1. Government Funds

special revenue funds

2. Proprietary Funds

applies to enterprise and internal service funds only

3. Fiduciary funds applies to

private party trust, investment trust, pension trust, and agency funds

4. GASB doesn't set standards for

non-governmental not for profit hospitals

5. Every general-purpose government must have a


6. Proprietary Fund

Internal service

7. Not a fiduciary fund

permanent fund

a. Fiduciary funds include agency, pension trust and private-purpose trust.


8. Governmental fund

special revenue

9. Not an objective of Federal Financial reporting

financial reporting should enable evaluation of the success rate of programs

a. Does include: financial reporting should enable evaluation of the service efforts, costs and accomplishments of reporting entity, financial reporting should reveal whether financial systems and controls are adequate, and financial reporting should demo


10. FASAB has authority to establish standards for

federal government

11. FASB has authority to establish standards for

Private not-for-profit

12. GASB has authority to establish standards for

State governments

13. In order for a fund to exist, there must be

a fiscal entity (assets set aside for specific purpose) and a double entry accounting entity

14. Governmental

fund category that must change from Modified to accrual basis when preparing government-wide financial statements

15. Governmental Fund Statements

use current financial resources measurement focus

16. Amount of funds a government should use

as many as necessary to fulfill legal requirements and sound financial administration

17. Not included in FASB Statement of Financial accounting concepts #4

format and content of financial statements.

18. GASB has authority to establish accounting and financial standards for

state and local government entities, and governmentally related utilities, authorities, hospitals and colleges/universities.

19. Receipt of Grant Money from a state or local government for the purpose of providing services to the public

characteristic NOT defining an organization as governmental

20. Level "A" GAAP for public university would be established by


21. Under modified accrual basis of accounting, expenditures should be recognized when

the fund liability is incurred.

22. Fiduciary funds use

economic resources measurement focus and accrual basis of accounting

23. Proprietary funds use

economic resources measurement focus and accrual basis of accounting

24. Governmental Funds use

current financial resources measurement focus and modified accrual basis of accounting.

25. Government-Wide Statements use the

economic resources measurement focus and accrual basis of accounting.

26. Governmental funds don't include

agency funds

a. They include: special revenue, debt service, and general funds



has authority to establish accounting and financial reporting standards for the federal government.

28. Correct with regard to Management's Discussion and Analysis

both state and local governments and federal agencies are required to provide an MD&A

29. GASB Concept Statement No. 3 states that

disclosure in the notes is not an adequate substitute for recognition in the financial statements.

30. According to GASB, capital assets

must be reported in government wide statements and proprietary fund financial statements

31. Long term debt of a gov't unit would be reported in the

government wide financial statements and proprietary fund financial statements.

32. Capital Projects Fund

local sales taxes legally restricted to pay for construction of new court house.

33. Special revenue fund

city gov't collects taxes to pay for hiring of teachers for hearing impaired school children

34. Enterprise fund

city gov't makes semiannual payment on interest on revenue bonds issued to pay for construction of additional transit stations

35. General fund

city gov't sells police cars no longer in use, with no restrictions on proceeds.

36. Under GASB, accrual accounting is used for

gov't wide, proprietary fund and fiduciary fund financial statements only

37. Under GASB, modified accrual accounting would be found in

governmental fund financial statements

38. Not a fiduciary fund

expendable trust

a. Includes: agency, private purpose trust and investment trust.


39. Level "A" GAAP for public hospital would be established by


40. Private institution has level A GAAP est. by


41. Long term debt to be paid from proprietary funds is reported as liability in

both the proprietary fund statement of net assets (position) and government wide statement of net assets (position)

42. Governmental Funds

General, special revenue, debt service, capital projects and permanent

43. Increase tax payer awareness

not an objective of financial reporting

a. Objectives include

budgetary integrity, stewardship, and operating performance.

