first responders study guide exam 2

difference between Chief complaint in diagnosing a patient

Chief complaint is what the patient is complaining about, diagnosing a patient is determining what is wrong with them which may not be the same as the chief complaint

define palpation

use of the sense of touch to determine the characteristics of an organ

what does opqrst stand for?

onset, provocation, quality, radiation, severity, time

what type of medication is nitroglycerin?


if you do not have child's AED pads what can you use instead?

you can use adult AED pads as long as they do not touch

what are the effects of nitroglycerin?

drop in blood pressure and less pain

what is the main precaution before an AED shocks a patient?

ensure no one is touching them

how do you check for breathing?

look, listen, feel

what should be included in a reassessment?

continued assessment a mental status, ABCs and vital signs

what is the most common airway obstruction?


what is the flow range for a nasal cannula?

1-6 LPM

define atherosclerosis

narrowing of arteries due to fatty plaque

what are some modifications of used for aeds?

implanted pacemaker, drug patch, hairy chest, patient's body in water

what is the benefit of humidifying oxygen for patient?

nasal cannulas dry out the nose. by humidifying the oxygen and keeps the nose moist.

define nature of illness (NOI)

what's the cause of an illness is

define mechanism of injury (MOI)

a force or forces that may have caused injury

define myocardial infarction

area of heart muscle dying due to lack of oxygen

definition of signs versus symptoms

signs can be seen or are measurable in some way (objective) while symptoms are non-measurable (subjective)

signs and symptoms of asthma

wheezing on inspiration/expiration

what is the minimum data set included in patient care reports?

times of dispatch, arrival unseen, vital signs, nature of call, etc

signs and symptoms of partial airway obstruction versus complete airway obstruction

you can cough and a partial airway obstruction, you cannot talk, cannot cough, and cannot breathe in a complete airway obstruction

how should the narrative section on PCR be written?

totally objective

what causes gurgling sounds? how do you treat this?

caused by water, blood, or any other liquids in the throat blocking the airway. this is treated by suctioning out the airway

when to use BVM for positive pressure ventilations?

when the patient is not breathing or not breathing accurately

subjective versus objective information on patients

objective information is something that can be measured or scene. subjective information is something that the patient is feeling that cannot be measured

what comes after manual stabilization of head during assessments?

general impression

what a & o x 4 means

person, place, Time, event (if it is a four, then they are fully aware)

what are classic signs of moderate to severe respiratory distress?

two to three word sentences and tripod position

what is the first priority with a crime scene?

scene safety

what is a PCR?

a legal document

what is something to keep in mind for airway Management in the elderly?

issues with stiffer neck and jaw

define continuity of care

taking care of a patient from the moment you get to call all the way through till getting to the hospital

define perfusion

adequately oxygenated blood being circulated throughout the body

hazards of oxygen use

tank is a dangerous projectile, oxygen supports combustion, and it does not mix well with oil

head tilt chin lift vs. jaw thrust maneuver

head tilt chin lift is more effective but should only be used without spinal precautions, the jaw thrust maneuver is to be used with spinal precautions

percentage of oxygen delivered for nasal cannula?

25 to 45% for 1 to 6 liters

percentage of oxygen delivered for nrb?

85 to 90% for 10 to 15 liters

percentage of oxygen delivered with BVM?

99 to 100% for 15 liters

examples of significant mechanisms of injury

falling from a roof, thrown from a car in a car crash, etc.

definition of pin index safety system

things only fits in one type of gas tank; ensures appropriate regulator

oxygen concentration vs. supplemental oxygen

oxygen concentration is the amount of o2 being given while supplemental oxygen is giving O2 to any extent

when is utilizing family members for additional information necessary?

when the patient has Alzheimer's

what are the functions of oxygen tank regulators?

reduces pressure of tank, shows amount of pressure in tank, manipulate flow rate

what are baseline vitals?

The first set of vitals taken from a patient

what is the definition of trending?

continually taking and comparing the vitals. this should be done every 15 minutes for a stable patient and every 5 minutes for an unstable patient.

how should you describe a patient's respiratory rate?

use the acronym RDSE: rate, depth, sounds, and ease

when should you use a nasal cannula?

for mild to moderate respiratory problems or if the patient is too claustrophobic to use a BVM

name a few of the COPDs listed in respiratory chapter that commonly cause respiratory compromise

emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma

how long does it take for angina pectoris to resolve itself with medication?

10 minutes

why is angina pectoris so dangerous?

it can lead to a heart attack

how can you determine myocardial infarction from angina pectoris?

myocardial infarction chest pain usually does not resolve nor is it helped by medication

what is a PCR?

patient care report

define auscultation

listening to sounds produced by internal organs. Usually done to evaluate:
1. heart
2. lungs
3. abdomen