Ch. 5

constitutional if incident to a reasonable search.

The use of dogs are to sniff high school lockers for drugs has been determined by the supreme Court to be

the Bill of Rights lists several competing rights.

Conflicts in civil liberties often arise because

Germans and radicals.

The Espionage and Sedition Acts (1917-19) were largely stimulated by fears of

communist had infiltrated the government.

Senator Joseph McCarthy became a powerful policy entrepreneur by claiming that

upholding them.

Usually, the Supreme Court has reacted to wartime curtailments of civil liberties by

None of the above

Which of the following statements concerning the Bill of Rights and state power is incorrect?

the due process and equal protection clauses.

The earliest incorporations of portions of the Bill of Rights relied on

private possession of firearms

In 2008, the Supreme Court ruled that the Bill of Rights does not allow the federal government to ban ____ in the District of Columbia.

his actions presented a clear and present danger

In the early 1920s, the Supreme court upheld the conviction of Charles T. Schenck under the Espionage Act because

upheld the convictions.

When eleven communists were convicted under the Smith Act of 190, the Supreme Court

cannot collect damages from that person.

If you, as a private individual, are grievously harmed by the statements of someone who can also prove that the statements are true, you

can collect damages if you demonstrate malice.

If you, as a public figure, are grievously harmed by the written statements of someone who cannot prove that they are true, you

I know it when I see it.

Justice Potter Stewart's oft-quoted dictum on hard-core as opposed to soft-core pornography was

lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

The 1973 Supreme Court definition of obscenity denies free-speech protection to materials or activities that

in violation of the First Amendment

An Indianapolis ordinance defining pornography as the "graphic, sexually explicit subordination of women" was held by the Supreme Court to be

upheld as a regulation of land use.

A local statute forbidding adult movie theaters from being located near churches, schools, or parks would probably be

preferred position.

The right of free expression, although not absolute, enjoys a higher status than the other rights granted by the U.S. Constitution. This is known as the doctrine of

virtual, or computer-stimulated, images.

In a 2002 case, the Supreme Court struck down a portion of a 1996 law related to child pornography because the case at hand involved

flag burning.

One form of symbolic speech permitted by the Supreme Court is

an act that conveys a political message.

Symbolic speech, as defined by the text, is

accepted the case and upheld the restrictions in question.

When the Supreme Court was asked to consider constitutional challenges to restrictions on speech in the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law of 2002, it

the exercise of free expression by students cannot impede the educational mission of the school.

The Supreme Court denied the Hazelwood High School student newspaper the right to print certain stories, using the argument that

the free-exercise clause of the First Amendment.

A state cannot apply a license fee to Jehovah's Witnesses who solicit door to door. This is in keeping with

blind religions to laws that bind all others.

The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law prohibiting the "free exercise" of religion. It may, however,

deeply held moral, ethical, or religious beliefs.

For the Supreme Court to uphold conscientious objection to military service, that objection must be noted in

the writings of Thomas Jefferson.

The historical source for the "wall of separation" between religion and the state is

the aid went not to particular schools but to the families who chose the schools.

In an important recent decision, the Supreme Court upheld a voucher program for students attending religious and other private schools in Cleveland, Ohio, because

the exclusionary rule.

The argument that tainted evidence cannot be used in court if citizens' rights are to be maintained leads to what is called

the right to remain silent.

A person being arrested must be informed of all the following rights except

unlawful combatants.

The Bush administration held that those who were captured in Afghanistan and detained in military bases at Guantanamo are

due process of law

Denies the government the right, without due process, to deprive people of life, liberty, and property.

equal protection of the law

A standard of equal treatment that must be observed by the government.

selective incorporation

The process whereby the Court has applied many parts of the Bill of Rights to the states.

freedom of expression

Right of people to speak, publish, and assemble.

freedom of religion

People shall be free to exercise their religion, and government may not establish a religion.

prior restraint

Censorship of a publication.

clear-and-present-danger test

Law should not punish speech unless there was a clear and present danger of producing harmful actions.


Writing that falsely injures another person.

symbolic speech

An act that conveys a political message.

free-exercise clause

First Amendment requirement that law cannot prevent free exercise or religion.

establishment clause

First Amendment ban on laws "respecting an establishment of religion.

wall of seperation

Court ruling that government cannot be involved with religion.

exclusionary rule

Improperly gathered evidence may not be introduced in a criminal trial.

search warrant

A judge's order authorizing a search.

probable clause

Reasonable cause for issuing a search warrant or making an arrest; more than a mere suspicion.

good-faith exception

An error in gathering evidence sufficiently minor that it may be used in a trial.

Public safety exception

The police can question an un-Mirandized suspect if there is an urgent concern for public safety.

Inevitable discovery

The police can use evidence if it would inevitably have been discovered.