44. Not included in proprietary funds for gov't entity

statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances

a. Included

statement of cash flows and net position

45. Proprietary fund

capitalized fixed assets are reported to this fund basis statement

46. Capital Project

uses modified accrual accounting

47. Investment trust

type uses accrual accounting

48. Permanent fund classified under government funds

accounts for resources that are legally restricted so only earnings, not principal, may be expended and for purposes to benefit the govt and its citizenry

49. General fund classified under governmental funds

accounts for most of the basic services provided by gov't unit

50. Capital projects fund classified under governmental funds

accounts for and reports financial resources that are restricted, committed or assigned to expenditure for capital projects.

51. Permanent fund

not a fiduciary fund

a. Fiduciary fund includes investment trust, private purpose trust and pension funds


52. The GASB sets the accounting and financial reporting standards for both state and local gov't and public not for profits


53. The comprehensive annual financial report is the gov't official annual report prepared and published as a matter of public record.


54. State and local gov't funds are organized into three categories

governmental, proprietary and fiduciary

55. The GENERAL FUND accounts for all resources other than those required to be accounted for in other funds.


56. The special revenue fund accounts for and reports the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted or committed to expenditures for specified purpose other than debt service or capital projects.


57. The enterprise funds are used when resources are provided primarily through the use of sales and service charges to parties external to the gov't and it is the intent of the gov't to measure revenues, expenses and changes in net position


58. The agency funds are used to account for situations in which the gov't is acting as a collecting/distributing agent


59. Enterprise funds use

accrual basis of accounting

60. Enterprise funds are used

to account for resources provided primarily through the use of sales and service charges to parties external to the gov't.

61. Environmental difference between gov'ts and for-profit business enterprises

relationship with stakeholders.

62. Government have only had one general fund


63. FASB is the standard setting organization for

private not for profits and investor owned businesses.

a. (both A & C)


64. Fund basis statement for gov't funds are presented using the

current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting.

65. Enterprise funds

used when resources are provided mainly through business-like transactions to parties external to the gov't

66. Financial reports for state and local gov't are not well suited

measuring the effectiveness of gov't services such as police and fire protection

67. Debt service fund

fund used to account payment of principal and interest of general long-term debt of a government.

68. GASB is under the oversight of


69. GASB Concepts Statements

non-authorities' sources that a gov't may use if the gov't if the accounting treatment of a transactions is not addressed in one of the authoritative sources

70. GASB Statements (and Interpretations)

A category A sources of authoritative GAAP for state and local gov't

71. Assessing cash flow and entity's ability to make current payments

not information needed by the users of non-business financial statements in FASB's Statement of Fin. accounting concepts No. 4

a. Consist of

making decisions about allocation of resources to those organizations, assessing the services that a nonbusiness organization provides and its ability to continue to provide those services, and evaluating an organization's economic resources, obligations

72. CAFR

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

73. False statement

CAFR is not required for entities with only a general fund

74. True regarding fund accounting

while a business will typically have a single general ledger, the activities of gov'ts are broken down into accounting subunits called funds

75. Governmental funds

do not use economic resources

a. Fiduciary, proprietary and government-wide funds do.


76. Not true with respect to a transaction that is nonexchange in nature

they are activities where benefits received are in direct proportion to the fees charged for goods or services

77. GASB standards provide accounting systems that gov't fund are designed to measure

the receipt and expenditure of resources. These resources are generally restricted to current assets and liabilities.

78. Revenues are generally recognized when measurable and available to finance the expenditures of the current period

attribute of modified accrual accounting

79. Government wide statements

prepared using the accrual basis of accounting, including the recording of fixed assets and long-term debt.

80. Governmental funds

debt service and capital project.

Chapter 2


1. Proprietary fund financial statements

statements include the statement of net position, statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund net position, and statement of cash flows

2. Fiduciary fund financial statements

include the statement of fiduciary net position and statement of changes in fiduciary net position.

