AP Government Chapter 3 Notes (The Challenges of Democracy)

Timeline leading up to the Declaration of Independnece

Colonists enjoyed many freedoms, Protection by Britain authorized Britain to tax policies according to Englishman, Sons of Liberty destroyed taxed items, Boston tea party, Continental Congress, Right of "life, liberty, property," Revolution

Declaration of Independence

Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, the document that proclaimed the right of the colonies to separate from Great Britain.


Argued that people have "inalienable rights

Social Contract theory

The belief that the people agree to set up rulers for certain purposes and thus have the right to resist or remove rulers who act against those purposes

Jefferson's opinion of the King

Jefferson denounced the king for participating in slavery


Government without a monarch; a government rooted in the consent of the governed, whose power is exercises by elected representatives responsible to the governed


A loose association of independent states that agree to cooperate on specified matters

Articles of confederation

The compact among the thirteen original states that established the first government of the United States
The articles gave states power
States had one vote in congress

Reasons the Articles Failed

Government couldn't tax, no person could direct the government, the government couldn't regulate interstate and commerce, and they could not be amended without unanimous agreement

Shay's Rebellion

Rebellion led by Daniel Shay preventing the foreclosure of farms

Virginia Plan

A set of proposals for a new government, submitted to the constitutional convention of 1787; included separation of the Government into 3 branches, division of legislature into 2 houses, and the proportion representation of the legislature

New Jersey Plan

Submitted by the head of the New Jersey delegation to the Constitutional convention of 1787, a set of nine resolutions that would have, in effect, preserved the Articles of Confederation by amending rather than replacing them
States have equal representat

Legislative Branch

The lawmaking branch of government

Executive Branch

The enforcing branch of government

Judicial Branch

The law-interpreting branch of government

Great Compromise

Submitted by the Connecticut Delegation to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and thus also known as the Connecticut Compromise, a plan calling for a bicameral legislature in which the House of Representatives would be apportioned according to the pop

Electoral College

A body of electors chosen by voters to cast ballots for president and vice President
Eliminated fear for popular vote for president and satisfied small states (if president failed to be elected they would receive the same vote)

Extraordinary majority

A majority greater than the minimum of 50 + 1


A form of government in which power resides in the people and is exercised by their elected representatives
Created by Aristotle


The division of power between a central government and regional goverment

Separation of power

The assignment of law making, law-enforcing, and law-interpreting functions to separate branches of government

Checks and balances

A government structure that gives each branch some scrutiny of and control over the other branches

Enumerated powers

the powers explicitly granted to congress by the Constitution. 18 powers are enumerated, the first 17 are specific powers. The last clause is the necessary and proper clause

necessary and proper clause

the last clause in section 8 article 1 of the Constitution, which gives congress the means to execute its enumerated powers. This clause is the basis for Congress's implied powers. Also called the elastic clause

Implied powers

Those powers that Congress needs to execute its enumerated powers

Bill of Rights

The first 10 amendments to the Constitution. They prevent the National government from tampering with fundamental rights and civil liberties, and emphasize the limited character of national power.

Amendment process

Proposal and Ratification


2/3 vote in either house or senate or national convention summoned by congress at the request of 23 of state legislatures


Vote of legislatures of 3/4 of the states or by a vote of constitutional conventions held in 3/4 of the states. Congress chooses the method and can set a time limit for its ratification

Categories of the last 17 amendments

make public policy, correct deficiencies in government structure, promote equality

Marbury V. Madison

courts have the power to nullify government acts that conflict with the constitution. The court interprets the constitution, and have to beware of old language and it's context

What kind of Government is the U.S.A.?
