English Vocab 3

Admonitory (adj.)

expressing admonition (a warning)
criticizing or expressing warning regarding behavior
expressing gentle or friendly reproof (criticism or blame)
counseling or warning against fault or oversight

Affected (adj.)

not natural or genuine
having or showing an attitude or behavior that is not natural or genuinely felt
assumed artificially or falsely

Conciliatory (adj.)

to make more friendly or less angry
to gain goodwill by pleasing acts
to make compatible
to appease (to make more friendly/less angry by saying or giving something desired)
friendly or agreeable

Disdainful (adj.)

feeling strong dislike or disapproval for someone or something you think does not deserve respect
feeling or expressing disdain (feelings of contempt for what you feel is inferior)

Earnest (n.)

a serious and intent mental state
a considerable or impressive degree or amount
serious and sincere; not lighthearted or playful
grave, important

Effusive (adj.)

expressing a lot of emotion
marked by excessive emotion or enthusiasm
characterized or formed by a non-explosive outpouring of lava

Glib (adj.)

said or done too easily or carelessly
showing little preparation or thought
speaking in a smooth, easy way that is not sincere
marked by ease and informality
lacking depth and substance

Hackneyed (adj.)

not interesting or funny because used too often
not fresh or original

Irreverent (adj.)

having or showing a lack or respect for someone or something that is usually treated with respect
treating someone or something in a way that is not serious or respectful
lacking seriousness or respect

Lackadaisical (adj.)

feeling or showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm
lacking life, spirit, or zest

Laudatory (adj.)

expressing or containing praise

Lucid (adj.)

very clear and easy to understand
able to think clearly
suffused with light
having full use of one's faculties; sane

Maudlin (adj.)

showing or expressing too much emotion especially in a foolish or annoying way
drunk enough to be emotionally silly
weakly and effusively sentimental

Morbid (adj.)

relating to unpleasant subjects
not healthy or normal
of, related to, or characteristic of disease
abnormally susceptible to or characterized by
gloomy or unwholesome feelings

Mordant (adj.)

expressing harsh criticism, especially in a way that is funny
biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style

Ostentatious (adj.)

displaying wealth, knowledge, etc., in a way that is meant to attract attention, admiration, or envy
marked by or fond of conspicuous and sometimes pretentious displays

Pejorative (n. or adj.)

(n.) a word or phrase that has negative connotations or is meant to disparage or belittle
(adj.) insulting to someone or something
(adj.) expressing criticism

Piquant (adj.)

having a pleasant, spicy taste
interesting and exciting
engagingly provocative

Querulous (adj.)

habitually complaining
fretful, whining

Sardonic (adj.)

showing that you disapprove of or do not like someone or something
showing disrespect or scorn for someone or something
disdainfully or skeptically humorous
derisively mocking