Finance Chapter 1


the study of applying specific value to things we own, services we use, and decisions we make

financial markets

the places and processes that facilitate the trading of financial assets between investors

type 1

no money and no ideas

type 2

money, but no ideas

type 3

no money, but ideas

type 4

both money and ideas


_____ participants will be asked to step aside from financial markets.


_____ individuals are self-funded and do not need financial markets, so they must step aside from them.

2, 3, 2, 3

Individuals of type _____ and _____ are the real financial role players, since type _____ people can lend money to type _____ people in a mutually advantageous exchange.


In most developed economies, type
participants are usually individual _____.


those who buy securities or other assets in hopes of earning a return and getting more money back in the future

retained earnings

the portion of company profits that are kept by the company rather than distributed to the stockholders as cash dividends

retained earnings and taxes

two sources of friction that in returning money to investors


the analysis for and the analysis of making financial decisions in the business context

investments, financial management, financial institutions and markets, international finance

the four subareas of finance


the subarea of finance that involves methods and techniques for making decisions about what kinds of securities to own, which firms' securities to buy, and how to pay the investor back in the form that the investor wishes

financial management

the process for and the analysis of making financial decisions in the business context

financial management

the subarea of finance that deals with a firm's decisions in acquiring and using the cash that is received from investors or from retained earnings

financial institutions and markets

the subarea of finance dealing with two dynamic entities working in different ways to facilitate capital flows between investors and companies

international finance

the subarea of finance that has to be much more innovative and sensitive to changes in other countries

financial institutions and markets

the organizations that facilitate the flow of capital between investors and companies

international finance

the use of finance theory in a global business environment

instantaneous, guaranteed

Cash flows are neither _____ nor _____.


a potential future negative impact to value and/or cash flows


often discussed in terms of the probability of loss and the expected magnitude of the loss

financial asset

a general term for securities like stocks, bonds, and other assets that represent ownership in a cash flow

real assets

physical property like gold, machinery, equipment, or real estate

real markets

the places and processes that facilitate the trading of real assets

time value of money

the theory and application of valuing cash flows at various points in time

accounting, finance

_____ tends to focus on and characterize the past, while _____ focuses on the present and future.


typically responsible for managing cash and credit, issuing and repurchasing financial securities such as stocks and bonds, deciding how and when to spend capital for new and existing projects, and hedging against changes in foreign exchange and interest

treasurer and controller

Which two positions report to the CFO?

defined benefit plan

a retirement plan in which the employer funds a pension generally based on each employee's years of service and salary

defined contribution plan

a retirement plan in which the employee contributes money and directs its investment, and the amount of retirement benefits are directly related to the amount of money contributed and the success of its investment

401k plan

a defined contribution plan that is sponsored by corporate employers


The 401k is a defined _____ plan.

Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

a self-sponsored retirement program

benefit, contribution, 401k, Individual Retirement Accounts

Most companies have switched from providing defined _____ retirement plans to offering defined _____ plans (such as the _____) and self-funded plans like _____.

sole proprietorship

a business entity that is not legally separate from its owner

unlimited liability

a situation in which a person's personal assets are at risk from a business liability

unlimited liability

The biggest disadvantage that
sole proprietorships
carry relative to other organizational forms is that they have _____.


an ownership interest in a business enterprise

angel investors

individuals who provide small amounts of capital and expert business advice to small firms in exchange for an ownership stake in the firm

venture capitalists

similar to angel investors except that they are organized as groups of investors and can provide larger amounts of capital

general partnership

a form of business organization where the partners own the business together and are personally liable for legal actions and debts of the firm.

public corporation

a company owned by a large number of stockholders from the general public

double taxation

a situation in which two taxes must be paid on the same income (corporate level and personal level)

limited liability

the limitation of a person's financial liability to a fixed sum or investment

hybrid organizations

business forms that have some attributes of corporations and some of proprietorships/partnerships

partnerships, sole proprietorships

Banks are more willing to lend to _____ than to _____ since
partners are liable for repaying the debt.

limited liability

Shareholders (owners) in public corporations have only _____, so they cannot lose more money than they originally paid for their shares of stock.


The US government typically restricts hybrid organization status to relatively _____ firms.

maximization of shareholder wealth

a view that management should first and foremost consider the interests of shareholders in its business decisions


a person or organization that has a legitimate interest in a corporation

maximize shareholder wealth, social responsibility, profitability

In the owners' view, the goal of an organization is to _____. In the stakeholders' view, _____ and _____ are emphasized.

invisible hand

a metaphor used to illustrate how an individual pursuing his own interests also tends to promote the good of the community

stock price

the price of a share of stock trading on a stock market

stock price

For corporations, maximizing the value of owners' equity can also be stated as maximizing the current value per share, or _____ of existing shares.

maximizing net income, minimizing costs, maximizing market share

Common alternatives to maximizing stock price are _____, _____, and _____.

agency relationship

whenever one party (the principal) hires someone else (the agent) to work for him or her

agency problem

the difficulties that arise when a principal hires an agent and cannot fully monitor the agent's actions

perks (perquisites)

A good deal of research literature suggests that allowing the manager a certain amount of such _____ might actually enhance owner value, in that such items may boost managers' productivity.


nonwage compensation, often in the form of a company car, golf club membership, etc.


the opportunity to buy stock at a fixed price over a specific period of time

employee stock option plan (ESOP)

an incentive program that grants options to employees (typically managers) as compensation

ignore, monitor, equity stake

Three approaches to minimize the agency problem: 1. _____ it, 2. _____ the managers' actions, 3. offer managers an _____ in the firm so that management participates in any equity value increase.

corporate governance

the set of laws, policies, incentives, and monitors designed to handle the issues arising from the separation of ownership and control

board of directors

the group of directors elected by stockholders to oversee management in a corporation


a person who performs an independent assessment of the fairness of a firm's financial statements

investment analyst

a person who analyzes a company's business prospects and gives opinions about its future success

investment banks

banks that help companies and governments raise capital


the study of values, morals, and morality

credit analysts

a person who analyzes a company's ability to repay its debts and reports the findings as a grad


a legal duty between two parties where one party must act in the interest of the other party

restricted stock

a special type of stock that is not transferable from the current holder to others until specific conditions are met

subprime mortgage borrowers

borrowers charged higher interest rates because of their higher chance of default


a process where loan originators sell the rights to the payments on the loans to other financial institutions or investors

mortgage-backed securities

securities that represent a claim against the cash flows from a pool of mortgage loans