3. Notes to the financial statements

not considered required supplementary information (RSI)

4. Gov't type funds label the excess of assets over liabilities on the balance sheet as

fund balance

5. True about Comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR)

CAFR has three main sections: introductory, financial and statistical; RSI includes a budgetary comparison schedule for the general fund and all major special revenue funds that have a legally adopted annual budget (both)

6. Government-wide statements

include a statement of net position and a statement of activities.

7. Government Wide Statement of Net position

discretely presented component units are included in a separate column

8. General fund

always considered to be a major fund when preparing fund basis financial statements

9. Governmental funds other than the general fund are considered to be major when

(1) with respect to fund basis financial statements, gov't funds are considered to be a major fund when total assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenditures of that individual gov't fund constitutes 105 of the total for the gov't fund category and (2) Wit

10. governmental funds other than the General fund are considered to be major when

neither 25% or 15% of total gov't funds and enterprise categories combined.

11. When preparing fund basis financial statements, any funds not reported separately are reported by function

is false.

12. Governmental fund statements are prepared using

current financial resources measurement focus and modified accrual basis of accounting.

13. The total fund balances presented in Governmental Funds Statements are different from the total Net Position on the government-wide Statement of Net Position. Which of the following is not a reason for this difference

accrued w/p at year end are reported on the statement of net position but are not reported in the fund statements.

14. Financial reporting entity of a state or local gov't

many component units are discretely presented, rather than blended.

15. False regarding the financial reporting entity of a state or local gov't

only a primary gov't is reported in the gov't wide statements.

16. Composition of CAFR

include both blended and discretely presented component units.

17. Management's Discussion and analysis (MD&A)

should present an analysis of significant variations between the original and final budget.

18. Under GASB rules for the financial reporting entity

component units are included if the primary gov't is financially accountable for their operations.

19. Government wide statement of net position

reflects capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation, for both gov't and business type activities.

20. Government wide statement of activities

reflects taxes as general revenues.

21. Government wide statement of activities

includes depreciation expense

22. Budgetary comparison schedule

compares actual results to both the original budget and the final budget but display of variances is optional; must be prepared for general fund and each major special revenue fund that has a legally adopted budget. (both A and C)

23. CARF

the basic financial statements consist of the gov't wide, the governmental fund, proprietary fund and the fiduciary fund financial statements (and the notes to the F.S.)

24. Proprietary fund financial statements

include net position, statement of rev, expenses, and changes in fund net position and the statement of cash flows.

25. Public safety

example of an expenditure classification by function for a governmental fund.

26. Capital outlay

not an appropriate category for direct expenses are required to be reported by function in gov't wide statements

27. Financial reporting of Governmental Funds

governmental funds include general fund, special rev funds, capital projects funds, debt service funds and permanent funds

28. Component units

may be reported discreetly in the gov't wide statements or may be blended as a fund in the fund financial statements (and thus also included in the gov't wide financial statements)

29. True regarding the government wide financial statements

a government wide financial statements include the statement of net position and the statement of activities.

30. True regarding proprietary fund statements

F.S. include a statement of net position, statement of rev. Exp, and change in fund net position, and statement of cash flows.

31. True regarding fiduciary fund statements

include statement of fiduciary net position and statement of changes in fiduciary net position.

32. True regarding fiduciary funds

reporting in the fiduciary fund financial statement but not in the government-wide financial statements.

33. Where in CAFR would one find long term liability for Revenue bonds?

gov't wide statement of net position and the proprietary funds statement of net position.

34. General Funds

require a budgetary comparison schedule.

35. Financial section of CAFR is considered RSI

Management's Discussion and Analysis.

36. True regarding gov't wide financial statements

statement of cash flows is not required for gov't wide statements.

