Real Estate Chp. 5

Avoid Projects with high market risk (most hotels and motels, restaurants and entertainment facilities)

Ways to Minimize Market Risk

Avoid projects with prospective major change (lease rollover for major tenants, major renovations)

Ways to Minimize Market Risk

Study urban markets

Ways to Minimize Market Risk

Urban growth causes..

real estate market growth

Urban decline causes..

real estate market decline

Urban change causes..

real estate market change

Urban land use patterns dictate..

real estate location patterns


are the attractions or important access needs that one land use has for other land uses.

Demand for access causes..

urban clustering

Competition for access creates..

the patterns of urban land uses


fortress or religious center

From river to ocean, intersections of rivers, from water to rail, from rail to rail

are transition points in trade routes

Economic Base (Export Base)

activities that bring income into a city, is a set of economic activities that a city provides for the world beyond its boundaries.

Export activities

products or services provided to the outside world. (manufacturing, higher education and research, advanced health care), activities that attract money (retirement, tourism)

Secondary (Local Economic) activities

activities that recirculate income in a city (local gov. local merchants and services)

Economic base of a city determines its..

growth or decline

Most of the recirculation occurs through..

paychecks or commissions.

Employment is a..

particularly important measure of multiplier impact.

Exports bring dollars into the community

first part of the economic multiplier

Most is respent on local goods and services

second part of the economic multiplier

some leaks through outside expenditures

third part of the economic multiplier

some leaks into savings

fourth part of the economic multiplier

total community income is the sum of export dollars plus respent dollars

fifth part of the economic multiplier

More isolated cities tend to recirculate more..

base income locally

Multiplier effect is greater as city is..

more isolated, diversified, larger

Multiplier effect

base income is respent, producing additional income

The "gravity" that draws economic activity into forming cities is the need for..


Most urban land use is for..

local activities (retail centers, government and public land uses, medical offices, restaurants etc..)

The theory underlying the concept of economic base is that cities exist to serve..

the economic world

The size of an economic base multiplier depends on the amount of " " from the local economy.


One quick indicator of a community's economic base is called a..

location quotient

1) compute the % of total local employment in a given industry (education 20%)
2) compute same % for national economy (9%)
3) compute ratio of local to national % (20%/9%=2.22)

Location quotient calculation.
interpretation: local economy has 2.22 times the normal education employment; education must be an export industry.

Supply factors affecting a community economic base

labor force characteristics (existing/available labor force) , quality of life, leadership

special skills, educational level, unionization, work ethic

labor force characteristics

Increasingly, knowledge -intensive firms are..

sensitive to quality of life issues, they want to be where the chara. of the community can provide their employees an enriching and satisfying lifestyle.

Companies are concerned with the business..

leadership and environment

The customary analysis of a city's economic base tends to focus on _____, which tends to be a short-term phenomenon.

external demand

Industry economies of scale

the growth of an industry within a locality that creates special resources and cost advantages for that industry (efficiencies of production due to scale of local industry)

Agglomeration economies

the emergence of specialized resources in response to demand from multiple industries. (efficiencies is production due to multiple different (large scale) local industries (airport service, financial services, and banking etc..) )

Agglomeration economies is perhaps the distinctive feature of..

very large cities

cities with industry economies may be more resistant to..

downturns due to cost advantage

cities with agglomeration economies may have..

long-term advantages: incubator for new businesses, cost advantage for emerging industries

Bid-Rent Model

model of how land users bid for location that reveals the influences on how density of land use is determined, how competing urban land uses sort out their locations, how urban land value is determined, and why land uses change over time.

Cost efficiencies that arise in a city due to concentration of an industry are called ____ whereas cost efficiencies arising from concentration of multiple industries is called ____.

industry economies of scale, agglomeration economies

1)# of bidders (commuters or firms)
2)Wage rate (time cost) of commuters
3)Speed of travel
4)Frequency of trips

factors that affect a bid-rent curve

Bid-rent analysis

explains how urban land uses are determined, assumes households or firms have one demand for access (single linkage)

Burgess concentric circle model 1923, Hoyt Sector Model 1939, Harris and Ulman Multinuclei Model 1945

Three observed patterns of urban form

Concentric ring model

model created by Burgess that offered a concentric ring model of urban form in which the center circle is the CBD. Adjacent to it is a zone of transition which contained warehousing and other industrial land uses. THis was followed by a ring of lower-inco

Sector Model

model of urban form proposed by Homer Hoyt that is characterized by radial corridors or wedges, particularly for higher income residential land use.

Multinuclei city

phrase coined by Harris and Ullman in a landmark study that described the effects of the motor vehicle, combined with new technologies of production, that released the city from its absolute ties to the CBD.

