Oral and Maxillofacial surgery

What is the medical term crainiosynostosis mean?

Premature closure of the sutures of the skull

What is an example of a synthetic graft material?


What surgical specialty focuses on the reconstruction and repairs of the facial bones and may include structures of the oral cavity?


What is the name of the transverse fracture of the maxilla?

Le Fort 1

What is the action of epinephrine?


What instruments are used to perform a closed reduction of the zygomatic bone?

Van buren sound, kelly hemostat,zygomatic hook

What is the most common type of midfacial fracture?

Le Fort 1

What does the term malocclusion refer to?

Teeth that are not properly aligned

Another name for cheek bone?

Malar bone or zygomatic

What soze plates are recommended for mandibular fractures?


Why is nasal intubation preferred when application of arch bars are anticipated?

Provide acess to the oral cavity

What type of inhalation system is used for the administration of inhalation anesthetics that is used to reduce the risk of fire during maxillofacial procedures?

Closed system

The face is divided into three regions what are they? What bones are found in these regions

Upper face-frontal bone
Midface-ethmoid, nasal, zymoma, and maxillary bones
Lower face- mandible

What type of screw is used when it penetrates both cortical layers and the intervening spongy layer of the bone?


Each orbit is comprised of how many craniofacial bones?

7 bones

What are facial fractures prepped with? What area is prepped?

Betadine-entire face from hairline to sternal notch

Lower jaw bone is called?


Before a frontal sinus fracture is repaired the sinus mucosa must be removed and the duct is occluded. Often the sinus is filled with what?

Fat graft

The skull is comprised of how many bones?


What does the term orbicular mean?


What is the name of the incision made at a patients hairline and can be bilaterally extended?

Coronal incision

What bones form the bridge of the nose and articulate with the ethmoid and maxilla?

Nasal bone

What are placed or implanted to realign debition of the mandible and midface?

Arch bars

What implant is placed beneath the peristeum directly on the alveolar bone?


Anterior portion of the palate is called?

Anterior-hard palate

The posterior portion of the palate is called?

Posterior -soft palate

Bone healing is expected to be with how many weeks?

4-6 weeks

What facial fracture involves the complete separation of the midface from the cranial base?

Le Fort 2

Who is responsible for keeping track of all plates and screws used for documentation on the patients records?

Surgical tech scrub

One of the fundamental goals of any maxillomandibular procedure is to preserve the patients _______________ between the mandible, maxilla, and midface.

Unique bite pattern

What is Le Fort 1 fracture?

Alveolar process of the maxilla is horizontally separated from the base of the skull

Enophthalmos means ________________

Sagging of the eye

What stricture attaches the tounge to the floor of the buccal cavity?

Lingual frenulum

Define dental carie and what causes it

Dental caries-cavity and is caused by low pH in the oral cavity

What item is always transported with the patient to the pacu following the application of arch bars?

Scissors or wire cutter

Deciduous refers to?

Primary teeth

What Le Fort fracture is the fracture of the maxilla that causes the hard palate and alceolar process to become separated from the remainder of the maxilla?

Le Fort 1

What facial muscle draws the scalp backwards?


What is the name of the 7th CN?

Facial nerve

What type of incision is used for the repair of a frontal fractire of the face?

Coronal incision

Which diagnostic imaging method provides images of bony defects?

CT scan

What is the name of the synovial joint formed at the bicondylar junction of the mandible and the temporal bone?

Temporomansibular joint

What is primary used for repairing facial fractures?

Plates and screws

The trigeminal nerve is CN?


What classification of wounds would be used for oral procedures?

Class 2

What type of surgical procedures are performed primarily by oral-maxillofacial, plastic, or otorhinolaryngology surgeons?

Maxillofacial procedures

A craniotome with a perforator attached is used to make a bur hole in the skull

Create a burr hole

The hypoglossal nerve is CN number?


Midface advancement is performed to correct a bony deformity of what bone?


What is a congenital defect resulting in a small lower jaw bone ?

Mandibular micrognathia

Which Le Fort fracture is referred to as a pyramidal fracture

Le Fort 2

Endoscopic viewing of a joint is called?


Only movable bone of the face is the?


What is the resection of the soft tissue and excision of the bone surrounding the tooth prior to removal called?


Deformity involving an Abnormally small jaw is known as?


Define dentition

The number, type and pattern of the teeth

What is the name of the crescent shaped cartilage found in the knee and TMJ?


What facial muscle allows for the closure of the mouth and protrusion of the chin?

Masseter muscle

What is used to fix arch bars into position?


What bones are found in the skull but not the cranium


Standard______ dictated that the wire on the arch bars be tightened in _____fashion?

Protocol;tightened in clockwise fashion

What type of muscle is contained in the tongue and gives the tongue ability to change shape?


What is the name of the portion of the jaw that surrounds and supports the tooth?

Alveolar process

What can be used to treat an intranets all dura tear

Cover with fat, fascia or muscle graft

When using a corneal shield and antibiotic ointment the patient will experience what immediately following the procedure?

Blurred vision

What is the name of the facial muscle that surrounds the mouth and closes the lips

Obicularis oris muscle

What condition is characterized by persistent pain and is usually associated with stress?

TMJ disease

What is the source of an auto genius graft?


Long term physiological effects from injury or congenital anomalies can affect what for the patient?

Speech, mastication and development of teeth

Complications of what facture can include extrusion of the globe into the nasal sinus and entrapment of the eye muscles

Orbital floor fracture

What is another name for the application of arch bars

Maxillomandibular fixation

Decay of the tooth enamel is called what

Dental caries

Which facial muscle wise over the neck in reaches up to the chin and edges of the mouth

Platysma muscle

What le fort fractured does the patients suffer from a separation of all facial bones

Le Fort 3

What bone contains foramen magnum?


What is the name of the band that contributes to the posterior and inferior portions of the nasal septum


The purpose of the arch bar application is to stabilize what bones

Maxillary bones

What is the name of the largest and strongest facial bone


Procedures performed on my teeth are primarily performed by what type of surgeon

Oral Maxillofacial surgeon

What position is the patient placed into obtain a radiographic Waters' view

Upright with head hyperextended

What is the space between the lips and the teeth called


Why are CT scans east for complex facial fractures and reconstruction procedures

Because of extensive swelling

Which facial bone contains the lower teeth?


What bone is the smallest facial bone?

Lacrimal bone

What is another name for the malar bone?

Zygomatic bone