RDA Review Exam 1

How many teeth are in the primary dentition


True or False? During the mixed dentition period, children have both primary and permanent teeth?


How many succedaneous teeth are there?


The permanent dentition period begins at about 12 years of age when..?

The last primary tooth is lost

The human mouth is divided into two sections or arches called the?

Maxillary Mandibular

The mouth can be divided into four sections called:


The anterior teeth include:

Incisors Canines

The four types of teeth are:

Incisors canines premolars molars

what teeth are the longest teeth in the human dentition and are used for cutting and tearing?


what teeth are used for chewing and grinding food?

molars premolars

every tooth in the mouth has five surfaces, which are called the:

mesial distal facial lingual masticatory (occlusal or incisal)

the general principle concerning the countours of the teeth is true for all teeth: The crown of the tooth _________ toward the cervical line.


the area where the mesial or distal surfaces of the tooth touch the adjacent tooth in the arch is the:

Contact area

the relationship between the maxillary and mandibular teeth when the jaws are in a fully closed position is:


The jaw position that produces maximal stable contact between the occluding surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular teeth is:

centric occlusion

The key to angle's classification system for occlusion and maloclussion is:

The permanent maxillary first molars

which tooth-numbering system is used most often in the US?

Universal numbering system

The permanent teeth are ____________ in the Universal numbering system?

numbered 1 to 32

True or False? The ISO/FDI numbering system uses at two-digit numbering system based on quadrants.


True or False? The Palmer notation system (PNS) is based on quadrants using tooth brackets and letters for the permanent dentition.


The general categories of communication are:

Verbal and nonverbal

Why is voice quality important for a dental assistant?
A. It makes up more than one-third of the impact of the total message.
B. It is important to cultivate a pleasant voice tone.
C. It is important to keep your voice calm so that you do not scare patien


Factors that influence the patient's reactions in the dental office can include:
A. Previous dental experiences.
B. Anxiety and fear of pain.
C. Attitudes and beliefs
D. All of the above.


True or False? Having a Dental Hygienist is necessary to ensure that the dental team meets the patient's restorative needs.


Participating in health fairs, and making presentations to school children, and working with senior citizens on dental care are examples of what kind of marketing?

External marketing

True or false? Taking patients out to eat is an example of internal marketing?


The central key to a successful work environment in the dental office is:


Causes of stress in the dental office include:
A. Appointment overbooking
B. Lack of good communication
C. Multiple tasks that need to be done simultaneously.
D. All of the above.


place the following in the correct order of the five steps of dealing with problems in the office:
2 - Select a solution to try
1 - Evaluate
4 - Voice the problem
5 - Eliminate the solutions you know won't work
3 - List possible solutions


The classifications of patient care items include what?


What is the process that kills microorganisms, including bacterial spores?


When performing instrument processing, the dental assistant must wear what?


While transporting and processing contaminated patient care items, the dental assistant can be exposed to microorganisms through:
A. Contaminated instruments
B. Percutaneous injury
C. Contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, or mouth.
D. All o


The ideal instrument area should be dedicated only to:

instrument processing

These are areas of the instrument processing area that govern the workflow pattern. The processing should flow in a single loop from:

Dirty to clean to sterile to storage

what is the purpose of a holding solution?

to prevent the drying of blood and debris on instruments

The least desirable method of pre-cleaning dental instruments is:

hand scrubbing

the ultra-sonic cleaner cleans dirty instruments using sound waves, which cause what?

Cavitations and implosion

Holding solution and ultrasonic cleaning units should:
A. have lids
B. Be labeled with a chemical label
C. Be labeled with a biohazard label
D. All of the above


The ultrasonic cleaner should be cleaned and disinfected how often?

At least once a day

After instruments have been through the cleaning cycle of the ultrasonic cleaner, they should be:

rinsed with clear water

Why are the instruments bagged before sterilization?
A. To protect them from becoming contaminated after sterilization.
B. To allow them to be grouped into special set-ups by procedure.
C. To keep them from rusting.
D. Both A and B


A method of sterilizing unwrapped patient care items for immediate use is:

Flash sterilization

Sterilization monitoring may be accomplished using which process?
A. Physical monitoring
B. Chemical monitoring
C. Biologic monitoring
D. All of the above.