37. Financial section

section of the CAFR that is audited

38. The statistical section typically presents 10 years of info in each table/schedule.


39. Three major sections of the CAFR

introductory, financial, and statistical

40. Statement required in the gov't wide financial statement (besides statement of net position)

statement of activities

41. Government-wide statement of activities

presented using the accrual basis of accounting.

42. Statement of cash flows is required for

Proprietary Funds

43. Modified approach for infrastructure requires schedules and disclosures to be included in

required supplementary info of CAFR

44. True about Combining financial statements

they are used whenever a non-major column is used in one of the fund financial statements.

45. Requires statement of cash flows

proprietary funds

46. Not one of the major sections of the CAFR


47. Not correct with respect to major enterprise funds

General fund is not classified as a major fund if it does not meet the 10% and 5% tests for a major fund.

Chapter 3


1. Modified accrual basis is a distinct system of accounting that

records expenditures and fund balances

2. True with respect to rainy day funds

rainy day funds are classified as committed if they are created by a resolution or ordinance that identifies the specific circumstances under which the resources may be expended.

3. Transaction in which a gov't receives resources without directly giving equal value in exchange is known as

non exchange transaction

4. Not one of the four classes into which nonexchange transactions apply (GASB Statement no 33)

mandatory exchange transactions.

5. Imposed Nonexchange Transactions

Property taxes, special assessments, and fines and forfeits are these types

6. Not a non-exchange transaction for state government

sales of lottery tickets.

7. Derived tax revenues

sales taxes, income taxes, and motor fuel taxes are these classes of non exchange transactions

8. Not true regarding budgetary reporting by gov'ts

budgetary accounts are required to appear in the general purpose financial statements.

9. GL journal entry in the Gen. Fund to record the adoption of a budget would include

a debit to estimated revenues control.

10. GL entry in the Gen. Fund to record encumbrances for the issuance of purchase orders would

credit to budgetary fund balance-Reserve for encumbrances.

11. GL entry in the Gen. Fund to record actual expenditures and reversal of associated encumbrance would include

credit to encumbrance control.

12. Governmental funds fund balance is displayed in

Nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned, unassigned.

13. According to GASB, ___ is correct regarding committed funds

committed funds are those that are designated as committed through ordinance or resolution by the gov'ts highest level of authority.

14. According to GASB, following statements not true regarding assigned funds

this is the only fund balance that can be negative.

15. According to GASB, an unassigned fund balance is

the residual category for the general fund

16. GASB standards require that each governmental reporting entity display only one general fund in its general purpose financial statements.


17. Assume estimated revenues exceed appropriations. When the budget for the general fund is recorded, the journal entry will include

credit to budgetary fund balance.

18. Transfers from other funds

not commonly used major revenue source classes.

19. First step a gov't takes in acquiring goods/services through the general fund


20. Regular salaries

not typically need an encumbrance

21. Revenues of governmental fund types should be recognized when

measurable and available

22. Wages that have been earned by employees of a governmental unit, but not paid at year end, should be recorded in the general fund by a debit to


23. Revenues account of a gov't is credited when

property taxes are levied.

24. Example of expenditure classification by object would be


25. In a budgetary entry, if estimated revenues control exceeds appropriations control, the excess would be

credited to budgetary fund balance

26. A budgetary comparison schedule

required for the general fund, and for special revenue funds, for which an annual budget has been adopted.

27. When a computer which to be used by an activity accounted for by the General Fund of a governmental unit is received, it should be reported in the general fund as an


28. In a budgetary entry, if appropriations control exceeds estimated revenues control, the excess would be

debited to budgetary fund balance

29. When supplies ordered for use in an activity accounted for in the Gen. Fund of a gov't are received at an actual price which is less than the est. price on the purchase order, the encumbrance control account is

credited for the estimated price on the purchase order.

30. If BFB was debited in the process of recording a budget for the Gen. fund of a governmental unit, it can be assumed that

appropriations exceed estimated revenues.

