gov unit 5 TEST

Amendments Anti- Federalist created in fear of a large federal government?

bill of rights; specifically the 9th and 10th Amendments
9th amendment: states that there are other rights that may exist aside from the ones explicitly mentioned, and even though they are not listed, it does not mean they can be violated.
10th Amendment:

What is the Bill of Rights?

*in 1789 Congress sent proposed Bill of Rights to the states for ratification (occurred in 1791)
*guaranteed freedom of speech, press religion
*it highlighted the anti-Federalists' fears

How has the 14th Amendment been interpreted? Has it Limited or Grown?

*suggested that the protections of the Bill of Rights should also protect state violations of those rights
1.) Privileges and Immunities Clause
2.) Due Process Clause
3.) Equal Protection Clause
"No state shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or

Gitlow v. New York

*court case in which the SC first noted that the states were not completely free to limit the forms of political expression
*fundamental personal rights were protected from infringement by states by the due process clause of the 14th Amendment

Selective Incorporation

a judicial doctrine whereby most, but not all, of the protections found in the Bill of Rights are made applicable to the states via the Fourteenth Amendment

What are the Bill of Rights Amendments?

1st: freedom of religion, speech, press
2nd: right to bear arms
3rd: housing of soldiers
4th: protection from unreasonable searches
5th: protection to rights of life, liberty and property
6th: rights of accused persons in criminal cases
7th: rights in civ

What is the Establishment Clause?

the clause in the 1st Amendment that prohibits the establishment of religion by Congress

What is Hierarchical when dealing with Freedom of Speech?

if one disrupts the peace and causes anger it can not be claimed freedom of speech

New York Times v. USA

*Censorship cases ("prior restraint")
*speech that addresses matters of public concern may not be censored

Stromberg v CA

*upheld flying of the red flag (symbolic of opposition to the US government)
*symbolic speech

Free Speech Zones

areas set aside in public places for the purpose of political protesting. they haven't come to the courts, why no one knows about it

Brady Bill

US Congress mandated federal background checks on firearms purchases in the US, and imposed a 5-day waiting period on purchases

Miranda v Arizona

Supreme Court decision that sets guidelines for police questioning of accused persons to protect them against self-incrimination, the "right to remain silent", and to protect their right to counsel (speak with lawyer)

Gideon v Wainwright

Ordered states to provide lawyers for those unable to afford them in criminal proceedings. Warren Court's judicial activism in criminal rights. 6th Amendment & right to counsel.
Gideon was charged with breaking and entering in Florida and could not a

Griswold case created what?

- Right to privacy
landmark ruling which the court establishes that there is a "penumbra" of rights
- these are civil liberties closely attached to the Bill of Rights
- in this case, the right to consenting adults to use birth control is a privacy right p

Discrimination is based on what characteristics?

age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation

Missouri Compromise

36''30 line; balanced representation of slavery and anti-slavery states by admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state

Uncle Toms Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe (Lincoln Quote)

book about a slave woman trying to escape with her young child; first time a book is written from a slave perspective and sold to the public

Civil War Amendments

~13th, 14th, 15th
~abolish slavery, citizenship due process, voting rights for black males

Plessy v Ferguson

*Court found that separate but equal accommodations did not violate the equal protection of the 14th amendment

19th Amendment

guaranteed women the right to vote

Brown v Board of Ed

The Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated.

Rosa Parks

Refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. After she was jailed, the Montgomery bus boycott was organized.

Tactics of the Civil Rights Movement

--> protests
--> boycotts
--> sit ins
--> grass roots organizing


separation enforced by law

De- Facto

racial discrimination that results from practice rather than the law (housing patterns)

The Equal Rights Amendment

*originally presented as simple correction to the Constitution
*became politicized
*halted by Roe v. Wade decision

Regents of University of Cal v Bakke

Supremes upheld notion of affirmative action but said race could be only one factor in determining admission


*women claimed to be payed lower wages than men and offered fewer opportunities
*another group claimed that Wal-Mart knowingly hired illegal immigrants and in doing so violated the worker's ciivl rights by refusing to pay Social Security and other wage co

Women's Rights

-litigation for equal rights
-Hoyt v. Florida: trial by all-male jury is acceptable, decision is reversed in 1975
-Kennedy created President's Commission on the Status of Women
-->Report, American Women, documented pervasive discrimination against women

Dred Scott

*found that MO Compromise was unconstitutional
*slaved were not US citizens and couldn't bring suits in federal court

15th Amendment

*one of the Civil War Amendments
*specifically enfranchised newly-freed male slaves
*didn't guarantee suffrage, it simply said that states could not deny anyone the right o vote on account of race or color

Roe v Wade

Court found a woman's right to an abortion was protected by the right t privacy that could be implied from specific guarantees found in the bill of Rights, and that were applied to the states through the 14th Amendment

Civil Rights Act of 1964: leading to the legislation

-Kennedy request on banning discrimination in public accommodations
-March on Washington led by MLK
-"I have a dream" speech
-Kennedy was assasinated
-Johnson, southern-born VP, put civil rights on top of his agenda as new president
-opposition from Strom

Civil Rights Act of 1964: once the legislation passed


Civil Rights Act of 1964: Impact