Process indicators that change color are useful for:
A. Monitoring sterilization
B. Identifying instrument packs that have been exposed to a certain temperature.
C. Determining whether a instrument package has been processed.
D. B and C


The best way to determine the sterilization has actually occurred is to use:

Biologic monitors

which of the following are among the most common methods of heat sterilization used in the dental office?
A. Steam sterilization
B. Chemical vapor sterilization
C. Dry-heat sterilization
D. All of the above


Manufactures of sterilizers (Autoclaves) set them to reach a maximum steam temperature of __________ degrees Fahrenheit and pressure of __________ pounds per square inch (psi)

250 and 15 to 30

What are the 3 autoclave cycles:

Heat up, sterilization, depressurization

The advantages of using chemical vapor sterilization include which of the following?
A. It does not rust, dull or corrode dry metal instruments.
B. It requires a short cycle of time.
C. Instruments are dry after the cycle.
D. All of the above


Instruments must be absolutely dry or they will not rust when using which type of sterilization process?

Chemical Vapor

Which type of sterilization used in the dental office requires the highest temperature?

Dry heat sterilization

What can cause the sterilization process to fail?
A. Improper instrument cleaning
B. Improper packaging
C. Sterilizer malfunction
D. All of the above


Chemical liquid sterilization requires at least ______ of contact time for sterilization to occur.

10 hours

recommended methods for sterilizing dental handpeices include which of the following?
A. Chemical liquid sterilization
B. Steam sterilization
C. Chemical vapor sterilization
D. both B and C


The rectangular area between the two ridges running under the nose to the midline of the upper lip is the?


What part of the mandible forms the chin?

Mental protuberance

The angle at the corner of the mouth is called the:

Labial commissure

What is the space between the teeth and the inner mucosal lining of the lips and cheeks?


What is the white ridge of raised tissue on the buccal mucosa that extends horizontally at the level where the maxillary and mandibular teeth come together?

Linea alba

A _________ is a narrow band of tissue that connects two structures.


The _________ frenum passes from the floor of the mouth to the midline of the ventral border of the tongue.


True or False? The masticatory mucosa that covers the alveolar process and surrounds the necks of the teeth is the gingiva?


Normal gingival tissue has which of the following characteristics?
A. Surrounds the tooth in collar-like fashion
B. Self-cleansing
C. Firm, resistant, tightly adapted to tooth and bone
D. All of the above


What type of gingiva forms the soft wall of the gingival sulcus?
A. Unattached
B. Free
C. Marginal
D. All of the above


What is the pear-shaped pad of tissue located behind the maxillary central incisors?

Incisive papilla

The U-shaped projection of tissue at the posterior area of the soft palate is the?


Which of the following is a function of the tongue?
A. Positioning food while eating
B. Tasting and tactile sensations
C. Cleansing the oral cavity
D. All of the above


Where are the taste buds located?
A. on the fungiform papillae
B. on the filiform papillae
C. In the trough of the vallate papillae
D. Both a and c


What provides the sense of touch of the tongue?

Filiform papillae

The human skull is divided into what two sections?

Cranium and face

The eight bones that cover and protect the brain are collectively called what?


The cranial bones include:
A. frontal and sphenoid bones
B. Ethmoid and occipital bones
C. Paired parietal and temporal bones
D. All of the above


What forms the prominence of the cheek?

Zygomatic bones

What forms the upper jaw?


What is the strongest, longest, and only movable bone of the face?


What is the second phase in mouth opening and movement of the temporomandibular joint?


The TMJ is made up of what bony parts?
A. Glenoid fossa
B. Articular eminence
C. Condyloid process
D. All of the above


symptoms of TMD can include:
A. Pain
B. joint sounds
C. Limitations of movement
D. All of the above


Which of the cervical muscles can be palpated in the neck?
A. Trapezius
B. Masseter
C. Sternocleidomastoid
D. both A and C


Which group of muscles work with the TMJ to make all the movements of the mandible possible?

Muscles of mastication

What salivary glands are located just below and in front of each ear?


Which artery supplies the major blood supply for the face and mouth?

External carotid

Which artery supplies blood to the mandibular teeth?

Inferior alveolar artery

How many pairs of cranial nerves are all connected to the brain?


Which nerve is the primary source of innervation for the oral cavity?


Which nerve innervates the maxillary central, lateral, and canine teeth?

