Examples - Unit 4A

limited government

shown by 9th & 10th amendment
-> contradict Necessary & Proper cause (elastic clause) = increase Congress power
-> e.g. 2012 - National Federation of Independent Business v. Rebellious - S.C. ruled A.C.A. not excess government power (against limited gover


due to vague wording
-> e.g. Bill of Rights, 9th amend. (enumerated rights)
-> 14th amend. ("equal protection of the laws")
allows range of S.C. interpretations
-> e.g. contrasting views of 14th amend. (Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) to Brown v. Board of Educa


only 27 formal amendments (17 since 1971)
-> Dicey define rigid constitution as: "cannot be changed in the same manner as ordinary laws


shown by 10th amendment
-> states = own constitution, government & courts (most state law = based on common law of England, exception = Louisiana = French & Spanish based)
-> after Wall Street Crash (1929) = increased government financial regulation, incr


state = control issues (e.g. class B drugs & specific gun restrictions)
-> e.g. California & Florida prohibit open carry of handguns (Texas doesn't)
-> contradicted by District of Columbia v. holler (2008)
Previous state control = same-sex marriage (until

constitutional sovereignty

1803 - Marbury v. Madison upheld this (lead to developing judicial review to protect constitution)

entrenched rights

Bill of Rights (1791) e.g. 8th amendment (prevent excessive fines, bails, cruel & unusual punishment)
-> violated by Guantanamo Bay (2002 - made into terrorist prison by Bush in "War on Terror"
-> Boumediene v. Bush (2008) - Supreme Court ruled USA = only

constitutional interpretation

loose vs strict constructionist (original intent)
-> e.g. contract views of Free Speech cause of 1st amend. (McConnell v. F.E.C. (2003) & Citizens United v. F.E.C. (2010))

separation of powers

political doctrine from Baron de Montesquieu in "Spirit of the Laws"
-> impeachment (e.g. December 1998 - Clinton impeach by House but Senate acquitted)
-> presidential veto (e.g. 2016 - Obama veto J.A.S.T.A., Congress overriden)

checks & balances

1895 - Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Company
-> S.C. rule federal income tax by Income Tax Act (1894) unconstitutional
-> lead to 16th amend. (1913), allow Congress to levy income tax
Trump v. Hawaii (2017)
-> executive order challenged by judiciary (b

1st amendment

2010 - Citizens United v. F.E.C.

2nd amendment

2008 - District of Columbia v. Heller

3rd amendment

1982 - Engblom v. Carey (Court of Appeal for 2nd Circuit - ruled 3rd amend. rights violated)

4th amendment

1967 - Katz v. United States (wiretap public phone violated criminal right to privacy)

5th amendment

1966 - Miranda v. Arizona

6th amendment

1963 - Gideon v. Wainwright (rule guarantee of counsel part of right to fair trial, denied under Florida state court)

7th amendment

1998 - Feltner v. Columbia Pictures Television Inc. (opposing party right to demand jury trail if awarding statutory damages in copyright infringement case)

8th amendment

2005 - Roper v. Simmons (8th violated by executing minors
2008 - Boumediene v. Bush (US only = de facto sovereignty of Guantanamo, constitution not applies)

9th amendment

1965 - Griswold v. Connecticut (enumerated rights = include right to privacy in martial relations)

10th amendment

2011 - Bond v. United States (women wrongly convicted under federal statute, should be state issue)

amendment process

2013 - Manchin-Toomey amendment failed in Senate (54-46)
-> bipartisan amend. for increased background checks on firearms after 2012, Sandy Hook school shooting

constitutional change

1868 - 14th amendment (entrenched 5th & include birthright citizenship rights & equal protection under laws)


Great Compromise = bicameral
->Virginia plan = bicameral
-> New Jersey = unicameral


2012-6 -divided government = lead to gridlock
-> lead to Obama reliance on executive orders (276 during presidency)
-> e.g. 2015 - E.O. 13687 (imposing additional sanctions with respect to North Korea)

presidential veto

2016 - Obama veto J.A.S.T.A. (Congress override)
-> 12 vetoes total

Congress override

2016 - overrode Obama veto of J.A.S.T.A. (only override of Obama)


2010 - Thomas Porteous (federal judges) impeach by House & Senate
December 1998 - Clinton impeach by House (acquitted by Senate)
1803 - Samuel Chase (S.C. justice) only justice to ever be impeached by House (acquitted by Senate)

advice & consent powers

2010 - NewS.T.A.R.T. bilateral treaty with Russia to reduce nuclear warheads (Congress ratified)
March 2018 - Trump tweeted Congress too slow to ratify appointments (57% by March)
-> 2008 - Obama = 67% by March

pork barrel

2011 - Montana State University given $74,000 for research into weed control via sheep grazing


2017 - Trump & Republicans in Congress tried to use reconciliation bill to repeal Obamacare
-> pass in House but fail in Senate with 51 votes (defeat by filibuster)
-> Trump = wants to remove filibuster

terms of office

1990s reformers used initiatives & referendums to put congressional term limits on 24 state ballots (8 approved)
-> U.S. Term Limits, Inc. vs Thornton (1995) - S.C. rule states can't impose term limit on federal Congress

House vs Senate

Senate = advice & consent powers
House = initiate money bills
-> e.g. 2011 - Budget Control Act (increase debt ceiling by $400 billion to end debt ceiling crisis)

legislation passed

113th Congress (2013-9) - 296 enacted laws
114th Congress (2015-7) - 329 enacted laws


2017 - Mueller Special Counsel investigation on Russian interference in 2016 U.S. Presidential election (Manafort (Trump campaign manager) charged on 12 accounts)

power of the purse

can be used to encourage state law
-> e.g. National Minimum Drinking Age Act (1984) - states allowing under-21s to buy alcohol denied 10% federal funds for highways
-> after 21st amendment (1919) - ended prohibition (drinking age state controlled)

party system

90% = vote with party lines (approx.)
-> Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (2017) - Trump tax bill
-> 1 Rep. Senator & 13 Rep. representatives vote against
-> no Democrat support
1970s = approx. 70% party voting

standing committee

Senate Veterans Affairs
-> oversee Department of Veterans Affairs

select committee

Senate Ethics Committee

joint committee

Joint Committee on the Library

judicial review

2012 - National Federation of Independent Business v. Rebellious (upheld A.C.A.)

original intent

2008 - District of Columbia v. Heller (upheld 2nd amend. against state infringement)

judicial activism

2015 - Obergefell v. Hodges (same-sex marriage federally legalised)

judicial restraint

2011 - Wal Mart Stores v. Dukes (rejected due to excess plaintiffs)

strict constructionists (2018)

John Roberts (chief justice), Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch

loose constructionists (2018)

Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Stephen Breyer

swing justice (2018)

Anthony Kennedy

judicial power

S.C. = original jurisdiction
-> Article 3, Section 2 - "cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers & consuls, & those which a state shall be party

nomination process

2009 - Obama = Sonia Sotomayor
2010 - Obama = Elena Kagan
2016 - Obama = Merrick Garland (replace Scalia, blocked by Rep. Congress)
2017 - Trump = Gorsuch

landmark cases

1803 - Marbury v. Madison
1954 - Brown v. Board of Education
1973 - Roe v. Wade
2010 - Citizens United v. F.E.C.
2015 - Obergefell v. Hodges

protection of rights

G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board (2017) - S.C. failed to protect 14th amend. equal protection rights (dismissal of case)

executive relationship

2017 - Trump v. Hawaii (judicial review)