Airway Management


The physical act of moving air into and out of the lungs

intrinsic factors affecting ventilation

allergic reactions

extrinsic factors affecting ventilation

foreign body airway obstruction

external respiration

exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between alveoli and pulmonary capillaries

internal respiration

exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between circulatory system and cells

intrinsic factors affecting respiration

pulmonary edema

extrinsic factors affecting respiration

atmospheric pressure
partial pressure of oxygen

adult patient suctioning

no more than 15 seconds

child patient suctioning

no more than 10 seconds

infant patient suctioning

no more than 5 seconds

oropharyngeal airway indications

unresponsive patient with no gag reflex

oropharyngeal airway contraindications

conscious patients
any patient who has an intact gag reflex

nasopharyngeal airway indications

semi-conscious patient w an intact gag reflex
patients who wont tolerate oropharyngeal airway

nasopharyngeal airway contraindications

severe head injury with blood in the nose
history of a fractured nasal bone

oxygen toxicity

administer minimum amount necessary to maintain oxygen saturation at or above 94%

nonrebreather mask

high flow oxygen
make sure reservoir bag is full before placing it on the patient
remove mask when done

nasal cannulas

low flow oxygen

positive pressure ventilation

keeps airways open but decreases blood pumped by the heart
air forced into the stomach

passive ventilation

bring in ambient air
benefits patient receiving chest compressions

CPAP indications

patient is alert and able to follow commands
patient shows obvious symptoms of moderate to severe respiratory distress
patient is breathing rapidly
pulse ox is less than 90%

CPAP contraindications

patient is in respiratory arrest
S/S of pneumothorax or chest trauma
patient has a trach
active GI bleed or vomiting
patient unable to follow verbal commands