31. BFB-RFE in excess of a balance of encumbrances control indicates

a recording error

32. Receive good previously ordered

results in an expenditure

33. Place a purchase order

results in an encumbrance

34. Appropriation

the legal authorization for the administrators of the governmental unit to incur liabilities during the budget period for purposes specifically in the appropriation statute or ordinance and not to exceed the amount specified for each purpose.

35. Revenues in governmental fund accounting

are recognized in the fiscal year they are available for expenditure

36. The purpose of an encumbrance is to prevent gov'ts from

spending in excess of the amounts authorized

37. Under modified accrual accounting, budgetary authority expires at year end and the balances of revenues and expenditures are closed to

Fund Balance

38. Appropriations process

Revenues are raised to finance gov't activities, but revenues may be expended only for purposes and in amounts approved by legislative branch in compliance with laws of competent jurisdiction.

39. When liabilities authorized by an appropriation have been incurred, the appropriation is said to be


40. Expenditure classifications by function includes all of the following except

debt service.

41. An expenditure is the actual amount of an authorized liability and encumbrances are estimates.

point where the General fund account "BFB-RFE" is debited.

42. Difference in an expenditure and an encumbrance

expenditure is the actual amount of an authorized liability while an encumbrance is an estimate.

43. To record the budget for the Gen. Fund

estimated rev. Control is debited

44. True regarding the final appropriations budget

it is legal and binding

45. Expenditures

results in a decrease in fund balance on a gov't fund balance sheet

46. At year end, balance of expenditures, revenues, and other financing sources and uses accounts are closed to

fund balance

47. When a liability is incurred as authorized by an appropriation, the appropriation is said to be


48. TRUE

the modified accrual basis is a distinct system of accounting that contains financial statement elements that appear nowhere else. Among these are expenditures and fund balances

49. False

fund balance is analogous to the capital of an investor-owned entity

Chapter 4


1. True in respect to special revenue funds

special revenue funds are used when it is desirable to provide separate reporting of resources that are restricted or committed as the expenditure for purposes other than debt service or capital projects.

2. True regarding special revenue fund

special revenue funds may only be used when a substantial portion of the resources are provided by restricted or committed revenue sources.

3. Interfund transaction

interfund services provided and used, interfund transfers, and interfund loans (all of the above)

4. The journal entry to record the budget of a special revenue fund would include

a debit to estimated revenues control

5. The journal entry to record the re-establishment of encumbrances that were outstanding at the close of the prior period would include

a credit to BFB-RFE

6. The journal entry to record the prior year's deferred inflows: property taxes (those expected to be collected more than 60 days beyond year-end) as revenue in the current year would include

debit to deferred inflows and credit to revenues control

7. The journal entry to record an encumbrance would include

credit to BFB-RFE

8. Journal entry to record the property tax levy for municipality would include

credit to estimated uncollectible taxes.

9. The journal entry to write off an uncollectible property tax receivable for a municipality would include

a credit to tax receivable

10. Reciprocal interfund activity

includes interfund transfers

11. Nonreciprocal interfund activity

includes interfund transfers and reimbursements

12. Under the MA basis of accounting, property taxes rev. Recognition prove that rev should not be recognized

more than 60 days after fiscal year end

13. True regarding modified accrual accounting

revenues are recognized in the period in which they become available and measurable, and expenditures are recognized at the time a liability in incurred, except for principal and interest on long term debt.

14. When payrolls and other liabilities are incurred and must be paid before substantial amounts of cash will be collected, this short term note is desirable and secured by a gov't power to tax

tax anticipation note payable

15. Expenditures are generally recorded, and fund liabilities are recognized

when goods and services are received, regardless of whether or not resources are available in the fund.

16. When would a special rev. Fund be deemed to have satisfied the eligibility requirement of a reimbursement type federal grand, under GASB statement 33?

only as qualified expenditures are incurred

17. The entry to re-establish encumbrances related to purchase orders from the prior year would include

a debit to encumbrance control.