Anterior superior alveolar

The lymph node sites of the body include which of the following?
A. Inguinal
B. Axillary
C. Cervical
D. All of the above


The functions of the paranasal sinuses include:
A. Producing mucus
B. Making the bones of the skull lighter
C. Providing resonance to help produce sound
D. All of the above


The only bone in the human body that does not articulate with another bone is the:


Which environmental surfaces must be cleaned and decontaminated more rigorously?

Clinical contact surfaces

The current infection-control guidelines of the office safety and asepsis procedures research foundation (OSAP) recommend that clinical surfaces be classified and maintained under the categories of:
A. Splash, spatter, and droplet
B. Touch
C. Transfer


The method of dealing with surface contamination is:
A. Using a surface barrier to prevent the surface from becoming contaminated
B. Precleaning and disinfecting the surface between patients
C. Wiping the surface with alcohol
D. A and B


True or false? All of the following may be used as a surface barrier material:
A plastic bag, Plastic wrap, Sticky tape


The purpose of precleaning a surface is:
A. To reduce the number of microbes
B. To remove blood, saliva, and other body fluids
C. A and B
D. None of the above; precleaning is not necessary if your are disinfecting the surface


Precleaning can be accomplished by using:
A. a disinfectant that cleans as well as disinfects
B. Regular soap and water
C. Alcohol and gauze
D. both A and B


Chemicals that destroy or inactivate most species of pathogenic microorganisms on inanimate surfaces are called what?


Disinfectants used in dentistry must:
A. Be registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
B. Be registered as hospital disinfectants with tuberculocidal claims
C. Kill all spores
D. both A and B


Which of the following may be used as a surface disinfectant in the dental office?
A. Iodophors
B. Ethyl Alcohol
C. Isopropyl Alcohol
D. Ammonia


True or False? The PPE that should be used when cleaning and disinfecting a dental treatment room includes all of the following: A mask, utility gloves, protective eyewear.


Precautions that should be followed when using glutaraldehyde include:
A. Avoiding the fumes
B. Always rinsing instruments thoroughly before using them on patients
C. Wearing PPE to protect the eyes, skin, and lungs
D. All of the above


What is the high-level disinfectant with very little odor that does not require activation or mixing is:
A. Chlorine dioxide
B. Glutaraldehyde
C. Ortho-phthalaldehyed )OPA)
D. Sodium hypochlorite


The CDC recommendations for environmental infection control concerning clinical contact surfaces suggest:
A. Using surface barriers to protect clinical contact surfaces
B. Using bariers on difficult-to clean surfaces
C. Changing barriers between patients


The chain of infection consists of four parts including:
A. Virulence and number of microrganisms
B. Susceptible host and bacterial strength
C. Portal of entry and susceptible host
D A and C


The strength of an organism is its ability to produce disease is:


An infection that is short in duration is:


A disease that can be transmitted in some way form one host to another is:
A. An infectious disease
B. A communicable disease
C. A contagious disease
D. All of the above


Transmission of a disease to a susceptible person by handling contaminated instruments by touching contaminated surfaces is a form of:

Indirect transmission

Another name for airborne transmission is:

Droplet infection

Pathogens that are carried in the blood and body fluids of infected individuals and that can be transmitted to others are referred to as:


It is _____________ that allows the body to resist disease and prevent foreign bodies from causing infection.


When immunity is present at birth, it is called:

Inherited Immunity

In the dental office, disease transmission can occur in a variety of ways, including:
A. patient to dental team
B. dental office to community
C. patient to patient
D. All of the above


The most common route of disease transmission in the dental office is through:
A. Droplet infection
B. direct contact with the patients blood or saliva
C. indirect contact with surfaces
D. not wearing PPE


The regulatory agency whose role is to issue specific standards to protect the health of employees in the US is:


The guidelines for infection control in dental health-care settings-2003, which is now the standard of care, was released by what agency?


The law designed to protect employees against occupational exposure to bloodborne disease-causing organisms such as HBV, HIV, and HCV is:

OSHA's bloodborne pathogens standard

The written exposure control plan that describes how the dental office complies with the bloodborne pathogens standard must be reviewed and updated how often?


The CDC term standard precautions applies to contact with:
A. Blood
B. Non-intact skin
C. All body fluids, secretions, and excretions
D. All of the above


The OSHA bloodborne pathogens (BBP) standard has how many categories of occupational exposure for employees working in the dental office?


