AP Gov. Ch 4

what did De Tocqueville argue

that democracy endured in the US because of geography, laws, and "the manners and customs of the people

Alexis De Tocqueville

French political writer noted for his analysis of American institutions (1805-1859) Democracy in America

what is American political culture

a distinctive and patterned way of thinking about how politics and economic life should be carried out

written vs unwritten constitution

US, France vs England

separation vs unified powers

US vs England, France

presidential vs semi-presidential vs parliamentary

US vs France vs England

what percent of Americans are non-hispanic white

over 25%

what percent of Americans identify as Christians

over 80%

what type of equality are Americans more likely to favor, and over what

political equality vs economic equality

5 elements of the American view of the political system (ideas of political culture)

-liberty: rights
-equality: equal chance to participate and succeed
-civic duty: become involved, take community affairs seriously
-individual responsibility: individuals are responsible for their own actions/well-being
-democracy: government is accountab

how do we know people share these beliefs about political culture

polls, books, speeches, political choices, personality tests, comparative polling

how do we explain behavior inconsistent with these beliefs in political culture

people take actions contrary to their beliefs in everyday life

most consistent evidence of a common political culture

use of terms like Americanism

contrasting definitions of good citizenship

-people who pay their taxes, obey the law, and support the military
-people who are skeptical of government, join protest movements, and boycott products they do not like

where does a generational divide exist

what makes a good citizen

overall americans still what

love their country

Americans views on the economic system (3)

-support free enterprise, but with limits on marketplace freedom
-equality of opportunity, but not equality of result
-shared commitment to economic individualism

what percent of Americans are proud to be American


what do Americans have a deeper belief in

the importance of God for morality

what country is the model for a well-developed democracy


2 ideas of political culture in Sweden

-defer to government experts and specialists
-believe in "what is best" more than "what people want

what did the Almond and Verba study report

US and British citizens had a stronger sense of civic duty and competence than the citizens of Germany, Italy, or Mexico

civic duty

one has an obligation to participate in civic and political affairs

civic competence

one can affect government policies

Americans _________ ______, but still repot being _______ ___________.

acknowledge flaws; very patriotic

what do Americans favor of equality


what are Americans more likely to do than Europeans

believe in God, pray daily, and acknowledge a clear standard of right and wrong

what do religious people do more of

donate money and time to charitable organizations

what is religious diversity a source of


protestant heritage emphasized what 4 things and what did they make up

-a believer has to work hard
-save money
-obey the secular law
-do good works
work ethic

what were produced by churches congregational organizations and why

miniature political systems; so civic and political skills could develop

what instills the way Americans think about the world and politics


horatio alger

Famous promoter of success story... Started as minister of small town (had sexual scandals) but moved to NY and wrote +100 novels all about "rags to riches," which captured aspirations of many men.

what are cultural clashes in America a battle over


two cultural camps

-orthodox and progressive

in what 3 ways do cultural wars differ from political disputes

-money is not at stake
-compromises are almost impossible
-conflict is more profound

causes of decrease in trust of government (4)

-Clinton impeachment
-War in Iraq

what percent have Americans have a lot of confidence in the government


what is the only institution in which public confidence has increased

the military

robert putnam

political scientists that believed that interest groups are essential sources of social capital and believed social capital was declining

social capital

Democratic and civic habits of discussion, compromise, and respect for differences, which grow out of participation in voluntary organizations.

gunnar myrdal

Swedish economist; writes "The American Dilemma" says US biggest problem is racism because of stereotype of blacks as inferior among whites; blacks treated as second class by gov.