

Time value of money. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow


Process of accumulating interest in an investment over time to earn more interest

Interest on interest

interest earned on the reinvestment of previous interest payments

compound interest

interest earned on both the initial principal and the interest reinvested from prior periods

simple interest

interest earned only on the original principal amount invested

Simple interest formula

Po x i


initial amount of money on which interest is paid

Future value factor


Present value factor is also called

discount factor

Present value factor


Discount Rate

the rate used to calculate the pv of future cash flows.

Relationship between discount rate and interest rate

If discount rate increases, the interest rate will decrease

Rule of 72

Used to determine how it will take you (in years) to double your money

Rule of 72 formula



a level stream of cash flows for a fixed period of time

Annuity due

an annuity for which the cash flows occur at the beginning of the period

During what annuity do you need to change your calculator settings?

Annuity due


An annuity in which the cash flows continue forever. also called a consol

Effective Annual Rate (EAR)

The interest rate expressed as if it were compounded once per year

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

The interest rate charged per period multiplied by the number of periods per year

Pure discount loans

Simplest form of a loan. The borrower receives money today and repays a single lump sum at some point in the future

Interest-only loans

Calls for the borrower to pay interest each period and to repay the entire principal at some point in the future

Amortized loans

Paying of a loan by making regular principal reductions

With typical interest-only loans, the entire principal is

repaid at some point in the future

The entire principal of an interest-only loan is the

Original loan amount

An annuity with payments beginning immediately rather than at the end of the period is called an

Annuity due

Which is the simplest form of a loan?

Pure discount loan

More frequent compounding leads to

Higher EARs