EVR 1001 Chapter 15

Of the five countries shown, ________ have essentially no domestic oil production.

Japan and Germany

The country with the greatest differential between domestic production and total consumption is ____________.

the United States

The world's most abundant fossil fuel is _________.


All of the following are fossil fuels except __________.


For the United States, the primary fuel that we use for our energy is _____________.


Coal continues to be the main fuel used to generate electricity in the United States. This is partially because ___________.

the country has such large reserves of coal

U.S. oil production ____________.

falls far short if U.S. oil consumption

The United States and other industrialized nations devote the greatest production of their oil use to _________.


When assessing energy resources, it is helpful to use a measure called EROI, which is __________.

energy returned divided by energy invested

The process off ________ turns crude oil into the type of gases that can be used for cooking, in cars and other human purposes.


What is bitumen?

a thick type of petrolem formed in clay and sand

Plant-based organic matter that is compressed under high pressure to form solid carbon structures is known as ___________.


Which fossil fuel is produced as a by-product that occurs when bacteria decompose organic material under anaerobic conditions.


When did the use of coal for cooking, heat, and other purposes begin?

thousands of years ago, by Native Americans (and other ancient cultures)

1. Used primarily in the United States for electricity generation:


2. Remains of ancient organisms, modified underground for long periods by temperature and pressure:

coal, oil, and natural gas

3. The worlds most abundant fossil fuel:


4. A mixture of hundreds or thousands of different hydrocarbon molecules:


5. Primary fuel used in the United States for space and water heating

natural gas

6. Created very slowly and considered nonrenewable at current extraction rates:

coal, oil, and natural gas

7. Used primarily in the United States as a source of vehicle fuels


8. Produces the least carbon dioxide per unit energy when combusted:

natural gas

Secondary extraction of petroleum __________.

uses solvents, water, or steam

Natural gas is ________.

often associated with coal and petroleum deposits

Why are we so eager to find clean coal technologies?

because coal is the most abundant of the fossil Fues in the United States

What occurs when coal mining exposes rock surfaces two weathering?

acid drainage

Where does the United States keep an emergency stockpile of oil?


Which of the following countries exports the most oil to the United States?


How does the burning of coal contribute to acid rain?

Burning coal releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides

Scientists currently assessing the environmental impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico report that _________.

it may take years or decades before the full impacts are known

Of the available policy options regarding eventful conversion to renewable energy sources, environmentalists would probably prefer that ______________.

we encourage, with subsidies, tax rebates, and grants, the rapid development and widespread use of renewable alternative energy resources

Energy conservation in the United States ______________.

can be improved as individual make conscious choices to reduce personal consumption

Energy can be conserved by ____________.

cogeneration in power plants, fuel efficient transportation, reengineered appliances.

The energy bill passed by the U.S. congress in 2007 _____________.

raised the CAFE standard to 35mpg for vehicles by the year 2020.

The average miles per gallon rating of the U.S. vehicle has _____________.

made no improvement the past two decades

Organizations like OPEC have formed ___________.

in order to take maximum advantage of developed nations dependance on imported oil

Carbon sequestration __________.

is an unproven technology only begun in 2008.

Which of the following characterized U.S. nuclear power plants?

highly subsidized

All of the following are advantages of nuclear power except _____________.

safe disposal of nuclear wastes

The heavy levels of soot from the electrical plant upwind of Soweto, along with dust from gigantic mine dumps from gold and coal mines, created particulate pollution more than three times the recommended level. This resulted in ________.

increased incidence of lung disease

Along with many other governmental reforms that began in 1994, the electrical plant just outside Soweto was closed in 2000 and other plants were brought into use. Some parts of Soweto were then wired for electricity. It is estimated, however, that only ab

wood and coal

What is energy intensity?

the energy use per dollar by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Which of the following elements is the starting material for nuclear fission reactions?


What disabled the emergency power generators at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan and led to the reactor meltdowns?

a tsunami