Automotive revolution

1920: one car per 13 persons
1930: one care per 5 persons
2003: more than one care per driver

Half of all roads were hard surface by..


Interstate system beginning in..


The bus enabled the creation of..

lateral as well as radial passenger routes, with flexibility of routes to accommodate change.

Production Revolution

birth of the assembly line, horizontal rather than vertical processes, effect of the telephone on decentralization

In the postwar era, flexibility in location was further advanced by the trend in the economy away form heavy manufacturing and toward services, thus was increasing recognition of the growth of _______ industries that were not tied to the rail lines, ports


Advances for offices and retailing

first, during the 1930s fluorescent lighting became effective, air-conditionning, self-service retailing (rise of packaging and advertising)

Data processing and communications

advances in telephones, birth of computers, and explosion of "cyberspace

Dispersion of employment and urban functions to suburbs

effects of technological change on urban form

obsolescence of older structures

vertical manufacturing facilities, low-ceiling, small-depth buildings, non-ari- conditioned office and retail buildings.

Convenience activities

meaning that users seek to obtain the good or service from the closest available source.

Locational Pattern

tends toward uniform dispersion.

Distance of separation depends on customer ______ and minimum required _____ size.

concentration, market

Central place pattern

a location pattern in which similar economic entities, such as a particular type of convenience service or retail establishment, tend to disperse evenly over the market region.

If the influence of transportation routes and constraints such as turning barriers were ignored, and if the density of customers were even, the resulting pattern of locations and markets would be a..

honeycomb of hexagonal markets with an establishment at the center of each cell in the honeycomb.

The difference in hierarchy is by..

area or population required for a viable market.

The important features of all central place activities is that they tend to be evenly..

dispersed, and serve some minimum population requirement as a threshold market.

Comparison activities

goods or services whose optimal location pattern is clustering. (shopping malls)

The opposite of central place location patterns is..


The most important meaning of location is..

location within a matrix of urban activities

The location of a parcel is about its ____ or ____ to various nodes within the urban matrix.

linkages, access

The nature of this _____depends on the type of land _____ being considered.

location, use

A weak location for a central place or convenience activity may be a strong location for..


The "gravity" that draws economic activity into clusters is:

Demand for access or proximity

Spatial or distance relationships that are important to a land use are called its:


Cities have tended to grow where:

Transportation modes intersect or change.

The economic base multiplier of a city tends to be greater if the city is:


The best example of a base economic activity would be a:

Regional sales office

Important supply factors affecting a city's growth or growth potential include all of the following except the:

Unemployment rate

Which influences will decrease the level of a bid-rent curve at the center of the city?

Faster travel time

In a system of bid-rent curves, assuming that households are identical except for the feature noted, which of these prospective bidders will bid successfully for the sites nearest to the CBD?

Households with the number of commuting workers.

A large university is an example of what kind of economic phenomenon?

Industry economies of scale.

Which of these are true about agglomeration economies?

they result from demand created by multiple industries, they create a readily available supply of highly specialized goods and labor, they tend to reduce risks in real estate, they occur in larger cities.

historically cities tended to form at the..

intersection of different modes of transportation.

the theory underlying the concept of economic base is that..

cities exist to serve the economic world at large.

The size of an economic base multiplier depends on the amount of..

leakage from the local economy.

the customary analysis of a city's economic base tends to focus on..

external demand, which tends to be short-term phenomenon.

cost efficiencies that arise in a city due to concentration of an industry are called..

industry economies of scale, whereas cost efficiencies arising from concentration of multiple industries are called agglomeration economies.

the economic incentive that gives rise to bid-rent curves is the desire to..

reduce commuting time.

a person who commutes on foot will always outbid a person who commutes by ___ for space near downtown because the pedestrian commuter's cost of traveling is far ____.

car, greater

the Burgess concentric model of urban form was conceived in an era when the dominant form of transportation was by ___ and the principal method of moving goods within factories was by ___.

railway, elevator

the radial or "pie slice" pattern in the Hoyt sector model of urban form probably can be explained by the dominance of the ___(fixed rail transit) for intraurban transportation at the time the model was formulated.


One of the most profound forces bringing change in urban form in the united states is the ___. Whereas cars were a novelty in 1915, most households owned one by about 1930.


the demand for space for horizontal factories was greatly accelerated in the 1920s by the development of...

assembly line production

modern office structures and retail facilities were not possible before the development of ____ and ____.

air conditioning and fluorescent lighting

the essential feature of a convenience good or central place activity is that households, in acquiring it, go to the...

closest source

the location tendency of comparison activities is to ____, whereas the location tendency of convenience activities is to___.

cluster, disperse