18. Not likely to be recorded in a special revenue fund

sales taxes restricted to courthouse additions.

19. Short terms loans which are backed by the taxing power of the gov't unit and used to meet working capital requirements are called

tax anticipation notes

20. Under modified accrual accounting, revenues are recognized when measurable and


21. When accounting for the Gen. Fund, the encumbrances control account is credit when

a purchase order is filled or canceled

22. What is the effect on the general fund's fund balance when capital assets are purchased during a year from General Fund revenues?

fund balance is decreased

23. The initial transfer of cash from the Gen. Fund to establish a motor pool internal service fund would require the gen fund to credit cash and debit

other financing uses transfers out control

24. When supplies order by a gov't unit are received at an actual price which is less than the estimated price on the purchase order, the encumbrance control account is

credited for the original price of the supplies

25. Budgetary Fund balance -reserve for encumbrances

accounts of a gov't unit general fund is debited when supplies previously ordered are received.

26. The expenditure control account in the gen. Fund is debited when

equipment previously ordered is received


in the gen. Fund, credited when a purchase order is approved.

28. Transfer should be reported in the operating statement of general fund as an

other financing source or use

29. The asset, equipment, used by a department accounted for by the general fund of a gov't unit should be reported in the

gov't wide statement

30. Liabilities incurred such as accrued payroll but still unpaid at year end should be recorded in the gen fund by a debit to

expenditures control

31. When recording property taxes, the estimated uncollectable amount of property taxes

is recognized as a reduction of revenue

32. Interfund services purchased by the gen fund are


33. A December 20XX year-end gov't should record

salaries payable due Jan 20, XX ? as an expenditure

34. When delinquent taxes are written off

fund balance will be unaffected

35. Debt service expenditures for interest are

recorded when due but may be accrued at year end if the debt service due date is less than 30 days after year end.

36. When closing out the gen fund and special rev fund of a state/local gov't unit, the balance of the operating statement accounts are closed too

fund balance

37. When the materials and supplies are received and the invoice is more than the related purchase order, this entry should be made

debit expenditures control for the amount of the invoice.

38. The term special item is defined as

unusual or infrequent but within mgt's control

39. Under which type would you debit expenditure when land is acquired?


40. Which account would be debited when the city of Corfu issued purchase orders for materials and supplies?

encumbrances control

41. Expenditures account = amount of supplies purchased during period under which of the following inventory methods?


42. Gov't funds fin. Statements are to be prepared on

modified accrual basis of accounting

43. Moving cash from Gen Fund to a debt service fund for payment of debt service is an example of

interfund transfer

44. Which of the following Gen Fund accounts would be closed at year end?

special items - proceeds from sale of land

45. Interfund transfers occur between individuals funds in the same gov't system w/out the requirement of repayment. If the gen fund transferred money to the debt service fund, how would the gen fund account for the transaction

use of funds on the activities statement.

46. City of Canadaigua receives proceeds from sale of land, the transaction is considered to be special item. Where are the proceeds reported on the statements of REV, expenditures, and changes in fund balance?

separately after other financing sources and uses

47. Which of to following occurs when uncollectible delinquent taxes are written off

net receivables remain unchanged

Interfund transfers are flows of cash or other assets that

do not require repayment

True with respect to interfund loans

interfund loans receivables and payables are separately reported on the balance sheets of the affected funds

True with respect to the use of budgetary funds

GASB does not requires gov't to record budgets

Difference between an extraordinary item and special item according to GASB ?

extraordinary items are significant transactions or events that are unusal and infrequent that are outside mgt's control while a special item is significant transaction that is unusual but within mgt's control

With respect to reimbursment grant accounting, which of the following is true

under GASB, revenues are recorded at the same time that expenditures are incurred.

False regarding two methods for recording inventories in gov't funds

purchases method is preferable since it requres no adjustment to supplies expense when preparing the gov't wide statements.