Victorian Period Notes

Victorian Era was an era of

rapid change; struggled to define itself because of change and disunity

Charles Dickens novels depicted

the struggles of the working class

Railroads allowed people to be

mobile and increased awareness of the world

Photography allowed people to

gain proof of other cultures

Reform Bills of 1832 and 1867

male suffrage for the working class

What did women gain in 1870

right to own property

The era caused a lot of doubt about what and why?

religion because there were different ways to explain reality

Sigmund Freud began


Charles Darwin began

Evolution theory

Karl Marx began


Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach" expresses

disillusionment of falling away from faith

You could describe the United Kingdom during the Victorian Period as

wealthy and energetic, a mess, stuffy and rigid

Dramatic monologue

a poem in which a fictional or historical character speaks within a fictional or historical contex

Negative Capability

the ability to step outside one's own view to be comfortable with uncertainty and doubt, and to suspend powers of judgement to receive inspiration passively

Example of an Author who uses Negative Capability



end rhyme falls within the middle of a phrase, or sentence so that the rhyme doesn't call attention to itself

Who is the duke talking to in My Last Duchess

the matchmaker who represents the duke and his daughter

What brought a spot of joy to the former wife's face

the compliments of the painter

What is the complaint about the wife's heart

she is too easily impressed

What are some things she appreciated as much as the 900 year old name

cherries branches, sunsets, white mule

Why didn't the Duke confront his wife

He does not want to stoop and he doesn't believe he has the speech to tell her

What sort of woman is the former wife in My Last Duchess

She is happy but somewhat of an airhead

What does it mean when the duke gave commands and all smiles stopped

He killed his wife

What does the duke say about the dowry

The father of the new bride will give him a lot if he asks for a lot

How is the word "object" a pun in My Last Duchess

The daughter is a goal but also an object to be won

In what sense are the final 3 lines a warning in My Last Duchess

If he can't tame his new wife like Neptune tamed the seahorse he will kill her

How does My Last Duchess reflect Romanticism

polarization of aristocracy, valuing spontaneity, heart over head, elevation of the individual, covering real topics, sympathy to the lower class (wife is nice to the worker who brought her the cherry blossoms)

Critics say that Browning meant the reader to have ambivalent feelings towards the duke. In what sense is this true?

People respect the duke for his position but he is despicable

Where does the lady in Lady of Shalott live?

Shallot (and island that is beautiful and isolated)

How much contact does the Lady of Shalott have with people

none; people have heard of her but never seen her

Why can't the lady look down at Camelot

There's a curse (that was whispered to her) and if she looks on Camelot she will die

What is the Lady working on continuously

weaving the reflection in the mirror

What does the lady of Shalott realize she doesn't have

someone to love her

What imagery describes Lancelot

he is a fireball (meteor)

What two odd things happen when the lady turns to face Camelot

The mirror cracks and her art becomes untangled in the air

What does the lady do at the boat before lying down in it

She writes her name on the side of the boat

What are the reactions of the people who see the lady flow into town


What does Lancelot think when he sees the Lady of Shalott

She is pretty; he gives little thought and moves on

Is there a lesson to this poem

No its a pointless poem (sad and beautiful) and negative capability

3 Distinct ways we judge literature according to Kant

1. the pleasurable (entertainment value)
2. the good (the message/lesson)
3. the aesthetic (the beauty)

Aesthetic Movement believed

Literature can just be beautiful and not have a meaning

What was the light on the French Coast


What does the speaker in Dover Beach hear outside the window

the sound of the ocean waves, and pebbles being thrown

What emotion does the speaker feel as he hears the ocean waves and pebbles


What does the ocean waves and pebbles remind Sophocles of

human misery

What happened to the Sea of Faith

the sea is no longer surrounding the earth;s shore but is retreating and showing the ocean floor

What is the speaker saying about Christianity through the retreating sea

Christianity is no longer as assertive and there are less believers

What does the speaker in Dover Beach as the girl about their relatinship

to be true to one another

As the speaker in Dover Beach looks out the window what does the world seen like it is a land of

land of dreams

List 6 things that the world no longer has

joy, love, light, certitude (certainity), peace, help for pain

The speaker in Dover Beach compares the world's situation without Christianity to a plain at night. What is happening to the plain

It is in a state of panic because there is fighting everywhere

How is the world without Christianity like a battlefield at night

There is no authority so it is like fighting in the dark with everything and everyone

What 3 kenning are used in Hurrahing in Harvest to describe the clouds

silk-sack, win-walks, meal-drift

When to poet lifts up his eyes and heart to see the lovely day what does he glean

He gleans Jesus

What does the poet ask his eyes and heart

Have you ever seen a better greeting of love than the one God gives (apostrophe)

What is the landscape in Hurrahing in Harvest waiting for


When the poet's heart grows wings and hurls the earth out from under him what is he saying about his feeling

He feels so much love from God his his blown backwards by God's glory

What are all the things in the first stanza of pied beauty

they are dappled

What are two sound devices in pied beauty

Alliteration: gloried be to God
Rhyme: things, wings, cow, plow

What uniquely Anglo-Saxon device is in pied beauty

kennings: rose-moles, chestnut-falls

What does the poet in pied beauty mean by "whose beauty is past change

God is never changing but he creates a ever changing beauty

What is Hopkins celebreating in Pied beauty and who is he giving credit to

He is celebrating the oddly beautiful things in life and he is giving credit to God

What force does "charged" is "flamed out

Electrical force, it is exploding and expanding God's creation

What has blighted God's creation

Man has destroyed God's creation. We trade on God's world

Why can't man feel what they have done to the earth

They are wearing shoes

What are some of the deep down things in God's Grandeur

Seeds, bulbs

In the final metaphor of God's Grandeur what is the Holy Spirit doing

The earth is like a egg and the Holy Spirit is protecting it like a mother bird

Who wrote My Last Duchess

Robert Browning

Who wrote Lady Shalott

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Who wrote Dover Beach

Matthew Arnold

Who wrote Hurrahing in Harvest

Gerald Manley Hopkins

Who wrote Pied Beauty

Gerald Manley Hopkins

Who wrote God's Grandeur

Gerald Manley Hopkins