The steps of first aid after an exposure incident include:
A. Applying antiseptic to the area infected
B. Making the area bleed
C. Washing your hands with antimicrobial soap
D. All of the above


True or false? The CDC recommends a routing booster of the HBV vaccine.


Dental personnel should wash their hands:
A. before putting on gloves
B. after removing gloves
C. when contaminated objects are touched with bare hands
D. All of the above


True or False? Alcohol-based hand rubs are more effective at reducing microbial flora than plain soap or antimicrobial handwashes.


Which of the following is considered personal protective equipment that the employer should provide free of charge to the employee?
A. disposable patient treatment gloves
B. shoes
C. TB skin test
D. all of the above


The bloodborne pathogen standard states that contaminated protective clothing:
A. may be taken home and laundered
B. can be laundered in the dental office
C. can be picked up by a laundry service.
D. both B and C


The correct order of removing PPE is to first remove the what?


protective eyewear worn during dental treatment includes:
A. glasses with protective side shields
B. Chin length face shields
C. eyewear for the patient
D. all of the above


Exam gloves used during dental treatment can be made of:
A. latex
B. vinyl
C. clear plastic
D. both A and B


The most serious type of latex allergy, one that can even result in death, is called:
A. Type I allergic reaction (anaphylactic)
B. Type II allergic reaction
C. Type IV sensitivity
D. Irritant dermatiits


The best time to clean and disinfect dental prostheses or impressions that will be handled in the in-office laboratory is:
A. after they have had time to dry
B. As soon as possible after removal from the patient's mouth
C. After they are in the laboratory


The CDC guidelines recommends that ________ not be worn at work because of the possiblilty of puncturing examination gloves and because of microorganisms that throve around the cuticles.
A. Rings
B. Fingernail polish
C. Artificial nails
D. All of the abov


How many systems does the human body have?


The appendicular skeleton includes which of the following?
A. Upper and lower extremities
B. Pelvic area
C. Shoulder area
D. All of the above


True or false? The periosteum is necessary for bone to be capable of repairing itself when injured.


The cells associated with bone formation are know as what?


The outer layer of hard, dense, and very strong bone is knows as what?

compact bone

The basic types of joints are:
A. Fibrous
B. Cartilaginous
C. Synovial
D. All of the above


What are the three types of muscles that make up the muscular system?


The more fixed attachment of the muscle that is toward the midline is referred to as the what?


which body system has the job of transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout the body?


arteries, veins, and capillaries are major types of what?

blood vessels

Lymph nodes are small, round, or oval structures that fight disease by producing antibodies, which are part of the immune system?


Which body system is the communications system of the body?


The primary center for regulating and coordinating body activities and functions is the what?


The body system that delivers oxygen to the cells and transports waste carbon dioxide out of the body is the what?


True or False? The steps of the digestive process are ingestion, digestion, movement, absorption, and elimination.


The stomach is part of what body system?


The endocrine system used chemical messengers called __________ that move through the bloodstream.


What important functions does the Integumentary system provide?
A. regulates body temperature
B. provides a barrier against bacteria from entering the body
C. Excretes liquids and salts
D. All of the above


Osteoporosis is an age-related disease of which body system?


Epilepsy is a disorder of which body system?


Tuberculosis is a disease associated with which body system?


Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of which body system


___________ is a disorder associated with the Integumentary system.
A. Renal failure
B. Heart attack
C. Migraine headaches
D. Acne


Toxic shock syndrome is a common disorder of which body system?

Female reproductive

Embryology is the study of what?

prenatal development

The study of the structure and function of the tissues on a microscopic level is:


What are the three stages of prenatal development?

preimplantation, embryonic, fetal periods

When are the first signs of tooth development found in the anterior mandibular region of the developing embryo?

when the embryo is 5 to 6 weeks old

Developmental disturbances can be caused by:
A. genetic factors
B. Environmental factors
C. A and B
D. None of the above


The process of laying down new bone is called ___________; it is accomplished by cells called ___________.

deposition, osteoblasts

What are the three primary periods of odontogenesis?

Growth, calcification, eruption

___________ are enamel-forming cells.


The movement of the teeth into their functional positions in the oral cavity is known as what?


The term ______________ is used for a permanent tooth that replaces a primary tooth.


