Persuasive Terms

Appeals by Association

Link an idea or a product to something or someone positive or influential

Emotional Appeals

Use strong feelings, rather than facts, to persuade.

Loaded Language

Uses words with strong positive or negative associations.

Bandwagon Appeal

taps into people's desire to belong.

Appeal to Pity

Taps into people's compassion for others.

Words with Positive Association

Call up favorable images, feelings, or experiences.


Uses celebrities or satisfied customers to persuade.

Appeal to Fear

Preys upon people's fear for their safety.

Words with Negative Association

May bring to mind unpleasant images, feelings, or experiences; often create a sense of distrust or unease.


Connects a product, a candidate, or a cause with a positive image or idea.

Appeal to Vanity

Uses flatter to win people over.


a writer's position on a problem or an issue


attitude about a topic

Single-Cause Fallacy

suggests there is only one cause for something when there are actually several


arguments made to address points that someone with an opposing view might raise


a statement about a group of people or things that is much too broad to be true