Airway Multiple Choice 3

you are manually ventilating a patient using a BVM. the patient is connected to a pulse oximetry and the o2 saturation is reading 80. you do not see chest rise. what steps can you take
A. squeeze the bag harder
B. repeat the head-tilt chin-lift and make s


you're on scene at a high school football game. a football player collapsed to the ground. he has a pulse, a RR of 4 breaths/min, breaths are shallow and he is grunting slightly. airway management should include:
A. performing manual ventilation with supp


how many lobes of the lung are there in total
A. 5
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6


you arrive on scene to a car accident and are treating a 35yo patient. he is unresponsive and not breathing. you should open his airway by
A. doing the jaw thrust maneuver
B. opening his mouth wide, while slightly hyperextending the neck
C. placing a cerv


you have a patient who has a history of asthma and is having shortness of breath. the patient has a doctor's prescription to take 2 puffs of Albuterol MDI every 4 hours as needed. your local EMS policies allow you to help a patient self administer the MDI


you are ventilating an unconscious, apneic patient experiencing a severe asthma attack. your rate is 20 breaths/min and oxygen is flowing at 15LPM. you note that his chest is increasingly distended, and it's getting harder to ventilate. you should:
A. dec


which of the following is the best indicator that ventilation with a BVM is effective in correcting hypoxia?
A. normal chest rise and fall
B. ventilation rate of 12 breaths/min
C. increase in SpO2
D. pulse of 88bpm and regular


a 22yo female with a history of asthma presents with dyspnea. she is alert, her respiratory rate is 20 and deep, and her sin is cool and moist with peripheral cyanosis. you auscultate wheezes in all lung fields. she has her prescribed albuterol MDI. you s


a 34yo female presents conscious and alert, complaining of difficulty breathing. you note a RR of 22 breaths/min with deep tidal volume, and her skin is pale, cool, and diaphoretic. you should immediately:
A. administer oxygen via Nasal cannula
B. suction


a 64yo female with a history of congestive heart failure has a sudden onset of shortness of breath. she is alert, with rapid and deep respirations and cool, pale, and diaphoretic skin. you auscultate rales (crackles) bilaterally. you should:
A. administer


a 34yo female presents with an acute onset of dyspnea and right-sided chest pain that worsens when she takes a deep breath. she has a history of asthma and gave birth to her first child 4 days ago. lung sounds are clear and equal bilaterally. her skin is


you are ventilating a patient who is apneic. ALL of the following errors can result in gastric distension except:
A. squeezing the bag too forcibly during each breath
B. squeezing the bag too slow during each breath
C. delivering too many breaths in one m


a 23yo male presents with stridor and difficulty breathing after being stung by a bee. he is breathing 28 times a minute, he has a HR of 108, and his BP is 110/70. you should first
A. ventilate with BVM
B. insert and OPA
C. listen to lung sounds
D. admini


your patient presents alert to pain only after being pulled out of a house fire. you hear audible stridor; his RR is 18 breaths/min with good tidal volume. there is a strong radial pulse, and his skin is warm and dry. the patient's most immediate threat t


a patient presents sitting on the edge of his bed, leaning forward, and drooling, with inspiratory stridor. he is alert, his respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min with visible chest rise and fall, and his skin is hot, dry, and pale. you should:
A. inspect th


bronchospasm, bronchial edema, and increased mucus production in the lower airways best describe the pathophysiology of:
A. asthma
B. pneumonia
C. pulmonary edema
D. emphysema


a patient presents with left sided spontaneous pneumothorax. which of the following would best suggest that a tension pneumothorax was developing?
A. decreased lung sounds on the left
B. jugular vein distension
C. hypertension
D. deviation of the trachea


a 4yo male presents complaining of a sore throat. his parents describe a 3day progression of fever, malaise, and respiratory distress. you note slight intercostal retraction, tachycardia, tachypnea, and loud cough. lung sounds are clear. this is most cons


while eating at a restaurant an adult patient developed acute difficulty breathing with wheezing auscultated in both lungs. he is unable to talk and is very short of breath. his skin is flushed. his HR is 126bpm, his BP is 90/60, and his RR is 24 breaths/


an elderly woman presents supine in her bed, alert and in respiratory distress. you can hear audible crackles as she breathes. her blood pressure is 240/120, her HR is 100 and irregular, and her RR is 22 breaths/min. you should immediately
A. begin BVM ve