lifeguard recertification

surveying the scene

__________ assures your safety as well as the victim(s) safety.


never treat an injured person in an ___________ situation.

ems; safe distance

if the situation is unsafe and you can't correct it, call ________ and wait from a _________

condition; plan of action

while surveying the scene, you should begin to determine the _________ of the injures person and determine a ___________.

Personal Protective Equipment; gloves (single non latex), a pocket mask/ breathing barrier.

before coming in contact with the victim(s), be sure to have the proper __________ such as __________

obvious signs of life

you must continue providing care until you see ________ signs of ________

aed / ready to use

you must continue providing care until a ______ is available and ________

trained rescuer takes over

you must continue providing care until another...

advanced medical personnel takes over (ems)

you must continue providing care until more.....

too physically exhausted to continue

you must continue providing care until you are...

becomes unsafe

you must continue providing care until the scene...

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form is provided

you must continue providing care until a verified...

shake and shout method

to test consciousness you may use the _______________

conscious, breathing, and show signs of circulation

if the injured person is responsive the are....

life threatening conditions; secondary assessment

once you determine there are no ___________ you should perform a ________

a quick head to toe examination

a secondary assessment includes....


if injured person does not respond, the are....

call 911

if injured person is unresponsive you should get some one to...

the AED (if ava)

if injured person is unresponsive you should get...

emergency action plan


airway, breathing, and circulation


eap; abc

once the _____ is activated you should check victims ______

the head tilt chin lift

open victims airways using.... (abc)

10 seconds

look, listen, and feel for no more than... (abc)

the chest to rise and fall

you are looking for (abc)

breath; felling for breath on your cheek

you are listening (and feeling) for (abc)

a pulse

you are checking for (abc)

cartoon artery in neck; press in gently; 2 fingers

to check the pulse for an adult and child, locate the ______ and _____ with ____

brachial artery in arm; press gently w 2 fingers

to check pulse on infant, locate the ________ and _______

drowning; hypoxia; 2 ventilations

in case of breathing emergency such as ________ or _________ give_________

rescue breathing

if victim shows signs of circulation but is not breathing perform.....


if victim shows no signs of circulation and is not breathing perform.....

a secondary assessment

if victim shows signs of circulation and is breathing perform...


rescue breathing: for an adult, give ___ rescue breath every ____ seconds for ___ minutes


rescue breathing: for an child or infant give ___ rescue breath every ___ seconds for ___ minutes

2 minutes: abcs

rescue breathing: after ____ re check ____

rescue breathing

rescue breathing: if victim still shows no signs of breathing, but signs of circulation continue...

chest clearly rise; retilt the head and try a few more

rescue breathing: if the first few rescue breathes DO NOT go in and make the ______ then....

obstructed; an unconscious choking victim

rescue breathing: if the breaths still do not go in the airway is ____ perform steps for....

30 chest compressions

unconscious choking: if rescue breathes still do not go in after you retilt, give...

both hands in the center of chest

chest compressions for an adult or child:

2 to 3 fingers just below nipple line

chest compressions for infant

100; 120

compress at a rate of about ____ compressions per minute. (no more than ____)

foreign object check; if you see it& with your pinky

unconscious choking: open airway and do a ________ only sweep ...

give 2 rescue breaths

unconscious choking: once you remove object

repeat compressions and sweep (if you can see object)

unconscious choking: if breathes still do not go in..

look listen and feel, (for no more than 10 seconds) and act accordingly

if breaths do go in...

perform secondary assessment

if victim is breathing and showing signs of circulation

on a firm flat surface

cpr: make sure victim is..

give compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths


scenario changes

cpr: repeat until...