Computer Test 1

Are you going to pass this test

hell yeah

What are the 4 different types of computers?

1. Personal computers
2. Mobile computers
3. Mainframe computers
4. Super computers

definition of computer

a device that performs the basic four functions. Input, Process, Output, and Storage


accepting raw data entered by the user


Convert the raw data entered by the user


Give a corresponding result


All results are stored now


Garbage in, garbage out. The computer only processes what is given

Personal Computer

most common type of computer and can be either a laptop , PC, or a desktop

Mobile Computers

Fits in your hand and it commonly has touch screen

Mainframe Computers

This type of computer allows hundreds of users to perform their daily tasks simultaneously and they are commonly found in a server room

Super computers

these are the fastest computers on earth, and they can perform trillions of functions per second

What is the hardware?

The physical components of a computer.

What is software?

programs that tell your computer what to do and what not to do. Not physically able to touch this.

Different parts of a personal computer

keyboard, mouse, monitor, and system unit

system software OS

Consists of several computer programs that facilitate all computer activities

Application software

designed for a specific operating system


you know what a mouse is...


Used to enter text and numeric data


Needed to display the output of the process data which is now information


main system board

Hard Disk

Also called the Hard Drive. Data is stored permanently here. The amount of storage is usually measured in gigabytes.


used to connect to the internet in order to surf the web


they output sound. wow.

Power source

supplies guess what...the power of electricity

generation in computers

a change in the technology of the already existing system

First Generation

(1946-1959) Vacuum tube based

Second Generation

(1959-1965) Transistor based

Third Generation

(1965-1971) Integrated circuit based

Fourth Generation

(1971-1980) VLSI microprocessor based

Fifth Generation and onwards

(1981-today) ULSI microprocessor based

Social Media

An exciting new trend which allows one to communicate and share information and pictures among friends and family using an online networking site

What makes a computer so powerful?

high speed, can store lots of information and date, its easy to use, its portable, economical, accurate and convenient


Local area network

Basic LAN structure

The medium, the networking model, and network topology which provides a mean of communication between network nodes

Network devices

HUB, bridges, switch, and router

What does ISP stand for?

Internet service provider

What is an ISP?

A company that provides individuals and other companies access to the internet

Web Browser

A software program that allows a user to locate, access and display web pages

Browser Cookies

Pieces of information that are stored on the browser even after its use has been terminated.


Uniform resource locator is a software program used to access and view web pages


Used to identify one or more IP addresses


Transmission control protocol


Internet protocol


Used to govern the connection of computer systems to the internet


Global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suited to serve billions of users worldwide


A private network that uses IP technologies to securely share information of protocol of a certain organization


A private network that uses IP and network connectivity

10 categories of websites

Information, communication, entertainment, work, school, relationships, market, sexuality, self-expression, and asking for help

Who invented the internet?

Tim Berners-Lee

Role of the ISP

It refers you to a company that provides service for a fee

What are other types of providers?

A software application that is used to locate, retrieve and display content from the WWW

Mobile Broswer

Similar to a web browser, but is optimized to display content even after its use has been terminated

Two main components of a URL

Protocol and domain name

Domain names

.com .edu .gov .int .mil .net .org

Domain names by country

.uk .us .au .de .fr .nl .mx


Any kind of business/transaction that involves exchanging information on the internet

B2B (Business to Business)

Involves companies doing business with each other

B2C (Business to Consumers)

Consists of businesses selling to the general public through shopping cart software without the need of any human interaction

C2B (Consumers to Business)

Consists of consumers posting a project with a set budget online and companies bid on the project; the consumer reviews the bids and selects a certain company

C2C (Consumers to Consumers)

Takes place within online classified ads, forum, or marketplaces where individuals can buy and sell their goods