ct state jurisprudence

the CT state examing board consists of .... members.


the ct examining board must have .... members that are actively engaged in arterial embalming


the ct examining board must have .... public members.


the ct examining is appointed by the ....


no member of the ct examining board may more than ........ terms

2 consecutive

True or False a student embalmer must be in the presence of a licensed embalmer to perform arterial embalming.


True or False: contracts must be retained on premises a min of 3 yrs


how many students may a firm employ at one time?


can a funeral home operate in a Cemetery or on any tax exempt land?


licencees must complete a minimum of .... hours of continuing education during each registration period.


death certificates must be filed with registrar no later than .... days for a paper certificate


electronic registry of death certificates must be completed within........... after death

3 days

death certificates issued one year or more after death must be marked " .......


burial transit permits must be obtained no later than .......... after death

5 days

disinterment must have a permit or order from a ................

superior court judge

.............. is any instrument in writing whereby any person, firm, corporation or association, in consideration of the the payment of a specific sum of money or for any other valuable consideration, promises or agrees to embalm or inter or otherwise di

burial contract

a contract which requires the payment of money or the delivery of securities in exchange for the final disposition of a dead human body, including funeral, burial or other services or the furnishing of personal property or funeral merchandise in connectio

funeral service contract

monies must be deposited into an escrow account within ..... days of receipt


can a funeral service contract be cancelled prior to its performance


an irrevocable contract cannot exceed


Estates may avoid probate of will or letters pf administration if said estate is valued at ______ or less


true or false: a ________ is required stating decents did not receive aid or care from the state


probate order of payment claims #1

funeral expenses and expenses of settling estate

probate order of payment claims #2

debts due for last sickness

probate order of payment claims #3

all lawful taxes and debts due

Probate order of payment claims #4

all debts due any laborer or mechanic for personal wages w/in 3 months prior to death

probate order of payment claims #5

other preferred claims

probate order of payment claims #6

other debts in proportion to their respective amounts

anatomical gifts.
if owner cannot sign, can be signed by another plus _____________ in presence of donor and each other.

2 witnesses

True or False
if document of gift is on license, said license must be active and in good standing for gift to be valid

revovation, suspension, expiration or cancellation will not nullify gift.

a donor can amend or revoke a gift, not made by will only by:

1. a signed statement
2. delivery of signed statement to a specified donee to whom a document of gift has been delivered.

True or False:
a gift made by will can be revoked by
