Azure CLI

Login with web

az login

Login in CLI

az login -u

List accounts

az account list

Set Subscription

az account set --subscription "xxx

List all locations

az account list-locations

List all resource groups

az resource list

Get what version of CLI you have

azure --version

Get help

azure help

Get all availible VM sizes

az vm list-sizes --location eastus

Get all availible VM images for Windows/Linux

az vm image list --output table

Create a Linux VM

az vm create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM --image ubuntults

Create a windows VM

az vm create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM --image win2016datacenter

Create resource group

az group create --name myresroucegroup --location eastus

Create a storage account

az storage account create -g myresourcegroup -n mystorageaccount -l eastus --sku Standard_LRS

Delete resource group

az group delete --name myResourceGroup

List your VMs

az vm list

Start a VM

az vm start --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM

Stop a VM

az vm stop --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM

Deallocate a VM

az vm deallocate

Restart a VM

az vm resart

Redeploy a VM

az vm redeploy

Delete a VM

az vm delete

Create an image of a VM

az image create

Create a VM from image

az vm create

List VM extensions

az vm extension list

Create a batch account

az bath account create

Create a new Linux pool with VM config

az batch pool create --id mypool-linux --vm-size Standard_A1 --image canonical:ubuntuserver:16.04.0-LTS --node-agent-sku-id "batch.node.ubuntu 16.04

Create Azure Container Service Cluster

az acs create --generate-ssh-keys

Scale using ACS (Azure Container Service)

az acs scale