Baylor ENV Lab 1101 Final

Plants that are rooted on the bottom of the lake but that have stems and leaves rising above the surface are known as


The main reason Louisiana is losing much of its coastal wetlands is due to


An area of the wetlands that provides cover from predators is called

The edge zone

This term means that water is not moving at high speeds through the wetlands


As water warms up, the oxygen holding capacity of water


The Lake Waco Wetlands are considered a

Constructed wetlands

This organization is placed in charge of making sure wetlands are not unnecessarily lost

Army Corps of Engineers

Plants that grow largely underwater are known as


Texas has lost ______ of its wetlands since the 1600's.


Dissolved oxygen is reported in

Parts per million and milligrams per Liter

Appliances that are more efficient are rated as

Energy Star

If a television watched one hour per day uses 100 watts while in use and 10 watts while idle, how many kilowatts are used in one year?


The United States is self sufficient in enegy production


The factor that does NOT affect the cost of enetrgy is

Ocean currents

According to which of these vehicles has the worst estimated EPA mileage

Toyota Tacoma

According to which of these vehicles has the best estimated gas mileage

Honda Fit

If I drive a Prius that gets 54 miles per galon on the highway and 35 miles per gallon in the city and I drive 500 miles per month on the highway and 200 miles per month in the city, how much do I spend on gasoline each year if it cost $3.00 per gallon?


As the cost of gasoline goes up

Americans buy more fuel efficient vehicles

A major source of heat and cooling loss in your home or school is

Windows and Doors

If a printer uses 10 watts while it is idle, how many hours does it take to consume a kilowatt hour?


Acid added to rainfall from industry and automobiles consist of

Nitric acid and Sulfuric acid

The sample in an experiment that is unmodified is called the


A solution is acidic if the pH is below


The toxicity of some elements increases as pH


A _______ is a number utilized to define a condition or state.


The type of aquatic plant we used in this exercise was


Buffered lakes are more


Naturally occurring carbonic acid is known to be

Mildly Acidic

According to our procedure, the number assigned to a helaty green plant was


Replication means

completing the experiment more than one time

Which is typically louder

Jet taking off

Time of day makes no difference in the sound meter reading you would obtain on campus


We measure the intensity of sound in


Exposure to sound can affgest the human condition by

Hypertension, Hearing loss and Disturbed sleep

Sound begins to become painful when it reaches the level of


Sounds at this level for as little as a minute can cause damage to your hearing


The lowest level that a human can hear is


The level of sound at a typical rock concert would measure approximately


Hearing damage caused by one exposure is called


Being exposed to repeated lod noises over a long period of time is considered


A high reading with the turbidity tube means the water has very few suspended materials


The Lake Waco wetlands is a ______________ wetlands


Excessive nutrients in our water systems lead to algal blooms which result in _______conditions


We can indirectly measure turbidity with the use of a

Sechi Disk

Wetlands help improve the quality of our water as they remove

Nitrogen and Phosphorus

When measuring turbidty from a bridge far above the water, it is necessary to use the tube rather than the disk


The quantity and quality of available water becomes more important as ______________ increases

Human Population

Turbidity readings may differ based on

Eye sight, Cloud cover and Time of day

__________ is the measurement of the amount of suspended material in water.


If the water is too shallow to use the standard turbidity measuring device, we may use a

Turbidity Tube