The portion of the tooth that is covered with enamel is the?

anatomic crown

Every tooth is divided into the what?

crown and root

The tissues of the tooth include what?

enamel, dentin, cementum

_________ is the living tissue of the tooth made of blood vessels and nerves.


The functions of the pulp of the tooth include:
A. Transmitting pain stimuli
B. Supplying nutrients and moisture
C. Providing defense against bacteria invasion
D. All of the above.


Which tissues make up the periodontium?
A. cementum
B. alveolar bone
C. periodontal ligaments
D. All of the above


The extensions of the bone of the mandible and the maxilla that support the teeth in their functional positions in the jaws are called what?

alveolar processes

The embedded positions of the periodontal ligament fibers that connect the cementum of the tooth and the bone are called what?

sharpey's fibers

Which of these tissues make(s) up the oral mucosa?
A. lining mucosa
b. masticatory mucosa
c. specialized mucosa
d. all of the above


Tissue that covers the inside of the cheeks, vestibule, lips soft palate, and ventral surface of the tongue is called what?

lining mucosa

The tough, light pink, keratinized tissue that covers the hard palate and includes that attached gingiva is what?

masticatory mucosa

True or false? Lucy B. Hobbs Taylor was he first woman to graduate from a recognized dental college.


who is known as the "father of modern medicine"?


The Hippocratic oath is the basis for:
A. modern-day medical and dental law.
B. obligation to treat patients to the best of one's ability
C. The code of ethics for the medical and dental profession
D. both B and C


Who originated the title of "surgeon dentist" and dispelled the theory that tooth decay was caused by tooth worms?

Pierre fauchard

which early American dentist is credited with beginning the science of forensic dentistry?

paul revere

who is the "Grand old man of dentistry" ?

gv black

who was the physicist who discovered x-rays in 1895?
A. paul revere
B. Wilhelm Conrad roentgen
C. gv black
D. pierre fauchard


what important medical discovery did Horace wells make in 1844?

inhalation anesthesia

In some dental schools today, women represent almost _____% of dental students.


True or False? C. Edmund Kells was the first dentist to employee a dental assistant.


True or False? The commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association is responsible for Evaluating and accrediting dental education programs.


Where is the Dr. Samuel D. Harris National museum of dentistry located?


The scientific study of the shape and structure of the human body is:


The scientific study of how the body functions is:


The body standing erect with the feet together and arms hanging at the sides with the palms facing forward is:

anatomic position

The three imaginary lines used to divide the body into sections are called:


The vertical plane that divides the body into equal left and right halves is the:

sagittal plane

The basic units of structure of the human body are:


The nucleus of the cell contains the what?

Dna and rna

The four levels of organization in the human body arranged from smallest to largest are:

cell, tissue, organ, body system

The four main types of tissue found in the human body are:

nerve, connective, epithelial, muscle

The two major body cavities are the:

dorsal, ventral

The two reference regions of the body are the:

axial and appendicular

A horizontal plane divides the body into:

superior and inferior

It is important for the dental assistant to have a foundation in microbiology in order to:
A. Understand the nature of pathogens
B. Cure disease
C. Know how to prevent disease transmission in the dental office
D. both A and C


Microorganisms that produce disease in humans are known as:


How many major groups of microorganisms are there?


Bacteria can be identified by shape. Which of the following is a shape of bacteria?
A. Spherical (cocci)
B. Rod (bacilli)
C. Spiral (spirochetes)
D. All of the above


The variety of bacteria that require oxygen to grow are called:


The most resistant form of life known is:


A large group of one-cell organisms found in fresh water and marine habitats and moist soil are:


Oral Candidiasis is an opportunistic infection caused by:


What is the name of a new and separate class of disease-producing molecules that convert normal protein molecules into dangerous ones?


currently all prion diseases found in human effect the what?


what type of microorganism can live and multiply only inside an appropriate host cell?


A virus that prefers a particular cell type in order to replicate is said to have:


Antibiotics are ineffective in treating disease caused by:

viral infections

Viral diseases are transmitted by:
A. Insects
B. Blood transfusions
C. Contaminated food or water
D. All of the above


Which of the following viral diseases is (are) of concern in dentistry?
A. Hepatitis
C. Herpes
D. All of the above


SARS is a viral respiratory illness caused by a corona virus and spread by:
A. Droplets when a person coughs or sneezes
B. Close person-to-person contact
C. Both A and B
D. none of the above


Which infectious disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and is risk for healthcare workers?


