Chain of survival pre-hospital

1. recognition of activation of emergency response system
2. immediate CPR
3. Rapid defibrillation
4.basic and advanced emergency medical services
5.advance care to hospital

heart attack

a condition in which blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked, causing heart cells to die

sudden cardiac arrest

Occurs when the heart develops an abnormal rhythm and can't pump blood

building blocks of CPR

chest compressions, rescue breaths, teamwork

BLS for adults

scence survey
check responsiveness
activate EMS and access AED
assess breathing and pulse

carotid artery pulse check

where you check on adults for their pulse

adults CPR

1. begin high quality CPR
2. 100-120/minute
3.at least 2 inches
5.minimize interruption in compressions

adult breaths

1. opening the airway, head tilt-chin lift,
2. jaw thrust (c-spine)
3. barriers (pocket mask)
4. barrier (bag valve mask)

automated external defibrillator (AED)

A portable electronic device used to restore normal heart rhythms in victims of sudden cardiac arrest. For adults and children 8 y/o and up

AED pad placement

The upper right and lower left sides of the chest. (shoulder and rib)

BLS for children

1. scene survey
2.check responsiveness
3. activate EMS and access AED

Children CPR

rate of 100-120/minute
depth of at least 2 inches
all full chest recoil
minimize interruptions in compressions

pediatric chain of survival-pre hosipital

1. prevent choking
2. 2 mins of treatment
3.early access
4.activate EMS
5.follow up care

BLS for infants

scene survey
check responsiveness
activate EMS and access AED

Brachial artery pulse check

where. you check for a pulse on an infant

infant breaths

opening the airway
head tilt-chin lift (just to neutral)
pocket mask (barrier)
pediatric bag valve mask

infant CPR

begin high quality CPR
depth 1 to 1 1/2 inches
30:2 ratio
minimize interruptions in compressions

infant- two person CPR

15:2 ratio

AED- infants

must have pediatric pads and adapter