained possession of

assuaged (v)

eased; lessened the intensity of something distressing

inhabited (v)

occupied; lived in

tarnished (v)

dulled; having the luster (shininess) destroyed