Dental assistants should be immunized for:

Hepatitis b and tetanus

The benchmark for the effectiveness of a surface disinfectant is the "kill time" for:


The disease that breaks down the body's immune system and that is transmitted through bloodborne contact is:


The sexually transmitted disease that can be transmitted through contact with oral lesions is:

herpes simplex type 1

Professionalism is important:
A. when showing patience and compassion toward all patients.
B. in everything an assistant does in and out of the dental office.
C. when communicating with other dental team members
D. All of the above


The essential aspects of professional appearance are:
A. long fingernails, clean uniform, white shoes
B. good health, good grooming, appropriate dress
C. Appropriate dress, good hair cut, clean skin
D. scrubs, white shoes, safety glasses


Teamwork in the dental office is very important. The letters TEAM stand for:

together, everyone, accomplishes more

which of the following characteristics is (Are) essential in the professional dental assistant?
A. teamwork
B. good attitude
C. dedication, responsibility, and initiative
D. all of the above


What is a set of federal privacy laws for all healthcare providers to ensure patient privacy? Health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996.


True or False? A dental assistant should be a good listener.


The organization that represents the dental assisting profession is:


What agency issues the certified dental assistant (CDA) credential?


How does a dental assistant become certified s a CDA?

take and pass the DANB exam

which of the following may be delegated in some states as an expanded functions?
A. placing dental sealants
B. placing retraction cord
C. taking impressions
D. all of the above


what are the degrees awarded when a dentist graduates from a dental university?


the ADA recognizes how many dental specialties?


The dental team member who assesses the patient's oral health needs and who is legally responsible for the care of the patient is the:


which member of the dental team manages patient record, payroll, insurance billing, and financial arrangements?

business assistant

which type of technique do the dentist and the chairside assistant use when they work together?

four handed dentistry

the sterilization assistant is responsible for:
A. processing all instruments
B. managing biohazard waste
C. both A and B
D. vacuuming the carpets


what is required before a dental laboratory technician can perform a task?

a prescription from the dentist

personal ethics are learned from:
A. parents
B. teachers
C. religion
D. all of the above


ethics deal with:
A. legal issues
B. moral conduct
C. right and wrong
D. both B and C


the four basic principles of ethics for healthcare providers are:
A. autonomy,nonmleficence, beneficence, and truth.
B. regard for self-determination, doing no harm, promotion of well-being, and regard for justice.
C. autonomy, doing no harm, regard for j


The right to privacy, freedom of choice, and the acceptance of responsibility for one's actions are examples of which ethical principle?

regard for self determination

the dental specialty that involves the diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases, injuries, and defects in the oral and maxillofacial regions is:

oral and maxillofacial surgery

the dental specialty that involves the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of malocclusion is:


which dental specialty became the first new dental specialty in 36 years when it was granted recognition by the ADA in 1999?

oral and maxillofacial radiology

the law that deals with patient confidentiality is:


why is a written code of ethics established by the ADAA?
A. To guide its members in making informed ethical decisions
B. To make good legal decisions
C. To establish a standard for professional judgment and conduct
D. Both A and C


you know someone who lost his or her textbook, and you find it. By returning it to the owner, you are applying which principle of ethics?

principle of justice

what is involved in an ethical dilemma?

two ethical principles are in conflict

the steps for solving and ethical dilemma include:
A. identifying the alternatives
B. determining the professional implications
C. calling your attorney
D. A and B


True or False? Criminal law involves crimes against and individual.


the type of statutory law that seeks to punish the offender is:

civil law

not doing something that should have been done is an act of:


true or false? The purpose of a state dental practice act is to offer laws to protect the public from incompetent dental healthcare providers


who interprets and implements the state dental practice act regulations?

the state board of dentistry

what is the name of the doctrine in which the employer is responsible for any harm caused by the actions of the employee while he or she is carrying out the business?

respondeat superior (let the master answer)

the following are requirements of what level of supervision?
The dentist must examine the patient before delegating the procedure. The dentist must examine the procedure after it is completed. The dental assistant must be legally qualified.


True or False? A dental assistant who performs a function that is not delegated under the dental practice act of the state in which he or she practices is performing an illegal act, practicing dentistry without a license, and performing a criminal act.


True or False? The concept of duty of care or standard of care is A legal concept that provides general boundaries and the customary practice of reputable dentists who have similar training.


True or false? The duty of care owed by a dentist to a patient includes being licensed and using reasonable skill, care, and judgment.


____________ refers to discontinuation of care after treatment has begun, but before it has been completed and without giving the patient proper notice.


what are the four D's that must be present for a malpractice suit against a dentist to be successful?

duty, derelict, direct cause, damages

risk management includes which of the following major areas?
A. doing everything possible to maintain the highest standards of clinical excellence.
B. gaining informed consent
C. maintaining accurate and complete records
D. All of the above


true or false? the best defenses against a malpractice suit are prevention and good communication with the patient.


Informed consent involves:
A. face-to-face discussion between the dentist and the patient
B. benefits and alternatives of the treatment
C. the patient, the dentist, and a witness signing the form
D. all of the above


True or False? The patient record includes patient financial records, examination records, and radiographs.


true or false? when correcting a chart entry, a dental assistant must use white out or other correction fluid to cover up the old entry.


who owns the patients original dental records?

the dentist

True or False? In states that identify dental professionals as mandated reporters, dental assistants must report suspected child abuse if they observe signs of abuse or if they suspect abuse.


an agency that issues rules and regulations with which dental offices must comply is a ________________ agency.


True or False? The organization for safety and asepsis procedures (OSAP) is dentistry's resource for infection control and safety.


The leading federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people at home and abroad is the:


True or False? The guidelines for infection control in dental-health-care settings 2003 issued by the CDC are the laws for infection control procedures practiced in dentistry today.


The food and drug administration regulates the manufacturing and labeling of medical devices. In dentistry, what does the FDA not regulate?

xray equipment

The governmental regulatory agency that ensures the safety and effectiveness of disinfectants associated with dentistry is the:


the federal agency responsible for ensuring the safety and health of Americas workers and setting and enforcing protective standards that employers must follow is the:


True or False? OSHA standards related to dentistry include bloodborne pathogens standard and hazard communication standard.


the only federal institute responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related disease and injury is the:


any chemical that can cause either a physical or health hazard is:

a hazardous chemical

what are the three methods for chemical exposure?

inhalation, skin contact, ingestion

a victim who feels the effects of a chemical spill immediately, with symptoms of dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting, is experiencing what kind of chemical toxicity?


repeated exposures to chemicals at lower levels for extended periods of time can result in liver disease or brain disorders that would be examples of what kind of chemical toxicity?


wastes are classified as hazardous if they are:


_____________is considered regulated waste and requires special disposal.

human tissue

all waste containers that hold potentially infectious materials must be labeled with the _____________ symbol.


true or false? scrap dental amalgam should be collected and stored in a designated, dry, airtight container.


true or false? lead foil form the radiographic film should be recycled as scrap metal or recycled through Eastman Kodak.


which government agency enforces the disposal of regulated waste?


__________ is a type of "plaque" that develops inside DUWL's and consist of bacterial cells and other microbes that adhere to surfaces and form a protective slime layer.


factors that can contribute to the growth of biofilm in dental unit waterlines include which of the following?
A. water heaters in the dental unit.
B. Intermittent stagnation of the water inside the units
C. The maze of waterlines in the dental unit
D. Al


the level of bacterial contamination in waterlines can be reduced by:
A. chemical treatment regimens
B. self-contained water reservoirs
C. microfiltration
D. All of the above


True or false? the two advantages of self-contained water reservoirs include dental personnel can select the quality of water used and maintenance of the water system is under the control of the dental staff.


disposable in-line microfiltration cartridges should be replaced...


true or false? backflow can occur when the pressure in the patient's mouth is less than the pressure in the evacuator; therefore saliva ejectors should not be used.


the size, shape, color, and position of the _________ teeth directly relate to how a person looks.


the rounded enamel extensions on the incisal ridge of newly erupted central and lateral incisors are called:


the third molars and the _________ vary in form more than any other teeth in the mouth.

maxillary lateral incisors

the smallest teeth in the permanent dentition are the...

mandibular central incisors

what teeth are the longest in the permanent dentition and are known as the cornerstone of the dental arches?


a _______ is a pinpoint depression in the occlusal surface of a posterior tooth where two or more grooves meet.
