Patient Assessment

What are the 5 main parts for patient assessment


When do you determine MOI or NOI

during the scene size up

when do you determine the number of patients and request for addition resources if appropriate

before starting any treatment during scene size up

always take what precautions with a patient


6 steps for scene size up

2-Scene Safety
3-MOI or NOI
4-# of patients
5-additional resources?
6-C-Spine Stabilization

how long should a primary assessment take

1-2 min

primary assessment focuses on

life threats

primary assessment includes


What order for ABCs when patient appears lifeless with no pulse

C-A-B because you immediately give CPR

What do we determine in general impression?


In the general impression, what findings indicate unstable patients


Level of Consciousness (LOC): asses for responsiveness

A: Awake and Alert
V: Response to Verbal Stimuli
P: Responsive to Pain (Pinch)
U: Unresponsive/Unconscious

Where to test to response to painful stimuli

pinch the earlobe or pinch the neck muscles

What do you do to evaluate a person's ability to remember?

Test of orientation
-Person: what is your name?
-Place: do you know where you are?
-Time: Do you know about wha time of day it is?
-Event: DO you know what happened to you?

Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)

a scale used to assess the consciousness of a patient upon physical examination, typically in patients with neurological concerns or complaints

GCS eye opening

Spontaneous=4; to speech=3; to pain=2; no response=1

GCS verbal response

4-Confused conversation
3-Inappropriate words
2-Incomprehensible sounds

GCS motor response

6-Obeys commands
3-Abnormal flexion (decorticate)
2-Extension response (decerebrate)

GCS injury

13-15: minor brain injury
9-12: moderate brain injury
3-8: sever brain injury

Asses airway

Medical patient = HEAD TILT CHIN LIFT
-clear airway, insert oral/nasal airway as needed
Trauma patient = JAW THRUST

Asses Breathing


Describe what you look for in look, listen and feel

look for chest rise (bilateral) and listen with a stethoscope. By midclavicular feel across clavicle with tips of fingers or back of hands and ask them to take a deep breath

Be prepared to ventilate with an adult patient with less than___ bpm. and when its greater than 30 bpm they may be going into shock

8bpm be prepared to ventilate
30bpm might be going into shock

Asses Circulation

-pulse (presence / absence)
-assess for possible major bleeding
-assess skin color, temperature and condition
-assess capillary refill

How fast should capillary refill for kids be?

less then 2 seconds

Perfusion Status Assessment

skin temperature adults
skin temp and capillary refill children

What nemonic do you use for trauma patients


what nemonic is used to assess pain in medical



signs and symptoms
pertinent past history
last oral intake
events leading to injury


Onset, Provocation, Quality, Region/Radiation, Severity, Timing.

How and what to asses in Head to Toe survey

Inspection-look at the patient for abnormalities
Palpation-touch or feel the patient for abnormalities
Auscultation-listen to the sounds a body makes by using a stethoscope


deformities, contusions, abrasions, punctures, burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling

Platinum 10 minutes

The time limit of on-scene care when treating a Patient with trauma or shock

all the parts of a head to toe survey

-neck anterior
-neck posterior
-chest (inspect, palpate, auscultation)
-abdomen (inspect, palpate)
-pelvis (inspect, palpate)
-down the legs
-lower extremities (asses pulse, motor and sensory in each foot)
-upper extremities (down each arm, asses PMS in each hand/fingers)
-upper and lower back
-posterior lower extremities

What to do for a trauma patient with no significant MOI or combined critical findings (3)


Other components of the head to toe assessment (4)


head to toe trauma



Delicate membrane lining the eyelids and covering the eyeball

A pulse may be be palpated in any place that allows an ____________ to be compressed against a _____________

artery to be compressed against a bone

blood pressure is the ________ exerted by circulating _________ upon the walls or _______________

the pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels